Zhou Ye leaned on the pillow, smiled and watched Leng Yue stand by the warm bed, getting dressed...

Soon, Leng Yue has finished dressing up...

In the final analysis, the transportation in this era is underdeveloped, which also restricts the flow of goods.

In addition, Nanxiong'an is located at the southern end of the Western Regions, and the mountains are far away. You can't find rouge gouache here.

However, Leng Yue was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and with her natural beauty, she was beautiful enough without those things.

After admiring the perfect man changing clothes, of course Zhou Ye also got up...

Leng Yue, on the other hand, put down the air of her own princess and helped her man dress up.

Although Leng Yue, who had never served anyone before, seemed a little clumsy to do these things, but——this thought was enough to move Zhou Ye unceasingly.

Originally, Leng Yue was served by two maids, but——

Zhou Ye didn't like Leng Yue's two maids... Moreover, Leng Yue didn't want unrelated people to see her man's body, so Leng Yue didn't let her maids come in to serve her and Zhou Ye.

Why doesn't Zhou Ye like Leng Yue's two maids? ?

Cough cough... No way, it looks too ordinary.

After Zhou Ye and Leng Yue were dressed neatly, a servant would naturally help them carry the toiletries into the tent.

After washing up... Zhou Ye and Leng Yue walked out of her tent.

At this moment, Leng Yue's father also walked out of his tent with the help of two maids...

King Xiong'an, who was holding his forehead in pain, saw his daughter walking out of the tent together with the culprit who caused his hangover and headache...

Suddenly he laughed and said: "Boy, your wine is strong enough, is there any more??"

"Yes, if someone asks, if you ask, of course there is!!" Zhou Ye also said with a smile.

"Okay, refreshing!!" King Hun'an laughed loudly: "I'll send someone to invite the heads of the various tribes of Hun'an, and at night, I'll hold a wedding here for you!! When that time comes, don't be stingy with you. The good wine!"

"No problem!!" Zhou Ye replied with a smile.

King Xiong'an has no good intentions. He intends to let those chiefs also taste how he feels after a hangover this morning! !

With the order of King Xiong'an, the whole oasis became lively...

Those who kill sheep kill sheep, those who move wine move wine...

Although Zhou Ye had already promised to provide good wine, those wines were only for the heads of the tribes and people with identities to drink, and the others—still made do with the Yangnai bar.

And Leng Yue, also greeted by several elderly women, began to dress up.

In the blink of an eye - it was already dark.

In the open space of the oasis, a roaring bonfire has been lit...

The heads of the tribes have also come here...

The place occupied by South Xiong'an is not large, and they are not far from each other... Therefore, they can gather together so quickly.

If you think about it, you know, the so-called Thirty-six Kingdoms in the Western Regions—the Gobi Desert, which is uninhabitable, doesn’t have much territory—you know, the Thirty-six Kingdoms in the Western Regions were in modern times. Xinjiang over there...

The overall look is not small, but there are not many places to divide it.

And the Huan people naturally don't have as many etiquettes as the Han people get married...

Many times, the so-called wedding is to gather everyone together and have a big meal.

Then let everyone get to know the new couple, even if they are married.

However, on the night of the wedding, something happened...

Leng Yue's beauty is quite famous in the Xiong'an Kingdom. At the wedding that night, when she routinely asked if anyone objected to the two people becoming husband and wife, a dozen or so stunned heads popped out unexpectedly. To compare with Zhou Ye...

Of course, even if they win the competition, they have nothing to gain...

However, these guys are still willing to do what they want to lose Zhou Ye's little white face.

It's a pity that these guys picked the wrong person...

Faced with the provocation of these guys, Zhou Ye didn't even bother to provoke them one by one and told them to come along.

In the face of Zhou Ye's arrogant words, of course the group of stunned young people will not be vague...

However, when more than a dozen people went up together, it took less than a minute for Zhou Ye to unceremoniously turn them all over.

This quelled the other guys who were just about to move on the spot...

Seeing such a situation, King Hun'an was even more open-minded...

To say that King Hun'an was satisfied with everything about Zhou Ye, the only thing he was dissatisfied with was that Zhou Ye looked a little thin, not as strong as other men. Now it seems... he has gone wrong, his son-in-law can be called The above is capable of writing and martial arts.

Excited, King Xiong'an directly took out the dozen bottles of liquid five that Zhou Ye had given him, and drank it together with the group of leaders.

On the other hand, Zhou Ye hid in her tent with Leng Yue in his arms... Spring nights are worth thousands of dollars, and ghosts are drinking with those drunks.

That night----

The King of Hun'an and all the chiefs of Hun'an were very drunk...

Every single one of them is ugly...

Fortunately, they are high and powerful, and no one dares to say anything about them.

After Zhou Ye and Leng Yue were in the oasis for a while... they were about to get up and say goodbye.

Although King Xiong'an was reluctant, he

Yes, he knew that he couldn't keep Zhou Ye...

In the end, it was the one who sent things to his daughter in large and small bags, for fear that his daughter would be wronged by Zhou Ye.

Three days later ——————

Zhou Ye took Leng Yue and walked towards the location of the Protectorate of the Western Regions under the escort of a dozen knights...

"Ye, why are we going to the Protectorate of the Western Regions??" Leng Yue, who was nestled in Zhou Ye's arms, asked curiously.

"How about going to find you a sister??" Zhou Ye smiled.

Chapter 1795

Chapter 1795

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