Here, the languages ​​of the thirty-six countries are different, but they can actually make business by gestures, I have to say - this is really fun for Zhou Ye.

While the two of them wandered around, they came to a stall with all kinds of furs and furs. A Hu man with dreadlocks was squatting there... After many people came to look for the price, they shook their heads and left. now...

At this time, Leng Yue also took a fancy to the two white wolf skins on the stall.

Those two white wolf skins were really good, without a trace of mottled, snow-white... But Zhou Ye wasn't very interested.

In terms of furs, on the continent of Azeroth, there are many furs of various animals, and many even have a hint of magic attributes.

After a casual glance, Zhou Ye planned to pull Leng Yue away, but Leng Yue did not leave, "Ye, wait for me!!"

While talking, Leng Yue squatted in front of the stall, pointed to the two white wolf skins and asked, "How much is the wolf skin??"

At this time, the Hu people who set up the stall saw that both Leng Yue and Zhou Ye were wearing high-quality clothes, and immediately became energetic. "Girl, you really have good eyesight... These two wolf skins were hunted by me after chasing the wolf king in the mountains for two days and two nights... Look at these furs, except that there is no damage, they are really top-quality!! "

Zhou Ye also crouched down at this time...

Since his woman is interested in these two wolf skins, he doesn't care, anyway, he is not bad for money...

At this time, Leng Yue also began to look at the two wolf skins.

I have to say that the barbarian stall owner selling wolf skins did not lie, and the two white wolf skins did not have a trace of damage. Obviously, when hunting, the hunter's bow and arrow shot the wolf's head.

Only in this case, the wolf skin will not have a trace of scars.

After looking at it for a while, Leng Yue nodded with satisfaction and asked, "I want these two wolf skins, please tell me the price!!"

"This..." Hearing Leng Yue's asking price, the Huren stall owner rubbed his hands in embarrassment... "I don't want any money for these furs..."

"Don't want money??" Leng Yue was stunned when she heard the stall owner's words, "What do you want to exchange for no money??"

"I want to change ten kilograms...ten kilograms of salt!!" After Hu Ren stammered these words, he stared at Leng Yue and Zhou Ye...

These two people are the people he has met who feel most likely to have what he wants. The group of guys who asked the price just now were either in tattered clothes or unkempt. Not like someone who can come up with what he wants...

Therefore, Hu talents sent them away at will...

"Do you want salt??" Leng Yue was stunned when she heard Hu Ren's words...

It can be said that these two white wolf skins are indeed relatively rare, and the value is indeed enough to exchange ten pounds of salt, but - you must know one thing, salt is not something you can buy if you want, only in a fixed set. It is only possible to buy salt at a fixed time in the market...

Obviously, the tribe of the Hu people in front of them may have missed the salt market because of some things, so they had to try their luck here.

Zhou Ye couldn't help slandering after hearing Hu Ren's words... [It's really cheap...]

In these days, ten catties of salt can be exchanged for fine furs... This is really cool. If anyone can travel through the past and present, they can make a lot of money just by selling salt.

And Leng Yue couldn't help but look at her man... She knew that there was so much salt in her man's hands... "Ye..."

"Buy, buy, buy... If you don't buy it, you're not a person!!" Zhou Ye waved his hand and said to the hu man with a smile, "Are you going to get it from me? Or wait for us to deliver it here??"

"I'll go get it with you..." Hu Ren's eyes lit up when he heard Zhou Ye's words, he had been squatting here all morning...

Many people who seem to be extravagant can't come up with what they want... He is almost desperate, and he has finally hoped for a buyer, how dare he wait here.

You know, in the Western Regions, salt is more expensive than gold...

Gold can't be eaten or drunk, it can only be used as currency, but——if people don't eat salt for three days, they will be completely powerless... This thing is a necessity of life.

"Let's go then!!" Zhou Ye smiled and pulled Leng Yue to stand up...

"Don't wait for me!" Hu Ren hurriedly packed the furs and furs from the stall in a large package, carried them on their backs, and followed Zhou Ye to the city.

Zhou Ye and Leng Yue walked towards the city with this Hu man who sold fur furs.

After a while...the group arrived at Zhou Ye's temporary residence, "Wait for me here!!"

Zhou Ye said, and walked into the room... After a while, he came out with a leather bag... "This is the salt you asked for, right!!"

"This..." Hu Ren opened the leather bag and saw that the fine salt of Bai Huahua was about to dazzle his eyes... He took a bit of salt from the bag tremblingly and put it in his mouth... The salty taste suddenly filled his mouth... Yes, it is indeed salt... "This, this salt is too expensive... I... I... I can't afford it!!"

Chapter 1801

Chapter 1801

"It's can just hold it!!" Zhou Ye smiled and said indifferently.

No matter what time, no matter what world he is in, Zhou Ye is not a master who lacks money... How could he care about the price difference between fine salt and coarse salt?

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Hu Ren couldn't stop thanking him excitedly.

In the end, not only did he hand over the two white wolf skins

Come, and bring all his furs...

Zhou Ye couldn't really refuse, so he had to accept it.

Watching the Hu Ren leaving with the salt bag, Zhou Ye couldn't help but want to laugh.

No matter when or where, there are always such straightforward people.

"Okay, the white wolf skin you want!!" Zhou Ye shook his head with a smile, and then handed the bag wrapped in wolf skin to Leng Yue.

"Yeah!!" Leng Yue took the burden from her man with a smile... She actually knew the price of fine salt, but—since her man was silent, why did she bother to be a nagging woman? ? ?

"By the way, what do you want these wolf skins for??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"It's going to get cold soon..." Leng Yue said while unwrapping her bag and picking out the furs in the package, "I want to sew a coat for you..."

"..." Zhou Ye was silent for a while after hearing Leng Yue's words...

Let alone the cold wind in the desert, his body is helpless even at absolute zero...

However, this is a piece of Leng Yue's heart...

The beauty is so kind, how could Zhou Ye live up to it? ?

"What's wrong, Ye??" Leng Yue also found that something was wrong on her man's face at this time... She put down the fur in her hand, walked in front of him, and measured his forehead with her hands a little worried... Nothing. Question ah?

"I'm fine..." Zhou Ye smiled, gently embraced Leng Yue in his arms, and said in a low voice, "I just think I love you more, what should I do??"

Leng Yue heard this sentence, her heart was almost drunk, she snuggled in her man's arms, and whispered: "Bad people, they will make me happy!!"

Just when the two were showing their love at the door of their home...

Suddenly a voice came.

"Did I come at the wrong time??"

With the voice, Huo An's figure appeared beside the two...

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