But this is also impossible...

Escorting this kind of work is no better than others. Besides... These people are going to Luntai City to help them settle their fields. They can't turn their heads and leave no matter how anxious they are? ?

Just like that, the group walked slowly and leisurely towards Luntai City.

It was almost noon when I left the Yumen Pass, but it was almost dusk, and I had not walked 20 kilometers away.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Huo An had no choice but to find a place slightly closer to the cliff and temporarily set up camp.

Walking at night on the grassland? ?

I'm afraid you haven't been bitten by wolves...

You know, wolves are a tyrant in the grasslands.

Small, dozens of groups, larger, even hundreds, and the wolves are extremely cunning, under the command of the alpha wolf, they even dare to attack a small group of troops... Moreover, they are often able to succeed. Therefore, people on the grassland are afraid of wolves, and at the same time, this fear is also mixed with some worship.

No tents or anything...

The relocated households skillfully placed their belongings around the outside as a temporary barrier in an orderly manner, and they began to cook rice by themselves.

They have already mastered this set of skills.

After all, they have been walking for almost a month from their hometown to Yumenguan. The skill of setting up a camp is almost too familiar.

Huo An and others were helping the relocated people to set up camp, while Zhou Ye led a group of women to fetch water.

After all, water is needed for cooking, and they have already run out of water they have brought with them after walking all the way.

"Big Brother Zhou, are there many wolves on the grassland??" At this time, Xiuqing followed Zhou Ye with two water bags in one hand and a bucket... She asked curiously, "Why does General Huo want to Are there so many traps set up outside the camp??"

Hearing Xiuqing's words, Zhou Ye smiled and said, "On the grassland, the most terrifying thing is not the barbarian bandits, nor the blizzard, but the wolves..."

"Why??" Xiu Qing blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhou Ye...

"The gate is densely populated, and there are naturally not many beasts and the like!" Zhou Ye explained: "But the Western Regions are sparsely populated... It's normal to see no people within a hundred miles, so the wolves are here. There are almost no natural enemies... and wild wolves are cunning by nature, they never fight recklessly with a large army, and if things go wrong, they will flee thousands of miles away... Therefore, it is difficult to completely eliminate them!"

"It turns out to be like this!!" Xiuqing said with a look of admiration: "Big Brother Zhou, you are truly knowledgeable!!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye laughed awkwardly... Shouldn't this kind of thing be common sense? ? Can this also be called erudition? ?

Or to say... any person in the future, even if he did not graduate from junior high school, can become a learned person back in ancient times.

After all, the amount of information received is completely different.

In ancient times, people transmitted information basically by word of mouth, and if you want to understand the tablet, you have to know the text and hyphenate it. It is a pity that in this era, the penetration rate of culture is very touching.

It is precisely because of this that people in this era have very little knowledge, and what is common sense in the eyes of later generations is completely unknown here.

Some people have done statistics, it is said that the amount of information received by modern people in a day is more than the amount of information received by people in ancient times in a few months.

Therefore, it is said that even a modern semi-illiterate returning to ancient times is enough to pretend to be a learned scholar.

Along the way, Xiuqing, like a hundred thousand whys, kept asking Zhou Ye all kinds of questions... and Zhou Ye patiently answered them one by one.

The women who followed behind them looked at Xiuqing with admiration...

They also want to talk to Zhou Ye, but unfortunately they are already married... Moreover, Zhou Ye will never treat them as patiently as Xiuqing, there is no way - who made Zhou Ye the leader of the Appearance Party? ?

While speaking, Zhou Ye had already brought everyone to the edge of a lake...

The women took the containers they brought one by one and fetched water by the lake...

Xiuqing also cautiously walked to the lake, wanting to bend over to fetch water. However, at this moment, she slipped and fell into the lake...

"Ah-!!" Xiu Qing couldn't help screaming and closed her eyes...

From her point of view, this time, I'm afraid she will get her dress wet... However, at this moment, Xiuqing suddenly felt that her slender waist was being embraced from behind. There was also a familiar voice in my ear... "Be careful..."

Xiuqing felt that a hot air was blowing on her ears, making her ears itchy. At the same time, a pleasant smell with a hint of sunshine also rushed into her nose... She knew, that It belongs to Zhou Ye's taste.

Because when she was talking to Zhou Ye, she would smell this smell from time to time.

When she realized who was holding her waist from behind, Xiuqing's little face flushed to her neck.

After Zhou Ye carried her to a safe place, Xiuqing said in a low voice, "Thank you, Brother Zhou!!"

"You're welcome..." Zhou Ye said while gently biting on Xiuqing's earlobe...

This time, Xiuqing's whole body was stunned...

She felt that the place where she was touched was like being devoured by lightning, and the electric current spread to her whole body along her ears... It made her unable to move.

Seeing the little beauty in his arms, he couldn't even move because of him, Zhou Ye endured it.

He couldn't stop teasing, "Xiuqing is really fragrant..."

Xiuqing also reacted at this time, she couldn't help lowering her head, and said in a low voice: "Big Brother Zhou, you...you are really necrotic!!"

"Hehe... Okay, let's go get water..." Zhou Ye looked around at the women who were fetching water. Many people had already noticed their little gestures and were watching them with great interest, most of them watching a play. stance...

Oh, so many people are really bad...

"Yeah!" At this time, Xiuqing also noticed the strange gazes of those women... She nodded slightly shyly, and started filling water.

Zhou Ye looked at Xiuqing's peach-heart curve that was revealed by bending down...a little depressed and thought - it would be great if there weren't so many people at this time.

Chapter 1804

Chapter 1804

After picking up the water, on the way back, the shy Xiuqing kept her head down, not even daring to look at Zhou Ye, let alone asking him questions like she always did.

As for Zhou Ye, he doesn't care either...

As a little girl, you can be shy at first...it's normal.

When they returned to the camp, everyone had already started cooking...

There is no firewood for you to burn on the grassland. Fortunately, when they came out of Yumen Pass, they brought a few carts of dried cow and horse dung with them.

If you imagine at home, it is impossible to bury the fire to make rice. The most you need to do is to boil some water, then soak the hard noodles in it, and eat it as you go.

As for Zhou Ye and the others, they brought a lot of beef jerky and mutton jerky. Fortunately, they could eat it even if they were grilled on fire.

Just as Zhou Ye, Huo An and the others were surrounding the fire, eating jerky and chatting...

A slender figure came over, holding a bowl of hot millet porridge in his hand...

It's none other than Xiuqing...

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