Of course, for Xiao Wei, maybe she has been tired of seeing this kind of scenery for a long time...

While talking...Zhou Ye suddenly felt the off-road vehicle under his seat shake and stopped...Then the soft and beautiful voice of Diao Chan, the brain of the transforming vehicle, echoed in the carriage: "Master, the radar detection is impassable ahead, is it right?" Activate airplane mode??"

"Huh?" Hearing Diao Chan's words, Zhou Ye noticed that the road ahead had turned into an extremely narrow plank road along the river.

This plank road was built along the side of the mountain next to the surging river, probably because the mountain was too steep, so the craftsmen who built the Wuguan Road had to blast the huge rocks of the mountain at the riverside at the foot of the mountain to build it. ...

Although in this era, gunpowder has been invented by alchemists, but—most of the time is used for folk tricks, and it has not been used in military affairs... This plank road dug out of granite is completely made with a considerable amount of time. It was built with the ancient but practical fire technique.

What is the burning technique? ?

It is to burn it with fire first, and then water it...with the help of the principle of heat expansion and contraction, the extremely hard granite is broken...and then the craftsmen dig it out bit by bit.

At this time, Zhou Ye took Xiao Wei and stood at the entrance of the plank road...

"Let's go!!" Looking at the long plank road, Zhou Ye walked in while talking...

"Wait for me, Yelang!" Xiao Wei smiled and ran after Zhou Ye's figure.

The whole plank road is not spacious, about two meters high and five meters wide...

It was enough for a carriage... But for Zhou Ye's transforming vehicle, the width and height were a little insufficient.

The most important thing is that the flat top above the plank road is not very regular, the lowest point is only two meters...

So, Zhou Ye simply got out of the car and walked... Anyway, he was not in a hurry...

Zhou Ye and Xiao Wei walked slowly on this three-kilometer-long plank road... Although the outside temperature was as high as 40 degrees, the temperature in the plank road was less than 20 degrees. It can be called cool and pleasant.

Just as Zhou Ye and Xiao Wei were lamenting the hardships of the craftsmen on the plank road, a loud shout came from afar.

"Who is in front??"

Along with the loud shouts, there was a sound of clashing swords out of their sheaths...

Zhou Ye looked towards the source of the voice...

I saw - more than 30 soldiers wearing Daqin-style armor, staring at me with twinkling eyes...the weapons in their hands have been unsheathed.

Behind them, there are ragged men connected by ropes. With a big eye, there are about three or four hundred people.

"Bold, you are not polite when you see Marquis Wu'an??"

Before Zhou Ye could speak, Xiao Wei said this first.

Zhou Ye was left speechless for a while...

To be honest, when he first asked Emperor Qin Yingzheng for an official status, he just wanted to make it easier for him to bully men and women... In the end, Emperor Qin gave him the title of Marquis of Wu'an, which made Zhou Ye very depressed up...

You know, in history, there were three Marquis of Wu'an...

One is Zhao Xing, the grandson of Zhao She's grandson and Zhao Mu's son.

The second is during the peasant uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty, King Huai of Chu granted Liu Bang the title of Marquis of Wu'an.

The third is Wu'an Hou Tianfu in the Han Dynasty...

This Marquis of Wu'an is really not a good name...

And Qin Jun on the opposite side heard Xiao Wei's words, and looked at them dubiously... In the end, the leading Qin Bing wearing the captain's armor put away his sword, walked up to Zhou Ye, and gave a deep salute: " Subordinate officer, Captain of Changsha County, Gou Liang has met Marquis Wu An... I don't know if Marquis Wu An can show it..."

Although the highlighted words were not finished, but—the meaning was already obvious.

[I admit that you are Marquis Wu'an, but...you have to show some evidence! 】

Gou Liang was able to speak so politely because Zhou Ye and Xiao Wei had good looks and extravagant robes.

Otherwise, he would have drawn his sword long ago...

You know, when the public minister goes on patrol, which one is not surrounded by thousands of entourages...

This is not because of ostentation, but because of the initial determination of the world, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms are still rampant, if the public minister does not bring enough entourage and guards when he goes on tour, it is completely to deliver food to those guys.

How can a man and a woman dare to travel together? ? Are you kidding me Gou Liang? ?

Hearing the words of the captain of the Qin Army, Zhou Ye didn't care...he just gave Xiao Wei a little hint.

Xiao Wei casually took out a palm-sized nameplate carved from black jade from behind her...it lit up in front of Gou Liang.

Zhou Ye's official title is engraved in Qin seal script on the top, and Zhou Ye's deeds are engraved on the back... Ahem, of course I won't show it later.

Chapter 1762

Chapter 1762

Seeing this black jade nameplate, Gou Liang immediately fell to his knees, saying that it was impolite to be an official...

Although Gou Liang had never seen the style of the Gonghou's nameplate, he had also seen the nameplate of their sheriff... Although the material was different, the style of the engraving was exactly the same.

It is also a normal phenomenon that the material is different...Qin country has a strict hierarchy, and people of different classes even wear different clothes...You can't go beyond the rules if you have money, otherwise it is a crime of disrespect...So, highlighting and not Don't think there's anything wrong with that.

"Okay... get up!!" Zhou Ye looked at Gou Liang who looked like a kowtowing bug and asked with a smile: "Where are you going?


"My subordinate was ordered to take the 362 recruited civilians to Longxi to build the Great Wall... because of the hot weather, I rested here for a while." Faced with Zhou Ye's question, Gou Liang certainly didn't dare to hide it... and This is not something that needs to be concealed. It is not something shameful that the first emperor fought for the people of the world and built the Great Wall.

Hearing Gou Liang's words, Zhou Ye looked at the peasant husbands behind him, all of them looked pale, and looked at him full of expectation...

It's a pity... Zhou Ye has no mercy for these civilian husbands.

The Qin Emperor built the Great Wall, and the merits of the society will benefit the future... Zhou Ye would not care about such things.

If there weren't those Great Walls, there would be more incidents of foreign races invading China...

As for the poor husband? ?

Hehe, who cares? ? There are too many poor people in the world...Zhou Ye can hardly control the beauties...There is no time for these rough guys.

"Rest at ease, hurry up and get on the road after the rest!!" Zhou Ye nodded as he said...

"Yes!!" Gou Liang lamented in his heart that the Marquis of Wu'an was so talkative, and at the same time urged his soldiers to drive the civilian husband to one side and let Zhou Ye and others pass first... Don't be rude, my lord...

Zhou Ye led Xiao Wei to ignore the pleas in the eyes of the peasants... and walked straight through the plank road...

After crossing the plank road, it is a flat river again...

After walking for a while, Zhou Ye had already entered the territory of Qianzhong County, and it was getting late at this time...

Zhou Ye really didn't want to go to those buildings set up beside the official road to rest...

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