Following the words, she rushed directly into Zhou Ye's arms, and hugged Zhou Ye tightly...

Lu Pheasant—she was just taking advantage of the comfort her lovesickness...

Regarding Lu Zhi's thoughts, Zhou Ye of course understood and didn't understand so well... He patted Lu Zhi's pink back with a smile, and said softly: "There are a few bandits in the district, miss, don't worry!!"

Saying that, Zhou Ye let go of his hand, turned his head, and looked up and down the bandits...

How should I say it? ?

In the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor forced labor to build the Great Wall.

But the world has only just been unified, and many people cherish their homeland and are unwilling to conquer for the first emperor... let alone serve corvee.

Therefore, there are not many people who go up the mountain to become bandits.

These guys, when the world was in turmoil, went down the mountain to join the so-called rebel army, and transformed...became the leaders of the so-called rebel army...

I have to say, this is really ironic...

Although these guys are justifiable, but—they are unforgivable...


If you have unruly intentions towards your own woman... that's even more damning.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled even more happily.

It's just that if he is happy, some people are unhappy.

Seeing that Zhou Ye dared to hug the woman he was looking for, the gangster headed by him felt envious... In addition, the more he looked at Zhou Ye's handsome face, the more angry he became... "Zizi, An Dare uttered wild words , look at your uncle, I will take your dog's life!!"

As the words fell, the bronze sword in the bandit leader's hand pointed at Zhou Ye's heart and stabbed violently.

This time, there is really no room left.

Seeing this scene, the Lu sisters couldn't help exclaiming at the same time: "My lord, be careful!!"

Although Lu Zhi knew what his man was capable of, but...seeing the sword approaching, he couldn't help worrying about his lover.

As for Lu Su, she didn't even know the abilities of her cheap brother-in-law, so of course she was even more worried.

Contrary to the two sisters - Zhou Ye wasn't nervous at all.

He smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand as if slowly but quickly, pinched his two fingers... and pinched the long sword stabbed by the bandit leader between his fingers.

The bandit leader tugged at the long sword caught in Zhou Ye's fingers, only to feel that the long sword caught in his hand was like a dragonfly regretting a pillar, motionless.

This scares him...

A person with such abilities is definitely not an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about the dignity of his leader, and shouted: "Brothers, this kid is too powerful, let's go together!!"

When the bandits heard that they were in charge, they didn't care about watching the fun, and shouted...

"Brother, don't panic, brothers are here to help you!"

"Hey, kid, let go of my elder brother's long sword!!"

"Kill this guy!!"



With all kinds of shouts, these Bandits surrounded Zhou Ye...

At this moment, Lu Gong, his wife and everyone present couldn't help but sweat for Zhou Ye...

[Sir, be careful! ! 】Words like this are endless.

There is no way, for the unarmed Lu family, Zhou Ye is their last savior.

In this wilderness, there are no shops in front of the village, let alone soldiers, you can't even find a dog.

In case, if Zhou Ye loses, the fate of their Lu family can be imagined.

At this time, Lu Zhi sisters are also nervous to death...

Lu Zhi's palms were full of sweat...

And Lu Su was even more nervous, with her mouth slightly open... her hands were tightly clutching her sister's skirt.

Compared with the nervousness of these people, it was Zhou Ye's leisure.

Zhou Ye has never been afraid of facing the gods of the universe, let alone facing these ordinary humans who are just fish.

Facing the bandits who surrounded him, Zhou Ye smiled softly, and pressed his fingers together...

In an instant, the bandit leader felt that his hand was loose, and his bronze sword had changed hands...

"Please go to hell--will you?"

Although Zhou Ye said interrogative sentences, the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

I saw Zhou Ye's figure flashing slightly, and then, everyone felt a sword light flashing across their eyes like lightning, and then... nothing more.

More than 20 gangsters, as if they had been hit by a hold spell, stood on the spot...

And Zhou Ye smiled and dropped the long sword in his hand, turned to Lu Zhi and said, "Okay, there is no danger anymore!!"

At this time, Lu Su stepped out of the car cautiously, and she looked curiously at the gangsters who stood there with wide-eyed eyes... Strangely, she asked Zhou Ye, "They... What are they doing?" Is it?? Why is it standing there without moving??”

Hearing his cheap sister-in-law's question, Zhou Ye blinked at Lu Su mischievously, and teased: "Maybe they were shocked by your beautiful appearance? I think I'm too abrupt and beautiful, so I don't like it." Moved!!"

"Young master is bullying people!!" Lu Su stomped her feet coquettishly when she heard Zhou Ye's words, and said in disbelief, "Look, sister, he is bullying me!!"

"..." Hearing what his sister said, Lu Zhi couldn't help but want to roll his eyes...

You were sent to your door to be bullied, right? ?

and why are you following

I said……

However, at this moment, there was a sudden barking sound.

The Lu sisters were attracted by the sound, and immediately turned their attention to the source of the sound.

I saw——

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