Therefore, Emperor Qin made a decisive decision and sent his ten daughters directly to the Zhaohua Palace where Zhou Ye was...

What weekly rituals, what six engagements...all have to give way to his immortality.

That night------

In Zhaohua Palace———

Zhou Ye leaned on Yu Shu's side, reclining on the soft bed... Sitting behind him were Xiao Wei and Meng Qiniang...

A group of Yingying and Yanyan surrounded Zhou Ye... This one gave Zhou Ye a sip of fine wine, and that one gave Zhou Ye a piece of fruit... That look, he really looked like a dude who was obsessed with tenderness.

The Daqin princesses headed by Ying Yuanman stood in front of him... and let a group of beauties laugh and point them.

When did Ying Yuanman ever suffer such grievances...

She got up suddenly, and quickly walked in front of Zhou Ye, "Since the concubine has been married to the husband by the emperor, then the concubine is qualified to manage these women for the husband...For the sake of the husband's health, I ask the husband to take care of you." ,many……"

Before Ying Yuanman finished speaking, all Yingying Yanyan burst into laughter...

For these beauties who were brought into Zhou Ye's arms by Qin Huang, they walked on thin ice tremblingly at the beginning, but as time went by, they also understood what kind of personality their man had... In his eyes, all women are treated equally... There is no distinction between high and low, as long as they are well-behaved and obedient, then... anything can be said.

But if you want to put on airs, I'm sorry... The Zhou family has its own family law to punish...

Obviously, Ying Yuanman at this moment is putting on airs of her Princess Daqin... However, this will not work with Zhou Ye.

"Sisters, teach our new sisters a lesson... Let them know the rules of the Zhou family!!"

Following Meng Qiniang's words, the girls rushed over laughing... Grabbing hands, pulling clothes...In the blink of an eye, ten princesses of the Qin Dynasty became ten little white sheep...At this moment, Zhou Ye also smiled and stood up... "Baby, get up!!"

Chapter 1760

Chapter 1760

early morning--

Ying Yuanman slowly opened his eyes...

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Zhou Ye who was holding her in his arms...

Seeing Zhou Ye's handsome face, Ying Yuanman had mixed feelings...

She didn't know whether she should cry or laugh...

Last night, although at the beginning, there was a sense of humiliation of being teased by others, but as it continued... all she had left was the feeling of being in the clouds, rising and falling.

She never knew that things between men and women are so...

And this gentleman of my own family is indeed worthy of his title of banished immortal, the Yellow Emperor has three thousand royal entourages and soared up... My man has more than one hundred entourages at night and is full of energy.

In the end, it was their sisters and these beauties who fell down...

After sighing, Ying Yuanman looked at the ten blood-stained white silks that were casually discarded on the ground with a complicated expression...that was the proof that the ten sisters had changed from girls to women.

It can't be thrown away here so hastily, it needs to be stored carefully.

Thinking of this, she got up and wanted to put away the ten pieces of white silk...

However, just as she stood up, she felt her waist tighten and she fell into Zhou Ye's arms again. "Yuanman, good morning!!"

"Husband, good morning!!" Although Zhou Ye looked at her with coquettish and shy eyes, Ying Yuanman still responded to her husband's greeting in a low voice.


She will be his wife from now on, no matter how many women he has...she will always be his wife, an existence with one heart and one body with him...Her body and mind have already been occupied by this flower-hearted fairy.

"Last night..." Zhou Ye looked at Princess Daqin with red cheeks, couldn't help teasing, "Are you still happy?"

This sentence immediately made Ying Yuanman so ashamed that he couldn't help himself...

This made her say neither happy nor unhappy... In desperation, she could only bow her head slightly and nod her head to express her heart.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Ying Yuanman's actions, Zhou Ye couldn't help but burst out laughing...

The most exciting thing about ancient women is this shame.

This woman here, you want to see her shy? think too much.

She knows a lot more than you do.

Time flies…………

Zhou Ye was delayed in Xianyang Palace for more than half a month...

During the past half month, Zhou Ye traveled all over the Xianyang Palace under the leadership of ten princesses including Ying Yuanman...

It can be said that many of the beautiful scenery that Zhou Ye didn't discover when he came for the first time came, and they all swam all over under the leadership of Ying Yuanman and other women.

After all, Ying Yuanman and the others are imperial princesses who were born and raised here.

However, Zhou Ye still has to leave here eventually... After all, Zhou Ye still has two goals to accomplish.

Of course Qin Huang Yingzheng tried to persuade him to stay again and again, but under Zhou Ye's insistence, he had no choice but to give up.

In desperation, Qin Huang Yingzheng could only hold a big banquet again in Zhangtai Palace... for Zhou Ye to practice.

During the banquet, Emperor Qin once again bestowed three thousand slaves, a hundred carts of brocades, countless gold, silver and jewels to his daughter...

It sounds like it's a dowry for my daughter, but in fact, it's buying Zhou Ye...

Zhou Ye is also well aware of this...

After a feast...

Zhou Ye smiled and approached Emperor Qin's ear gently and said: "I already know what Master Taishan thinks... However, deceiving the sky should not be done lightly... Only when the time for Master Taishan is approaching, I will do it." Make proper arrangements for Lord Taishan!!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Qin Huang Yingzheng was overjoyed...

What does he want? Isn't that what Zhou Ye wants? ?

He still believed in Zhou Ye's promise...

After hearing Zhou Ye's words, Qin Huang Yingzheng's heart was wide open...

Another reward for my daughter...

In the end, when Zhou Ye came to Xianyang, the two of them shared a car... When they left Xianyang... Hey, the slave caravan stretched for several miles...

Looking at the convoy stretching for miles behind him, Zhou Ye felt dizzy...

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