
Of course, before this operation, Zhou Ye had already parked his floating city above Suramar, and - Suramar itself also had a magic shield, so Zhou Ye was not worried about the safety of his woman ...

After nearly 200,000 night elf girls are rescued from the disaster area...

Zhou Ye also completed his action and returned to Azshara...

"Honey, are you alright!!" The first time Azshara saw Zhou Ye, she didn't ask what happened - but asked if her man was okay.

"Uh—I'm fine!!" Zhou Ye sighed, and said, "It's just—my battle with that guy affected the Well of Eternity—so the Well of Eternity exploded!!"

"That's not important, my dear... as long as you're okay, those don't matter!!" Azshara said, hugging her man tightly, and murmured: "You're okay...it's great .”

"...Uh..." Facing Azshara's affection...Zhou Ye felt a very deep sense of guilt. It seems... I didn't do it so authentically.

"That... I actually broke the continent..." After hesitating for a while, Zhou Ye thought it was better to tell the truth.

"It doesn't matter……"

"Actually, I just want to make the people happy!!"

"As long as you're happy, dear!!"

"Don't you hate me??" Zhou Ye was a little dumbfounded. "Or you can scold me a few words... After all, I gave the empire you built..."

"No, dear..." Azshara covered Zhou Ye's mouth, looked into her man's eyes, and said with a smile: "The empire is just my toy, only you are my eternity...so, There is no need to blame yourself, my dear... If you want, I can even destroy the empire I built with my own hands!!"

"..." In the face of such affectionate Queen Azshara, what else could Zhou Ye say? ? "Honey... Let's go on our honeymoon!!"

"Okay!!" Azshara doesn't care where she goes as long as she can be with her own man...

"What I'm saying is, let's go to another world, a world without magic...I want to take you to see the scenery of another world!!" Zhou Ye said, gently hugging Queen Azshara. "Take you to experience life in another world..."

"Hmm!!!" Queen Azshara nodded vigorously.

"Uh——by the way, I still have some things to do, I'll be done soon!!" Zhou Ye said, and his figure disappeared in place...

He will first send the Well of Eternity in his bracelet and the 200,000 night elf girls to the Void Fortress... There, these night elf girls will go through a series of training and become the flagship of his Void Emperor. crew...

However, maybe he can harvest another race... the void elf race, after all - the night elves will mutate if they stay in the void for a long time.

Zhou Ye finished these things in less than fifteen minutes.

Then—he returned to Azshara's side... "Let's go, dear..."

"Hmm - no other sisters??"

"It's just the two of us this time!!"

As the voice fell, the time of the entire world was completely frozen at this moment. Whether it was the life universe, the endless void, or the twisted void, the time at this moment was frozen...

The figures of Zhou Ye and Azshara also disappeared into this world.

Chapter 1706

Chapter 1706

"Where is this code??"

Zhou Ye stood in mid-air, with his right hand around Azshara, looking at the desolate continent in front of him with a dazed expression... dumbfounded.

"Is this the other world my dear you mentioned??" Azshara looked at the scene in front of her curiously...

Presented in front of the two...

It is a continent full of primitive features.

There are giant trees more than 100 meters high, forests like green seas, endless grasslands... There are also a group of people wearing animal skins - er, what the hell is that? ?

Zhou Ye couldn't help but look down...

In the grassland, there are hundreds of primitive people wearing animal skins and holding stone spears and hammers. They are carefully surrounding a group of five or six meters tall creatures that look like cows and pigs.

In the eyes of modern people, there are more than a hundred hideous and terrifying creatures...

At this moment, they are eating on the ground with their heads lowered.

Primitives outnumbered these monsters...

In Zhou Ye's view, those primitive people who used the cover of tall weeds to surround the monsters were definitely looking for death.

After all, those grass-eating monsters looked like heavy tanks. How could it be possible to kill these things with only those primitive people holding stone weapons? ?

However—a scene that surprised Zhou Ye appeared.

When those primitive people surrounded hundreds of monsters in an extremely loose formation... With a roar, I saw those primitive people holding stone knives and axes made all kinds of strange roars from their mouths, waving their crude monsters. weapons, rushed towards those monsters.

Naturally, those monsters refused to be caught without a fight and become someone else's meal.

They use the pair of huge horns on their heads and the fangs in their mouths to attack those primitive people.

The offensive was launched.

Relying on their incomparably huge size, they were even able to draw with those primitive people for a while...

Uh, no - why a tie? ?

Shouldn't the huge beasts have the absolute advantage? ?

How come those primitive people who seem to be about the same height as ordinary people... can even fight those giant beasts to a tie with the incomparably crude weapons in their hands? ?

Zhou Ye looked at the primitive people in front of him in astonishment, one by one, like a god of war possessed, holding his own stone hammer and axe, holding down the heads of those monsters and beating them violently...

What about those monsters? It's like being squeezed by mud, once held down by those primitive people, you can't get out of it at all...


People say that physical strength is not bad, this monster is fake, right? ? Bai Chang has such a big body...

Zhou Ye didn't know how to complain about the scene of disobedience in front of him...

Damn it, what kind of world is this? ?

"Honey?? Dear??" Queen Azshara shook her man's arm strangely... She didn't know why her man suddenly froze.

"Ah? Ah!! I'm fine..." Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hands... What kind of strange world is this?

While complaining in his heart, Zhou Ye continued to fly towards the distance with Queen Azshara...

Along the way, what I saw and heard...all belonged to primitive people.

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