However, from Chen Shi's point of view, Meng Po's beauty in front of him is absolutely no less beautiful than the fairy in the sky... even worse than that.

"Beauty, what a beauty... Beauty, how about marrying me?" The person who said this was none other than Zhou Ye... At this time, the ugly and short man played by Zhou Ye had a face like a pig. Looking at Meng Qiniang... almost drooling...

Rude and savage, abrupt and beautiful...

This is Chen Shi's evaluation of Zhou Ye...

However, what Chen Shi didn't expect was that even though Zhou Ye was so frivolous, Meng Po didn't look angry at all. Instead, she glanced at the ugly guy with a smile on her face, and then her cheeks turned slightly red bowed his head...

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck———Not good not good not good————

With Chen Shiyue's countless experiences, how could she not see...Meng Po's appearance is moving...

How can it be? ?

That guy is so ugly that he is out of the sky... And he even teased her with rude words... Why did Meng Poshi show such an expression? ?

By the way, it must be because Meng Po is in charge of Eight Hundred Li Huangquan and has great power, so she has never felt so molested, coupled with the loneliness of thousands of years... that's why it is like this.

As long as I show her my talent and eloquence, coupled with my handsome appearance, I will definitely embrace the beauty in the end...

Thinking of this, Chen Shi laughed loudly: "Brother, you are too abrupt to say that..."

Speaking of this, Chen Shi walked a few steps with Mengpo soup in his hand. He looked like a scholar, and whispered as he walked: "The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren are on the side of the water. Suhui From it, the road is blocked and long. If you travel back to it, you will be in the middle of the water. The reeds are luxuriant, and the dew is not yet shining. The so-called Yiren is in the water. In the water. The reeds are picked, but the white dew is not yet there. The so-called Iraqi people are in the water. Follow it back, the road is blocked and right. Follow it back, just like being in the water."

After walking a few steps, after reading Jian Jia, who had touched the hearts of countless young girls in the Book of Songs, Chen Shi stopped on the spot, with one hand behind his back, looking up with emotion, waiting quietly for a certain Meng Po praises and words of praise...

Based on his many years of experience in pretending to be a girl and picking up girls, at this time, there are always voices from countless fans.


Time for a cup of tea is over? ?

no movement......

[It's okay, it's must be that Meng Po has never seen the world, and was shocked by her own poetry...and wait for her...]

Thinking of this, Chen Shi continued to maintain his special posture for pretending to be x... with a sentimental look, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

The work of two cups of tea has passed? ?

Still nothing...

At this moment, Chen Shi couldn't pretend any longer... He suddenly turned his head and looked at Meng Qiniang...

Seeing this, he almost vomited blood...

At this moment, Meng Qiniang was flirting with that ugly little ghost in his eyes...

"Cough cough... Girl, do you think I'm reading this poem well??" Chen Shi coughed twice, walked a few steps, and happened to be between Meng Qiniang and Zhou Ye...

"Hey, do you know a word, good dogs don't get in the way!!" As the words fell, Chen Shi felt a pain in his neck... Then, his whole body was thrown into the air...

What a Chen Shi, calm in the face of danger... twisted in mid-air, and stood abruptly on the spot.

At this moment, he could no longer pretend to be polite... With a clang, he drew the bronze sword behind him out of its sheath, pointed the sword point at Zhou Ye, and yelled... "Ugly ghost, I have endured you for a long time , you really deserve to die..."

As the voice fell, Chen Shi stepped hard, and the whole body and sword merged into one, and stabbed towards Zhou Ye's throat——

It doesn't matter if he stabs..., that's a disaster...

Originally, Meng Qiniang was uncomfortable with Mr. Chen Shi chattering aside and disturbing her being alone with her Yelang... Now, this guy dared to draw his sword at her Yelang... This made the originally angry How could Meng Qiniang bear it? ?

"Bold monster, don't hurt my Yelang!!"

As the voice fell, Meng Qiniang jumped out suddenly, and slapped Chen Shi out of thin air...

Although Meng Qiniang's plain hand didn't reach Chen Shi's face, but——a giant palm composed of blue vigor appeared out of thin air, and slapped Chen Shi onto the earthen wall of the inn like a mosquito...

This time, Chen Shi was hit by a porcelain stone, and his whole body was beaten and stuck to the dirt wall...

Don't look at Meng Qiniang's obedient appearance in front of Zhou Ye, you must know that she was enlightened by the ancient god Xi Wangmu Wanjin, and she is responsible for guarding the eight hundred miles of hell...

Evil ghosts eat from her mouth, all ghosts respect her as gods...

In a way, she can even be compared with Hades Chacha.

How can such a Meng Po family be a kind person? ? How can good people be able to overwhelm those evil spirits who have committed the crime of not entering the six realms? ?

Zhou Ye looked at Chen Shi, who was pasted on the wall and was about to become a mural, and then at Meng Qiniang beside him, who looked like a pissed little daughter-in-law with her head lowered... and sighed helplessly. "Seventh Mother..."

As soon as Zhou Ye opened his mouth, Meng Qiniang hurriedly whispered, "I'm sorry Yelang, I know I was can scold can hit me..."

"I didn't mean to scold could I be willing to hit you??" Facing Qiniang's words, Zhou Ye sighed...

Although, because of Qiniang's violent temper, he won't be able to play anymore... But, after all, toys are not as important as his own women, how can he bear to scold such a submissive Qiniang?

Originally, according to Zhou Ye's plan, he would have to play with this malicious little boy next time, a rude ugly man with a poor dick, fighting a tall, rich and handsome swordsman alone, and embracing a beautiful woman... Now, it's all gone... …

However, let it be a mess... You can't blame your own woman for this, right?

How could he have the heart to treat Meng Qiniang like that? ?

Hearing her husband's words, Qiniang felt a little relieved... She asked a little strangely: "That Yelang called me..."

"We... need to use a little bit of waste, this guy - let him die like this, it's too cheap for him!!" Zhou Ye said, stretched out his hand slightly, wrapped Qiniang's waist, and took a step He walked up to Chen Shi who was hanging on the wall. "Hey, great talent, why did you read the poem to the wall??"

Chapter 1736

Chapter 1736

At this time, Chen Shi was dizzy...

Ten percent of the bones in the whole body are broken and seventy percent...

Among other things, how could he withstand Meng Qiniang's angry blow with a guy who has just practiced immortal arts for a few years? ? He didn't die on the spot, all thanks to the treasure armor presented by his wife...

Chen Shi now feels tinnitus and dizziness, and there is pain everywhere in his body...

The most important thing is - he vaguely saw the ugly ghost walking over with Meng Qiniang in his arms. The sharp contrast between the beautiful and the ugly made him, who was unwilling, couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood...

As the mouthful of blood spewed out, Chen Shi also felt that his suffocation in Xiongzhong had improved a lot, and his whole body had recovered a lot as if returning to the light.

"Wait... who the hell are you? Why are you making fun of me??" Chen Shi asked while panting.

He is really not reconciled... He obviously found Meng Pozhuang according to the legend... Why, the ending turned out like this...

Hearing Chen Shi's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes... Well, what he just said was for nothing... Forget it, this game is also boring.

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