"I'm angry...Come on, play cards!!" Zhou Ye said, turning his side slightly, his driver's seat turned 180 degrees, and turned to the rear... At the same time, a deck of playing cards appeared in his hand ... "I'll bet on you... Hehehehe!!"

"Lang Jun is too bad!!"

"Can we not fight??"

"Xiao Wei and Jiang Ji don't have to fight...but---pheasant and Su'er have to fight!! Just play Fight the Landlord..."

"Why??" x2

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the Lu sisters were stunned...

After getting along these days, they learned a lot of things, such as watching movies, chasing fans, and even some writing methods in simplified Chinese characters. Doudizhu and the others also learned some, which is not difficult... But they don't understand why Xiao Wei You don't have to play with Jiang Ji, but they must?

"Hee hee, because you still have a lot of firsts, and you haven't dedicated them!!"

Before Zhou Ye could speak, Xiao Wei spoke first...

The three-way achievement, except for the Lu sisters, everyone else in this car has already got it... After all, the Lu sisters have only spent a short time with their husband, and Zhou Ye only took away one pass... The other two They don't understand yet.

Hearing Xiao Wei's words, the Lu sisters looked at each other, not knowing what Xiao Wei was talking about...

"Okay, you'll know after playing cards!!" Zhou Ye said with a chuckle, "Come on, play cards!!"

"Then...alright!!" Lu Zhi and his sister looked at each other, and finally nodded...

After all, they still don't understand what kind of medicine their husband is selling in his pocket, but... because they love this man, they are willing to give everything for him.


A completely unfair game of three-way betting began.

There is no suspense in the course of the game... Even if Zhou Ye didn't cheat, the Lu sisters, who are new to Arabic numerals, would often make mistakes and feed cards to their husband...

The ending is already doomed——

When camping at night...the Lu sisters finally understood what three links are, and understood the evil of their husband...

And what surprised Zhou Ye was that the Lu sisters were all of the backyard folks with a strong physique...the taste in it is not enough to be humane to others.

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

Following Zhou Ye towards Kuaiji County...

On the other side, there is also a man and a horse, rushing towards Kuaiji County.

I saw it on the road from Chen County to Kuaiji County...

A tall black horse was carrying a girl in white towards Kuaiji County.

This girl is none other than the target of Zhou Ye's trip - Yu Ziqi's younger sister, Concubine Yu.

Why didn't Concubine Yu stay at her home in Kuaiji County, but in Chen County? ?

Then I have to talk about the Emperor Qin's conquest of beautiful women from all over the world to enter the Afang Palace some time ago.

Yu Ziqi, who was in Kuaiji County, naturally also received the news.

You know, no matter what era you are in, those who engage in illegal business are always the most informed.

Is selling weapons illegal? ?

Of course it is...

You know, when the world was first established, Emperor Qin confiscated the world's weapons, cast twelve bronze men, and issued a ban on military weapons... Non-officials are not allowed to forge weapons privately.

Those who violate the law will have their faces tattooed and their noses cut, and they will serve as civil servants to build the Great Wall.

Yu Ziqi sold weapons on the black market, and of course he was doing illegal activities.

Naturally, I have heard about such disturbances.

He immediately went back and told his sister, Yu Ji, about the matter.

Originally, according to Yu Ziqi's intention, he wanted to do a surprise marriage like Lu Gong, and marry his younger sister.


But Yu Ji was unwilling to entrust her life-long affairs to a man she didn't know casually...

Under Yu Ji's death pressure, Yu Ziqi was also helpless.

In the end, he had no choice but to write a letter to a good friend of Chen Jun, asking him to take care of his younger sister and let his younger sister Yu Ji go to Chen Jun for temporary shelter.

Concubine Yu went to Chen County alone, and hid there for more than a month.

It wasn't until her brother wrote to her, telling her that Sima Ling, who searched the world, had left and could go home, that Yu Ji rode a horse and rushed to her home.

As for why Yu Ziqi was so relieved that his sister was walking alone?

I have to mention Yu Ji...

The Yu family favors martial arts, and although Yu Ji is not as skilled in martial arts as her elder brother, she can be called a master of both sword and dance.

Ordinary five or six big men, under her sword, can't get half a cent of it.

That's why Yu Ziqi was so reassured about his sister that he traveled thousands of miles alone.

Cough cough...that's a bit too much...

At this moment, Concubine Yu, who was riding on a horse, was rushing towards Kuaiji County as if she wanted to return home. No matter what... Girls love their homes. During the two months outside, Concubine Yu never wanted to go back to her home.

It was late autumn, and the weather was getting cooler.

And Yu Ji, who had been running around for a long time, was dripping with sweat, and the black horse on her crotch was also dripping with sweat.

After all, I have been running for most of the day, and it is time to take a rest.

Yu Ji lightly reined in the reins to slow down her horse.


She patted the head of the black horse under her crotch with some distress, "Black Pearl, the river will be bent in a while... When you get there, I will let you have a good drink!"

The black horse under Yu Ji's crotch seemed to understand her master's words, and immediately snorted.

Just like that, one person and one horse, jogging all the way towards the Qu River...

In about ten minutes, Yu Ji had arrived at the bank of Qu River.

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