Only Zhou Ye was out of luck...

He held the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other...Holding his hands high, he was afraid that the soup in the bowl would spill on Meng Qiniang's body...

But Zhou Ye didn't say anything, just let Meng Qiniang hug him tightly. He knew that this was a way for Meng Qiniang to vent her feelings... It wasn't until a long time later that Zhou Ye spoke softly. Said: "Okay, Qiniang... If you don't drink the soup, the soup will be cold and it won't taste good!!"

"I want you to feed me..."


Chapter 1733

Chapter 1733

There is no sun and moon in the underworld, and there are no four seasons in Huangquan...

In the blink of an eye--

Meng Qiniang didn't know how long she had been in charge of the eight hundred miles of Huangquan.

Fortunately, she is not the only one in Huangquan...

Not only her husband Yelang would often come here to look for her, even a group of sisters would often come here to look for her to enjoy the marvelous view of the eight hundred li mandala sea of ​​flowers.

There is no sun and moon in the underworld—but Huangquan, the channel connecting the world and the underworld, has night and day.

When the dim red sun rises in the east...

Meng Qiniang slowly opened her eyes... She knew that today is a windy day in Huangquan once every three hundred years, so... there will be no ghosts to disturb her purity.

However, even if a ghost came to report the reincarnation, she was unwilling to get up at this time... because-her Ye Lang stayed here last night, and it was a rare day that she could wake up in her husband's arms, she didn't want to say anything early riser...

Thinking of this, Meng Qiniang arched her back that she could get closer to her lover's body... Then, she closed her eyes...

The holiday once every three hundred years... Let her take a good rest.

And at this time——Zhou Ye had woken up a long time ago...but he didn't want to get up to disappoint, but tightened his arm holding Qiniang...I have to say that Meng Po's black jade snake demonized Shape, body soft and warm... It can be called a high-quality female middle school...

Zhou Ye is especially greedy for Qiniang's appearance, how should I put it... Qiniang easily reminds him of his days in the world of white snakes...

A white snake, a black snake, and a green snake... It seems that I am somewhat entangled with the snake...

Well, forget it...

As long as she is a beautiful woman, Zhou Ye likes it...whether she is a human or a demon?

Humans are not necessarily nobler than demons, and demons are not necessarily crueler than humans...

Whether it's a human or a demon, you can only look at it with one heart...

With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Ye wanted to close his eyes, embrace the warm Meng Qiniang and sleep back into the cage beautifully...

However, just when Zhou Ye was about to close his eyes, he suddenly opened his eyes again... He seemed to smell a human scent.

"It's really interesting that a stranger really took advantage of the strong wind in the Yellow Spring to enter the Yellow Spring..."

"What??" Zhou Ye muttered to himself, apparently waking Meng Qiniang awake... She couldn't help sitting up from the couch, ignoring the beauty of her past being exposed in her own eyes ... asked anxiously: "Then what should we do? Let him go back? Or..."

There has never been a precedent for such a thing, and Meng Qiniang didn't know what to do for a while...

"Don't worry... Qiniang." Zhou Ye lazily sat up from the couch, hugged Qiniang and laughed softly: "Beyond the Yellow Springs, the dangers are extremely dangerous... Unless someone has a heart, the hard-to-find entrance enters... Especially taking advantage of the once-in-three-hundred-year gale in Huangquan, when the yin and yang worlds can believe that he broke in by accident?"

"Then why did he come to this land of hell?" Meng Qiniang said hesitantly.

"Who knows... But, I guess—he definitely didn't bring you a gift!!" Zhou Ye said, stretching out his hand...

Qiniang took the opportunity to turn over and get on the bed, and helped her husband get the clothes from the hanger, and then... she just helped her husband put on the clothes without caring about his manners...

Qiniang didn't start to dress herself until she had dressed her husband properly...

As for Zhou Ye, he was determined to help...

Dressing up a beauty is also a kind of fun...

"I'm not talking about you... There are more than tens of thousands of evil spirits passing by your hands, and you don't know how to keep a few of them who are diligent and kind to serve you..." Zhou Ye said while helping Qiniang to dress: "Looking at you looking after the eight hundred miles of Huangquan alone, I feel uncomfortable..."

"I just don't want those idlers waiting to ruin Yelang's interest!!" Hearing the complaints from her husband, Qiniang couldn't help showing a smile and said: "Besides, my sisters often come here to see me together Playing, I don't feel lonely at all!!"

"You..." Zhou Ye sighed and said, "Don't think that I don't know what Wanjin said to you... Don't think so much, at most I won't attack the maid who serves you... Hurry up and find some A servant girl waits on you, and occasionally can chat with you to relieve boredom..."

"Then I'll just pick pretty girls to be my maids!!" Qiniang smiled coquettishly to tease her husband and said, "I see you can bear it, can't help it!!"

"..." Hearing Qiniang's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes... This girl did it on purpose... However, she doesn't want to look for it, maybe she can help her find it... Big deal, I will bring the master and servant together in the future Playing games on a also a good experience.

What? ?

Didn't you say Zhou Ye said

Won't you attack Qiniang's maid? ?

Cough—in this case—the promise must be broken, and the living can be suffocated by the oath? ?

After helping Qiniang get dressed, Zhou Ye put Qiniang in front of the dressing table again—it is also a pleasure to draw eyebrows for his wife...

And at this time———in the periphery of the eight hundred miles of Huangquan——

A handsome young man with a long sword on his back, a face like white jade, and eyes like stars, is staggering in the eight hundred miles of flowers.

This son's surname is Chen Mingshi...

He is a disciple of a sword fairy in the world.

I even heard that there are 800 miles of Yellow Springs in Hades, and in the 800 miles of Yellow Springs, there is a Meng Po's family--Zhong Ling is beautiful and the master of the 800-mile Yellow Springs...

There are two volumes of yin and yang scrolls in Hades——

The yin scroll tests the life and death of a person, and controls the life of a person's yang, while the yang scroll contains the merits and demerits of a person's life, and judges a person's six reincarnations...

Chen Shi, who was not talented in cultivating immortals, used his yin and yang brains.

If the person who controls the eight hundred miles of Huangquan is a man, Chen Shi would not dare to make a mistake...

However, it just so happens that Meng Poshi is a beautiful and beautiful woman...

This made Chen Shi become greedy...

From childhood to adulthood, relying on his looks, Chen Shi can be said to be the wind and the rain among the women...

Even though his cultivation talent is not outstanding, he is still doing very well in the sect, thanks to his handsome face and his eloquent cunt, he made his senior mother and senior sister very happy, and took good care of him...

He believed that, relying on the skills he had cultivated in women, Granny Meng would definitely help him obtain the penis roll, cross out his name... and enjoy a long life.

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