Among other things, the weird taste of pickled vegetables is unbearable for her...

Her scorpion has been spoiled by Zhou Ye these days.

Although when Xiao Wei followed Zhou Ye, because of the rush every day, she hardly fired during the day, and just ate some snacks and fresh fruits in the carriage to satisfy her hunger. But when she sleeps out at night, her unscrupulous master will make a big meal for her.

Whether it's steaming, frying, frying, or cooking...Zhou Ye has never wronged her taste buds.

It can be said that if Zhou Ye casually takes out any ingredient from his bracelet, it is a rare and exquisite product.

Xiao Wei has already been fed up with her appetite...

Looking at the thick vegetable porridge in the clay bowl in front of her, and recalling the delicacies she tasted these days... Xiao Wei felt that her living standard was plummeting.

"Forget it... take it away!!" Xiao Wei waved her hand in a hopeless manner, and asked the maid to take these things away.

Lying weakly on the couch, Xiao Wei began to seriously think about a problem...

I left Zhou Ye by myself, did I do the right thing or did it wrong...

That's right...

I did the right thing...

compared to freedom...

What is food...

Just bear it and pass it...

Yes, you will get used to it if you bear with it...freedom is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wei bit her red lips lightly, and made up her mind... definitely not to go back.

If you go back by yourself, you will definitely be ridiculed by that unscrupulous master...


If you fall asleep, you won't be hungry...

Xiao Wei, gently closed her eyes...

Half an hour has passed...

Xiao Wei's eyelids twitched... Obviously, she was not asleep yet.

An hour has passed...

She suddenly opened her eyes... She looked at the master and servant standing by the couch, "You guys, sit over there, you look at me like this... How can I sleep??"

"Yes!" x2

The master and servant, who were seduced by Xiao Wei, responded... and sat obediently on the straw mat beside them. Quiet without saying a word...

Xiao Wei closed her eyes again...


Half an hour later...she still didn't feel sleepy at all...

Xiao Wei sat up again...

She felt like she was going crazy... No one was holding her behind her, and she couldn't sleep... What the hell is going on? ?

Xiao Wei felt that she was going to go crazy...why is it like this? ?

It must be the trick of that bastard master against him... Do you think you will give in like this? ?

Hmph—I'm thinking too much... She—the majestic and beautiful fox of Jiuxiao, will never give in...

But... I really can't sleep... What should I do? ? ?

Just when Xiao Wei was anxious, she suddenly saw the two master and servant sitting there without saying a word... She frowned and thought about it.

Wouldn't she be able to sleep without Zhou Ye? Hmph...she has a substitute...

Thinking of this, Xiao Wei directly pointed at the Miss Wu family who was wearing a red dress, and said, "You, come up and sleep with me..."

"Yes!!" Of course, the charmed Miss Wu would not resist Xiao Wei's order...

She undressed directly, walked to the side of the couch, and obediently lay beside Xiao Wei...

Looking at Miss Wu's sleeping posture, Xiao Wei frowned, "Go and sleep inside..."


Miss Wu's family obediently went around to the inside of the couch, and lay down...

Now, I finally feel a lot more comfortable in my heart...

Xiao Wei lay down again...and ordered in a low voice: "Hold me!!"

"Yes..." Miss Wu's arm hugged Xiao Wei's slender waist from behind...

"'s not there!!" Xiao Wei muttered dissatisfiedly, grabbed Miss Wu's hand and placed it in her chest...


I don't feel that way at all...

It's not right at all...

how so? ?

Feeling Miss Wu's hand, Xiao Wei was at a loss...

What's wrong with me? ?

Why do you have to imitate how you looked when you were in Zhou Ye's arms even when you were sleeping...

In this way... What is the difference between whether she escapes or not? ?

With such a dazed mind... Xiao Wei gradually fell asleep at some point...

And on the other side——

In the upper room of the inn...Zhou Ye just put away his mirror image...

Through the flashing picture in the water mirror, I can vaguely see Xiao Wei's beautiful face...

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