Zhou Ye and Leng Yue rode their horses leisurely on the streets of the city...

There are many people on the street, wearing different clothes and speaking different languages... Looking around, it's an international metropolis, poof——

Of course, the above was just a joke in Zhou Ye's heart.

In this city full of earthen buildings, it is really not as beautiful as later generations imagined.

Chapter 1796

Chapter 1796

"Huh?" Zhou Ye suddenly saw a familiar face... "Brother Long??"

"Brother Long?? Who is Brother Long??" Leng Yue couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words of her own man.

She knew that her own man should have no acquaintances in this world. Who is Brother Long he said? ?

"No no... He should be called now, Huo An!!" Zhou Ye said, smiled slightly, turned his head to Leng Yue and said, "Let's go, find someone to have a good chat with!!"

"Yeah!!" Although she didn't know what her man meant, Leng Yue nodded obediently.

Zhou Ye immediately turned over and dismounted, holding the Dream Demon, walking towards the group of figures who were shopping in front of him...

After coming behind them, Zhou Ye smiled and patted Huo An on the shoulder, "Hey!!"

Huo An, who was out shopping with his brother when he had nothing to do, felt his shoulders sink, and his habitual long sword was unsheathed.

He stabbed at the back without hesitation...

However, it was not until his long sword was about to stab someone that Huo An suddenly reacted. This is not a wilderness, but a city... How can there be wild wolves in the city?

However, at this time, it was too late to think about withdrawing the sword... Huo An couldn't help but let out a sigh, so he wanted to lie forward so that at least the people behind him would not be injured.

But——his movement was stopped by the people behind him.

Moreover, Huo An also felt that his sword was also caught...

"My man greeted you with kindness and kindness, but you actually drew your sword to face each other?? You almost hurt my man..." At this time, a coquettish voice full of anger came, followed by a Cang clang, and the sword was unsheathed. sound.

At this time, Huo An also turned his head and saw who was holding his sword.

I saw a young man who looked incomparably handsome, looking at him with a smile but not a smile, holding the sword he had just stabbed in his hand.

"This little brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" Huo An hurriedly apologized: "Because there are often wild wolves attacking people from behind in the wild, so—this is a natural reaction, I'm really sorry!!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me stab you too!!" Leng Yue, who was born in the Western Regions and grew up in the Western Regions, of course also knows that it is easy to be misunderstood by people who shoot people in the back of the Western Regions. Counterattack, and if you die, there is no reason to deal with it...


Now and then, it was the man she loved, her only man, who was stabbed, how could she just let it go? ?

You may say she is unreasonable, you may say she has double standards, in short, she is a person who helps relatives and does not help.

On this point, she has very similar views to her own man, Zhou Ye.

Facing the unrelenting Leng Yue, Huo An hadn't spoken yet, and the brothers beside him were unwilling...

They also drew their weapons, and then faced Leng Yue with swords and swords: "That woman, your words are so unreasonable, you look like a hustler in your dress, others don't know the rules here, don't you know? ??"

"Bah, I'm just being unreasonable today!!" Leng Yue said, and was about to leap up and fight them.

Unfortunately, Zhou Ye grabbed her hand. "Okay, Xiaoyue'er, they didn't do it on purpose. Besides...I'm fine with this!!"

"Humph!!" Leng Yue heard Zhou Ye's words, snorted coldly at Huo An and the others, then carefully picked up Zhou Ye's hand that was holding the sword just now, and checked it carefully... "It's alright, Ye, did you get hurt anywhere??"

Although she knew that her man was invulnerable, but——worry is worry, worry without reason.

"It's okay, it's okay!!" Zhou Ye smiled and let Leng Yue look at his hand.

At this time, Huo An also apologized to Zhou Ye again.

Zhou Ye waved his hand, saying that it's not in the way...

"I don't know why the little brother stopped me? Have we met??" Huo An asked strangely.

"Of course we've met!!" Zhou Ye smiled...

"Oh??" Huo An looked at Zhou Ye carefully. After a long time, he was sure that he had never seen Zhou Ye...

If he had seen such a handsome young man, Huo An felt that he would never forget him.

"Shouldn't we have met??" Huo An said uncertainly.

"I've seen it, but you don't remember it!!" Zhou Ye laughed loudly: "Okay, since we meet here today, since it's fate, let's go, I'll invite you to drink!!"

"This..." Huo An didn't know, should he go?

He was sure that he had never seen this young man, but this young man was quite sure that he had seen him? Then it must be the wrong person.

Thinking of this, Huo An said, "Little brother, you must be mistaken. I have never left the Western Regions, so how can I meet you? My name is Huo..."

"I know your name is Huo An!!"

Zhou Ye interrupted Huo An's words and said with a smile, "Whether you remember me or not, it's fate to meet you. It's just a drink. You won't lose face, will you?"

"..." Huo An was still a little hesitant...

"Otherwise, I heard that your swordsmanship is very good? Or else - how about we have a martial arts meeting with friends and have a test? If I win, you will accompany me to drink. If I lose, then everything is over, why? Like??" Please, it's better to be aggressive, Zhou Ye can be regarded as relying on Huo An.

He planned that every time he came across Brother Long's movie, he would be slapped hard... just to make up for the movie tickets owed to him.

"Brother, compare with him!!"

"Yeah, big brother, compare with him!!"

Before Huo An could speak, the brothers around him had already started to get restless...

In their opinion, although Zhou Ye is handsome, does being handsome mean he has superb swordsmanship? ? How dare you compare swords with your elder brother? ? Really never died.

"Well, let's just stop there!!" Under the encouragement of his brothers, Huo An also nodded.

After all, he was only twenty years old at this time, and it was when he was young and vigorous.

Although he has the idea of ​​maintaining peace, but——the young people still have the will to win.

A group of people simply found an open space in the city...

Huo An and Zhou Ye confronted each other with wooden sticks instead of swords...

On Huo An's side, a group of brothers cheered loudly for their eldest brother.

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