When Leng Yue thought that Zhou Ye had kindly given her water and invited her to eat, but she stabbed him with a knife, the whole person was not well... In her opinion, it was not only a kind of revenge, but also...

So, she strongly demanded that Zhou Ye stab herself too... Otherwise, she would feel uneasy.

Of course Zhou Ye refused to stab his own woman... However, Leng Yue insisted that Zhou Ye do that.

In desperation, Zhou Ye could only stab... Of course, not with a knife, but with the parts that he brought with him, and the stab was not one time, but many times.

cough cough...

I haven't finished stabbing it yet...I'm just asking if you're afraid?

"Ye, how long do we, how long do we have to... get out... out of this sea of ​​death!!" Leng Yue can't even utter a single word at this moment, there is no way... She is continuing to be stabbed... Especially when the Dream Demon Horse walked up and down, she was about to collapse...

"Are you in a hurry to go home?? Baby!" Zhou Ye asked in a low voice in Leng Yue's ear with a smile.

"No...No...No!!" Leng Yue really didn't know what to say, she just wanted to get out of the sea of ​​death quickly, so that she could get out of this embarrassing situation.

To be honest, it's hard to do this kind of thing too much...

Especially Leng Yue has been frightened by Zhou Ye now... Since she woke up in the morning, she has already drank a lot in just over an hour, why did she drink? you guess……

"If that's the case, let's speed up our journey!!" Zhou Ye said, slapped the dream demon horse maliciously, and shouted: "Let's go, dream demon, your little mistress is in a hurry to go home, Let's run!!!"

Dream Warcraft, as the modulation horse beast of Umbrella technology, is of course psychic...

When it heard the words of its master, it let out a long hiss, spread its hooves, and ran frantically toward the front.

It didn't matter if the Nightmare Beast ran like this, Leng Yue, who was sitting in front of Zhou Ye, would suffer... But Leng Yue, who had no other choice, could only hold the Nightmare Horse's neck tightly, her silver teeth tightening and biting loudly. Cursing: "Ah... the bastard dream demon... and you, Ye... you... this big bad guy... ah!!"

And Zhou Ye burst out laughing...Death Gobi is really a perfect place for Ma Zhen.

Three hours later ——————

Zhou Ye and Leng Yue, who were running all the way, were almost at the periphery of the sea of ​​death...

However, at this time, a group of knights in black leather armor came on the face, and they held up what looked like a totem symbol like a two-handed swallow-winged axe...

From a distance, seeing this team of cavalry, Leng Yue shouted happily: "This is my father's subordinate, they are coming to me!!"

Zhou Ye smiled and looked at Leng Yue's happy look, but didn't say anything...

The abnormal state between the two has long since been lifted... Moreover, Leng Yue has recovered somewhat, because Zhou Ye has long heard the hooves of the cavalry, which heralded their arrival...

Otherwise, do you think it will be so coincidental that the edge of the sea of ​​death is so big that you can just touch it? ?

"Hey, I'm here!!" Leng Yue didn't care about the attitude of her own man, she directly waved her arms at those South Xiong'an troops...

And those guys obviously saw Leng Yue, and rushed over quickly...

"Princess Leng Yue, are you alright!!"

When he came to the front, the first knight restrained the warhorse under his crotch, then bowed his hands to Leng Yue, and said, "Your Majesty received news last night that King Zuo Xian was happy to rebel, and Xingye came here... We have just quelled the rebellion. , the king has ordered us to enter the sea of ​​death to find you!!"

"I'm fine!!" After hearing the knight's explanation, Leng Yue gradually calmed down... She was just a little happy just because she saw her father's cavalry, but she didn't want to do anything...

"Who is this??" The knight who led the army also noticed that his princess was snuggling in the arms of a man...

"He's Zhou Ye...and my man!!" Leng Yue said calmly...as if it was only natural for her to marry Zhou Ye.

"This..." The knight didn't know what to do...

Damn, the princess went to the sea of ​​death for one night and brought back a man, and she said that this is her man? ? What does man mean? ?

In the South Hungarian custom, only when a woman introduces her husband to others will she say - this is my man.

The fifteen-year-old Princess Leng Yue actually had a husband...? ?

The knight really didn't know what to say?

reprimand? ?

He is not qualified to...

It can be said that the King of South Xiong'an treasures his daughter very much, and Leng Yue has been very good since he was a child. He dare not say anything about Wen Tao and martial arts, but in terms of martial arts alone, he is better than many boys of the same age. If it wasn't for the fact that the throne could not be passed on to women, the King of South Xiong'an really wanted to pass the throne to his daughter...

However, although he could not pass the throne to his own daughter, he had already decided that she was the right virtuous king of South Xiong'an.

Have you seen the female king? ?

The King of Xiong'an is so willful, what's the matter...

"Okay! Don't say it!! Let's go back... I just want to see my father!!" Leng Yue also saw the knight's embarrassment, she directly waved her hand and said: "Let's go!!"

With the words of the cold moon...

A group of knights dispersed, and then guarded their own princess and the princess' man in the middle,

Out of the world of death...

Being able to find his own princess so easily made the faces of all the knights have a hint of joy.

You know, going deep into the sea of ​​death is a matter of ten deaths and no life.

But——the king of Xiong'an had to obey the orders, they could be said to have entered the sea of ​​death with their heads in their hands.

Now, one person has found his own princess without damage, which is really a blessing from the gods.

As for Leng Yue, she snuggled her body into her man's arms and whispered, "You don't have to be nervous when you see my father, I'll tell you everything..."

"Yeah!!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded...

Chapter 1793

Chapter 1793


In the oasis where Leng Yue escaped from...

King Xiong'an was looking angrily at Zuo Xian Wang Xiwei, who was bound by ropes in front of him, and asked: "Xiwei, I treat you well on weekdays, although I took over your father's throne, but I also made you King Zuo Xian, why do you still rebel??"

"Hahaha... Do you also know how your throne came?? I thought you forgot?" Zuo Xian Wang, who was tied like a zongzi, laughed loudly: "Zuo Xian Wang? Bah, What bullshit Zuo Xian Wang, who has a title and no power at all, is also called Zuo Xian Wang??"

"Hmph, I don't know what to do!!" King Xiong'an said angrily, "I ask you, where is my daughter??"

"Didn't I already tell you? Your daughter was forced into the sea of ​​death by my people, and she can't come back... You should just die!! Hahahahaha!!"

Saying this, Xiwei laughed out loud, although the rebellion failed...but——he was very content to kill the most beloved daughter of King Huan.

"You—damn!!!" King Xiong'an heard Xiwei's words, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

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