Leng Yue has already made up her mind. If she still can't find her way back after nightfall, then—all she can do is kill horses to make ends meet...

After killing the horse, she can drink the blood of the horse to quench her thirst, and she can eat raw meat to feed her stomach. Of course, the most important thing is that she can hide in the belly of the horse and endure the long, cold night in the Gobi Desert.

Although it is said that for the Xiong'an people on horseback, the horse is their most loyal friend, but - in order to survive...

Minutes passed by...

Leng Yue didn't find any familiar scenes... This made her almost despair.

But the sky was still dark...

The temperature also dropped suddenly, and Leng Yue, who was not wearing thick clothes, already felt a chill.

Leng Yue pulled the reins and stopped...

She jumped off her horse and gently stroked the long mane of her beloved horse...

And her horse, thinking that her master was playing with her, gently cupped Lengyue's little hand with her horse's head.

This action of the horse made Leng Yue burst into tears...

Horses are loyal and humane...

Leng Yue's horse was given to her by her father when she was a foal...

It can be said that Leng Yue raised this horse... She feeds it grass, brushes it... Treats it like her own child.

But now——she wants to live for herself, to kill it...

"Little Xingxing...Little Xingxing..." Leng Yue caressed her beloved horse and whispered the name of her beloved horse... Little hands trembling, she could barely hold her short knife. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... woo woo..."

And Little Xingxing didn't know why his master was crying. He used his big head to arch his master, wanting her to go up, and he supported her to move on...

Leng Yue's whole body is about to collapse...

She couldn't help squatting there and burst into tears...

Just when Leng Yue was crying bitterly... Suddenly, far away, there was a human voice along with the wind.

[The world is long, the passengers are in a hurry, the tide rises and falls...]

This voice suddenly startled Leng Yue...

She jumped up and stood up... Not wanting to dry her tears, she straightened her ears and discerned the direction of the sound.

What does someone stand for?

Some represent water, some represent real objects, and some represent a way to live...

The most important thing is that someone represents that she no longer has to kill horses...

Thinking of this, Leng Yue's heart is full of excitement...

After identifying the direction from which the voice came, she turned over and jumped onto the horse's back again... "Little Xingxing, hurry up, let's run in that direction!!"

And her beloved horse, Xiao Xingxing, also spared no effort, and under the command of her master, ran in the direction of the distant voice.

As the voice became clearer, Leng Yue's heart became more and more excited...

After going around a dune, she finally saw a light...

The light seemed so warm in the dark night.

"Little Xingxing, rush..." Leng Yue couldn't care anymore, she rode her horse and ran towards the light...

And the singing seemed to be disturbed by the sound of horses' hooves, and stopped...

After a while————

Leng Yue finally rushed to the spot of the fire, as she expected—there was indeed someone here, a handsome young man in a white Hanfu was sitting in front of a bonfire, staring at her blankly, as if frightened... …

"You, hello... Can you give me some water??" When Leng Yue saw the young man's first glance, he was attracted by his peerless elegance. His original desire to grab it was extinguished. He stammered and asked in Chinese, which he was not good at.

Chapter 1790

Chapter 1790

Looking at this exotic woman in front of him, Zhou Ye didn't know how to complain.

He was just inspired to sing by the vast Gobi, so he snorted and walked for a while, and then he hooked up with a beautiful woman.

And this beauty seems... looks a little familiar? ?

Some are like an actress named Lin Peng, but much younger than her?

"That...what's your name??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"I... my name is Leng Yue!!" At this time, Leng Yue had already jumped out of love.

She led the horse and walked to the campfire... She whispered again, "Can, can you give me some water??"

"Ah, okay, of course there's no problem!!" Zhou Ye smiled, picked up a bottle of pure water from his side, and handed it to Leng Yue...

Leng Yue foolishly took the bottle of pure water from Zhou Ye's hand... She was stunned while holding the water bottle in her hand.

She can see the water inside, but...how do I open this thing? ?

Leng Yue tried to pull the top of the water bottle where it seemed to be the stopper, but——she pulled it for a long time, but she couldn't pull it out at all...

She was already a little hungry and thirsty, and when she saw that she couldn't drink it, the last bit of patience in Leng Yue's heart was exhausted... In a fit of rage, she pulled out the short knife around her waist, and was about to take it out. This thing is torn apart...

"Wait..." Zhou Ye smiled and stopped Leng Yue's actions... He gently took the bottle from Leng Yue's hand

water, and then gently unscrewed it, and handed it over again. "Okay, now you can drink!!"

"..." Leng Yue looked at the bottled water in her hand, then looked at Zhou Ye... Then she gently lifted her veil and drank the water like this.

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, stood there happily watching her...

This thing is actually just a bad taste. I deliberately gave the ancients a bottle of bottled water, wanting to see the reaction of Leng Yue...

What to say? ? Really good and interesting...

Moreover, Zhou Ye has almost figured out who Leng Yue is...

Nima, how many movies are in this world? ? There are even heavenly generals and lions? ? Holy crap, and it looks like it was many years before the plot started...

That's interesting...

Princess Leng Yue - Nan Xiong'an... I didn't come out in vain this time.

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