Yu Ziqi looked intently again... his sword was already in Zhou Ye's hands.

Yu Ziqi looked at the sword that suddenly came into Zhou Ye's hand. He was stunned for a while, and then said angrily, "Boy... give me back the sword!!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled and looked at the bronze sword he took from Yu Ziqi...

What to say?

From the perspective of modern people, this sword is very different from the swords of later generations. Strictly speaking, this sword can only be regarded as a short sword at most, and... the workmanship is not exquisite, and it is even a bit rough. Feel……

In particular, although the body of the sword has been polished and retouched... but there are still some bumps and potholes faintly visible.

I have to say, it's really pretty rudimentary.

Zhou Ye smiled and held the sword lightly...

Silently, the sword of Yu Ziqi was ground into copper powder in Zhou Ye's hand... Zhou Ye's hand held down the hilt inch by inch, while Yu Ziqi's bronze sword It also turned into copper powder, inch by inch, and fell on the ground...

"You—you!!!" Seeing that his beloved sword was actually destroyed, Yu Ziqi's first feeling was not fear.

but anger...

"Boy, you're deceiving people too much!!! I want your life..." Yu Ziqi shouted, and was about to rush over to Zhou Ye desperately...

Zhou Ye was dumbfounded by this posture... Hey, I've already crushed your sword into copper powder with my hands... Can't you see that my force value is much higher than yours? ?

At this time, Yu Ji desperately stood in front of her husband, with her arms outstretched... She shouted with a dignified expression, "Brother, if you want to kill Zhou Lang, kill me first!!"

Yu Ziqi was made by his sister's words, and it was neither going in nor going back...

However, the rage full of anger could not be vented...

"Sister, get out of the way... I'm going to split up with this kid who ruined my sword today..." Yu Ziqi shouted loudly.

"Don't let it go!!" Yu Ji's temper is also quite stubborn... She shouted to her brother without giving up an inch: "I am already Zhou Lang's woman, if you want to kill Zhou Lang, you must first kill me!!!"

"You...you..." Yu Ziqi was so annoyed by his sister's words that he almost fainted...

But, after all, Yu Ji was the younger sister she brought up after all, so how could Yu Ziqi have the heart to kill her own sister? ?

In the end, he could only sigh bitterly, turned his head and left...

"Uh, just ruining your brother's sword... Your brother won't be so angry, right?" Zhou Ye still hasn't figured out what's going on... How can he pretend to be a game and run into a dummy? ?

"Zhou Lang, you are being reckless this time..." Yu Ji sighed and turned to look at her husband. "That sword was the first sword that my brother forged bit by bit under the guidance of his father... Since my parents passed away, my elder brother has kept that sword with him as a treasure... He never leaves his body on weekdays... Yes For my brother, that sword is the best gift my father left him!!!”

"Uh..." Zhou Ye was dumbfounded...

Damn, this sword actually has a history... Feelings are the thoughts that Yu Ziqi's father left him...

This is really...

"Forget it!! I'll return the sword to your brother!!" Zhou Ye sighed and stretched out his hand to make a slight move...

The next scene made Yu Ji's eyes widen.

I saw-

Following Zhou Ye's movements, the sword powders on the ground that had turned into copper powder flew towards Zhou Ye's hand as if turning back time... And Zhou Ye's hand also moved upwards inch by inch... Soon ... an intact bronze sword appeared in Zhou Ye's hands.

"This...this..." Yu Ji snatched the bronze sword from Zhou Ye's hand in disbelief, and looked at it carefully...

When she saw the three characters [Yu Ziqi] engraved on the hilt, she happily said, "Zhou Lang...you...how did you restore your brother's sword??"

"It's just a little trick!" Zhou Ye said modestly with a smile...

Time—what a little toy to him.

At this time, Yu Ji can't take much care of it... She picked up the sword with a smile and was about to walk out... As she walked, she said, "I'm going to send the sword to my brother... Let him not get angry with Zhou Lang again. It's gone!!"

In the end, although Yu Ji's heart is toward her husband, she doesn't want her husband and her brother to get into trouble after all...

"Don't worry!!" Zhou Ye smiled and grabbed Yu Ji's hand...and said, "I'll give the sword to your brother...I took it from me, I'll give it to you. !!"

"Zhou Lang..." When Yu Ji heard Zhou Ye's words, she was immediately moved...

She knew that it would be better for her husband to give the sword to her brother in person...


She even knew what kind of person Zhou Lang was...

Don't look at Zhou Ye on weekdays, laughing and laughing, he looks very easy-going...

However, when this person is stubborn, it is also very fatal...

The reason why she rushed to send the sword just now was that she didn't want to make it difficult for her husband, for fear that he would rise up and fight with her brother, it would not be beautiful.

Moreover, she knows even more... her own man has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, but such an existence is willing to aggrieve her to please her brother for her... How can this make Yu Ji dare not move? ?

It's a small thing, but

See the big from the small...

Yu Ji felt that she did not love the wrong person...

"Thank you... Zhou Lang!!" Yu Ji was so moved that she could not wait to jump up and show her feelings with her actions...

Zhou Ye was stared at by Yu Ji's small eyes, and was speechless for a while...

Although he sometimes behaves a bit domineering, but it is not so unreasonable, right? ?

After all, they are the relatives of their own women. If it is not necessary, why do they have to be incompatible with their relatives? ? That would not only bring no benefit to him, but would also make his woman feel bad about it, why bother? ?

Just when Yu Ji was so excited that she wanted to pounce on her and give her man a sweet mouth...

Her sister-in-law came in from the outside...and asked blankly: "What did you say just now?? Why did your brother leave here on a horse...with a look of anger??"

"Uh-!!" x2

Zhou Ye and Yu Ji were both dumbfounded...

"Sister-in-law, don't ask, I'll go get my brother back!" Yu Ji was about to go out...

"Forget it, you still have to tie the bell to untie the bell. It's up to me to find your brother!!" Zhou Ye smiled and shook his head, then pulled Yu Ji...

"Then... Okay!!" Yu Ji bit her lower lip, hesitated, and said, "If you can't find your brother in the restaurant, just go to the abandoned copper mine at the foot of Nanshan, and your brother will definitely be there. !!"

"Well, I see!!" Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, and walked out of the gate of Yu's house...

Chapter 1783

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