Even, in front of the gate of the First Emperor's Royal Palace, with all the civil and military officials, stood at the gate waiting for Zhou Ye's arrival.

This posture did not scare Zhou Ye, but Meng Yi was taken aback.

He hastily got away from the distance, got off his horse, ran to the emperor's imperial chariot, knelt down and saluted: "Mr. Meng Yi... guilty, I beg your majesty to come down!"

"Hahaha...what's the crime of General Meng Yi?" Shi Huang laughed and bent down to help Meng Yi up. "Although I lost a concubine, the general brought me a god. The general is not only innocent, but also meritorious!!"

Speaking of this, Emperor Shihuang asked anxiously: "Where is that fairy elder?"

Just when Shi Huang's words fell... two figures suddenly appeared in front of Shi Huang. "Is Emperor Qin looking for me??"

The sudden appearance of a figure startled the guards behind the first emperor.

"Protect Your Majesty!!"

"Protect Your Majesty!!"

Following the yelling, a hundred or ten sword masters rushed out, pulled out the bronze swords at their waists, and were about to press towards Zhou Ye...

Facing these guys, Zhou Ye smiled softly, and said unhurriedly, "Kneel down!!"

As his words fell, whether it was the guards rushing towards Zhou Ye, or the Qin army standing outside the palace gate... in the blink of an eye, they all fell to their knees.

None of the civil and military officials beside Qin Huang were spared.

In the blink of an eye—on the huge square at the main entrance of Xianyang Palace, there were only three people left standing on the spot.

Apart from Zhou Ye and Princess Yushu, the first emperor Yingzheng was also in charge.

It's not because Ying Zheng is more condescending and can ignore Zhou Ye's words... but because Zhou Ye let him go...

Seeing this situation... the first emperor was already so excited...

"Words, what you say... Really, what you say..." Ying Zheng was trembling at the moment... He was not afraid, but excited...

In the past, when searching for immortals and medicines, all they found were some quack warlocks...

And today, he finally found the real fairy...

How could this not make Emperor Qin happy? ?

Princess Yushu? ?

Emperor Qin didn't even look at it...

For him, there are countless beautiful things in the world, but—how much can he enjoy in just a few decades of life? ?

"Sir... May I ask your name, sir..." At this moment, Qin Huang didn't care about his airs anymore, he directly bowed to Zhou Ye...

"Hehe... Emperor Qin is being polite, I'm just a small casual person!!" Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hands...

"Sir, you are too self-effacing... Please..." Qin Huang said, stretched out his hand, and made a gesture of please...

Zhou Ye was also polite and stepped forward... Qin Huang also followed...

However, after walking for a while, Emperor Qin realized... what the hell, neither his guards nor the civil and military ministers followed... "Can you spare them the crime of disrespect?"

Hearing Qin Huang's words, Zhou Ye smiled, "Alright!!"

As Zhou Ye's voice fell... the soldiers and all the civil and military officials who had been kneeling on the ground stood up together...

For them, it was like a nightmare just now.

My whole body is like carrying a heavy weight, and I can't move at all... The feeling of being involuntary is really terrifying.

At this time... no one has any objection to Emperor Qin's actions...

Such a person is simply not something that thousands of troops can resist...

Including Prime Minister Li Si, who advocated arresting Zhou Ye at the beginning, has also become a dead sheep...

What are you kidding? You say a law? People are going to implement it?

If you want to implement your law, you must first have stronger strength or influence than others. If not...why do you let others obey your law? ?

Just based on what you said, your method is good?

go dreaming...

That night----

Emperor Qin held a grand banquet in Zhangtai Palace...

During the banquet, Emperor Qin didn't mention anything about Princess Yushu, instead he kept giving Zhou Ye a high hat...

What a banished immortal...

What a wonderful magic method...

In short, what is good to hear...

In the evening, Emperor Qin directly arranged Zhou Ye in Zhaohua Palace, and even sent over a dozen beauties from the six countries...

In this regard, Zhou Ye is of course not refusing anyone...

In this way, for one month in a row... a big feast for three days, a small feast for two days...

There are hundreds of beauties just for Zhou Ye...

Of course, Emperor Qin would not send any second-hand goods, he directly gave away beauties who had just turned sixteen.

Although Zhou Ye didn't say a word, he covered his head and enjoyed...

But for Emperor Qin's thoughts, he can see clearly.

Isn't this the practice of wanting to take before giving? ?

He is very familiar with this method of buying people's hearts...

Until... a month later...

Emperor Qin once again invited Zhou Ye to a banquet in Lanchi Palace...

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food...

Uncharacteristically, Emperor Qin sighed during the banquet...

"Why is Emperor Qin sighing?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile...

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