If, before entering the palace, her innocence was ruined by thieves...

Once Emperor Qin was furious, her motherland might be lost forever...

Thinking of this, Yushu's anxious eyes were filled with tears... his face was full of pleading...



Zhou Ye looked at Yu Shu with tears in his eyes, that pitiful expression... couldn't help but smile slightly, leaned over slightly, and whispered in her ear: "Don't talk, I'll let you go!! How about it??"

"Hmm..." Princess Yushu nodded her head desperately when she heard this...

She was really afraid that this guy would be so beastly, so she just gave herself to that...

"Okay, the deal is concluded... Those who break the contract will be punished!!" Zhou Ye finished speaking with a smile, looked at the small earballs in front of his eyes, and added a little bit narrowly.

"Wow..." Princess Yushu only felt that she lost the slightest bit of strength in an instant... especially the warmth in her ears made her feel like a kitten scratching her heart.

At this time, Zhou Ye also let go of his big hand covering Princess Yushu, and let her fall into his arms...but he still didn't take out the other hand...it was still in a certain place. An indescribable place... sliding slowly.

After a while... Princess Yushu regained some strength...

As soon as she got up, she hurriedly pressed a big hand of a bastard with her hands... She looked at Zhou Ye with eyes full of resentment...

It seems to be blaming him, talking doesn't count...

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I forgot that there is still here!!" Zhou Ye smiled and pulled his hand out...

It wasn't until this time that Princess Yushu really breathed a sigh of relief...

At this moment, she really calmed down, and looked up and down the bastard who suddenly appeared in her carriage and was fucking with her.

With the faint light from the curtain of the carriage, Yu Shu couldn't help but be shocked by Zhou Ye's handsome appearance...

The little face full of anger gradually calmed down...

"Who is Mr.? Why do you want to belittle Yushu? Don't you know that Yushu is waiting to be married?" For some reason, Yushu's questioning voice was extremely low... Maybe it was because she didn't want to see this handsome man in front of her. The incomparable young man was caught by the soldiers who sent him to his relatives and tortured him, right? ?

"Me?" Hearing Yushu's question, Zhou Ye smiled... "I am the man who will spend my whole life with you..."

"Bah..." Yushu is not stupid, of course she would not regard Zhou Ye as Emperor Qin's...

Although Zhou Ye's words, in the eyes of ancient women, were almost equivalent to flirting...but there was no trace of anger in Yu Shu's heart...even, there was a faint...sweet feeling.

have to say……

He's handsome, he's taking advantage of everything...

If it was a guy who looked like Wu Dalang, Yu Shu would have screamed desperately long ago...

However, for a handsome guy like Zhou Ye, when he uttered these words, Yu Shu's heart would be shaken, and he couldn't bear to be harsh.

Although Zhou Ye's words made her heart flutter for a while, when Yushu thought of the fate she was about to face, and before leaving, her father's plea...

In an instant, my whole heart became cold...

"Sir, please leave...Yushu...Yushu is already married...I'm afraid I won't have a chance with you..." Princess Yushu couldn't help lowering her head, she didn't want Zhou Ye to see the tears in her eyes... …

When I heard Yu Shu's words, to be honest, Zhou Ye was still full of novelty...

You know, in order to get Princess Yushu in one fell swoop, he opened up his spiritual position as soon as he got in the car, and kept giving Princess Yushu spiritual hints...

However, in this way—Princess Yushu can reject him... I have to say, this girl's mind is really firm.

Of course, psychic positions are not mind control...

If it is mind control, no matter how determined Princess Yushu's mind is, she will only be at the mercy of Ren Zhouye...

But, that would be boring...

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Ye doesn't like mind control very much, because...it doesn't feel fun.

Every girl has her unique personality and charm. If mind control is used, then it is tantamount to obliterating her character...Of course, after Zhou Ye completely conquered that girl in the later stage, he lifted the mind control—that Girls can still recover.

But that would be too boring...

Zhou Ye is no longer as impatient as he was at the beginning...

For him, picking up a girl now is a process... especially watching the girls fall into the pit bit by bit and unable to extricate themselves, it is the most interesting...

"Don't you have anything to do with me???" Zhou Ye smiled wickedly. "That's just what you think... I think, I have a destiny with you..."

Chapter 1752

Chapter 1752

When Princess Yushu heard Zhou Ye's words, she couldn't help raising her little head...

The tears in the corners of her eyes have not been wiped away... The whole person looks very pitiful, giving people a sense of beauty.

Princess Yushu herself doesn't know why, when facing this handsome young man, her mood fluctuates so much...

Didn't her tears already run out in the palace?

Wasn't her heart completely broken when she heard that she was going to be married to the Qin country?

Why... When I think that I have no destiny with this boy, I feel so sad in my heart? ?

Obviously at this moment, I don't even know the name of this bastard...

Seeing Yushu with teary eyes, Zhou Ye gently raised his hand, and wiped away the teardrops on her cheeks with his thumb... "Okay, don't cry...you won't be pretty anymore..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's consolation, Yu Shu felt like he wanted to laugh, but couldn't...

Just when Zhou Ye finished wiping the teardrops on her cheeks and was about to take them back...

Princess Yushu raised her right hand like a ghost, and pressed the big hand on her cheek...to prevent Zhou Ye from withdrawing her hand..."Tell Yushu, how about your name?"

"Zhou Ye——Zhou of the Zhou Dynasty, Huo Huaye!"

"Zhou Ye...Zhou Ye...Zhou Ye..." Yu Shu repeated the name over and over again, as if he wanted to imprint this name firmly in his heart...

Thinking and thinking... Yushu let go of Zhou Ye's hand abruptly, and then—— held Zhou Ye's face in his hands, leaned forward, and slammed his mouth hard...

Zhou Ye was taken aback by Yushu's sudden initiative...

Just want to die and refuse to let myself so what?

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