Holding Xiaowei in his arms, Zhou Ye, who was leisurely watching the scenery outside the window, couldn't help but smile slightly when he heard Xiaowei's words... "Let's go to Xianyang for a stroll, and then... then go down the river all the way to Kuaiji County... ..."

"Go to Kuaiji County??" Xiao Wei was stunned for a moment... "What are you doing in Kuaiji County?"

After getting along with each other these days, Xiao Wei almost already knows the character of her master...

He can sit but never stand, can lie down and never sit, and there must be a beautiful woman by his side for him to play with.

It used to be the older sister she just met, Meng Qiniang...Meng Qiniang just fell into a deep sleep a few days ago, so she replaced her and became the beauty played by Zhou Ye.

Such a lazy master actually traveled thousands of miles to go to Kuaiji County? ?

What was there that attracted him? ?

"Hehe..." Facing Xiaowei's question, Zhou Ye smiled and said, "Because there is a treasure born there...!!"

"Treasure?? What treasure??" Hearing the word treasure, Xiao Wei's eyes lit up... Based on her understanding of her master, if he said it was a treasure, then it must be a treasure...

Something that can be considered a treasure by the supernatural Zhou Ye is absolutely extraordinary...

Thinking of this, Xiao Wei became even more curious... "Master, just tell me... What kind of treasure is it?"

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye smiled without saying a word...

He will never tell Xiao Wei that the treasure he wants is definitely not the kind of treasure that Xiao Wei imagined.

"Cut... stingy!!" Xiao Wei begged and acted like a baby for a long time, and found that Zhou Ye didn't tell her what the treasure was... This made her feel discouraged... "I'm hungry...bad master...I want to eat grilled fish slice...I want to eat..."

"Okay... I'll give you all..." Zhou Ye smiled and shook his head, took out a lot of snacks from his bracelet...and put them in front of Xiao Wei.

Seeing these snacks, Xiao Wei's eyes lit up... Quickly grabbed a packaging bag, tore it open, picked up a piece of dried fish with her hand, and gently put it in her mouth... Said with a look of intoxication: "It's really delicious!" too delicious……"

Seeing Xiao Wei's intoxicated expression, Zhou Ye could not stop laughing...


Of course it's delicious...

These are the snacks that Zhou Ye brought from the Marvel world. Among other things, the package of dried fish that Xiao Wei ate was taken from a freshwater ocean planet called Haishapu star in Andromeda. fish made of...

Ocean fish never subjected to any industrial pollution, then prepared by the top flavor masters of Umbrella Food Labs...the result is this simple vacuum-packed grilled fish filet...

That taste is unrivaled...Of course, almost all the snacks in Zhou Ye's bracelet come from this way...

There are many, all of which are species that do not exist on earth...



Looking at Xiao Wei who was eating the grilled fish slices in small bites, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took out another bottle of 100% pure fruit juice, poured out a glass...and handed it to Xiao Wei..." Eat slowly, no one will grab you... drink some juice!!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Wei nodded her head, took the juice handed over by Zhou Ye with one hand, took a sip... and let out a long sigh...

"What's the matter? Suddenly feeling so emotional...?" Seeing Xiao Wei's long sigh, Zhou Ye couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"It's nothing... nothing!!" Xiao Wei hurriedly put on a smiling face... and said, "I'm just lamenting the long road, when will I be able to reach Kuaiji County..."

Although he could see that Xiao Wei's words were insincere, Zhou Ye did not intend to expose her, but said with a smile: "Soon!!"

Although Xiao Wei is a demon, she doesn't eat much... Just two packs of fish fillets sent her away...

After eating and drinking, she simply nestled in Zhou Ye's arms, gently closed her eyes... and let Zhou Ye's big hands play tricks on her body.

For a moment, the carriage fell silent... Apart from the breathing of the three, there was no other sound.

The carriage that Zhou Ye was riding in was running quietly on the straight road...

In the afternoon—when it was just getting dark, the carriage finally arrived at Shangjun County.

Because it is located in an important border area, the guards here are particularly strict...

Outside the city gate, soldiers in armor were checking the merchants who planned to enter the city one by one.

Whoever has a guide can enter the city...

No guides? ?

Hehe, not only will you not be allowed to enter the city, but you will also be arrested and strictly interrogated... If you can tell the reason, that's all, can't you tell? ? hehe……

Chapter 1742

Chapter 1742

As night fell, the soldiers guarding the city also accelerated their investigation.

Soon, it was Zhou Ye's turn to have his carriage interrogated...

"Where is the owner of the carriage?? Where is the driver??" The corporal in black armor tapped Zhou Ye's shaft with his bronze sword and shouted loudly, "Quickly present the guide... Treat as a fugitive...don't make mistakes..."

During the period of the Great Qin Empire, a strict household registration system had been implemented. Residents were not allowed to leave their place of residence if they had nothing to do.

There will also be information on the road guide, where is the native place, where to go, and how long will it take to return home.

No wayfinding? ?

the lighter

Take punishment, and those who are serious will be sent to the frontier—let's build the Great Wall.

The corporal who was in charge of checking the guides was a little surprised why there was no driver in this carriage, but...he didn't bother to care so much, as long as there were guides, then everything would be fine, without guides? ? Hehe... The Great Wall slave camp is waiting for you all your life——

Food and lodging are included, there are also fitness programs, and there is a cemetery for thousands of people to be buried together, so that you will not be alone under the nine springs, and you will be with your co-workers and sleep with your friends... Dear, what are you waiting for, lose your way quickly Quote to order it.

Cough cough, the above is purely a mustache...

After the gatekeeper corporal shouted, he winked at his men...

This carriage is too weird, there is no driver, and the doors are locked... They can't help but pay attention.

At this time, the soldiers under the corporal leader also drew their swords out of their sheaths and bowed their bows and got ready... If anything happened, they immediately rushed forward and pinned the thief on the spot.

There is no way, Qin Huang has just issued a decree, conscripting civilian husbands to build the Great Wall... Escaped people are everywhere, and it is impossible not to take strict precautions.

Just when the soldiers were getting ready, the car door opened... a handsome young man stepped out of the car.

It was none other than Zhou Ye...

He doesn't have guides or anything... However, he doesn't care... because - he doesn't need guides.

Just when Zhou Ye was going to use his spiritual position to muddle through.

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