Not long after, the second wolf howl appeared...

Then came the third, the fourth, the fifth...

And listening to the location of these wolf howls, it is obvious that the first wolf howl is not from the same direction.

This immediately made Huo An nervous.

He hurriedly stood up and instructed his brothers, saying: "Go and call up the people and make them form a circle, the men stand outside, and the old, young, women and children hide in the crowd... Whether it's a kitchen knife, Or sticks, let those men get ready... no matter what..."

"Yes!!" xn

All the brothers also knew that this time was not a joke, they hurried to the camp and called up all those who had rested.

At this time, those who hadn't slept peacefully were also nervous. Listening to the wolf howl, the people who were facing this situation for the first time couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts...

At this time, Old Man Zhang was extremely nervous...

Why? ?

Because his daughter left the camp with Zhou Ye...

In case, the two meet the wolves...then it will definitely be worse! !

Thinking of this, old man Zhang disregarded the dissuasion of the soldiers of the Duhufu, and wanted to go out of the camp to find his daughter...

However, before he even walked out of the camp, he saw two figures approaching from a distance—no one else, but the two daughters Xiuqing and Zhou Ye he cared about in his heart.

"Hey, my daughter...Where are you going, I'm dying!!" When old man Zhang saw his daughter's figure, his heart dropped...

"Daddy, don't worry, I'm fine!!" Saying this, Xiuqing couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Ye next to her...

Don't look at this, it's only been two hours, but—in the mirror world, she has passed more than a month.

At this time, Xiuqing had already fallen in love with Zhou Ye completely... She even knew a lot of her husband's secrets.

This not only made her happy, but also gave her more heart to her husband.

As the saying goes, which woman doesn't want her man to be a man of the sky, now - her man is not only a man of the sky, but also a person with great supernatural powers. How could this not make her happy? ?

Moreover, thanks to her own man, she is no longer an ordinary person at this time... As a standard for Zhou Ye's woman, Zhou Ye of course also slightly transformed Xiuqing, giving her the ability of quick silver... No way, this ability is really too buggy... and super easy to use, it can be called offensive and defensive.

Can't beat but can run... What a practical ability!

"Okay, daughter!!" Old man Zhang couldn't care anymore, he hurriedly wanted to step forward and hold his daughter, "Come in with me and hide in the crowd, the wolves are coming..."

However, Xiuqing didn't plan to go with her father, she dodged and hid behind her man... "I don't want, I want to be with Zhou Lang!!"

"..." Hearing this, Old Man Zhang was speechless for a while...

Taking advantage of the firelight, he looked at his daughter a little, and suddenly found that the childish face on his daughter's face was now a little more feminine than mature women...

The old man Zhang, who was a visitor, suddenly realized...

This little girl from my family has already been carried away by [Wolf]...

"You...Are you..." The old man angrily wanted to question his daughter, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

In any case, he is also a scholar, and he feels that talking about this kind of thing will dirty his own eyes...

"Well..." Although her father didn't finish the rest of her words, Xiuqing must have understood... She nodded with a blushing face, and then hugged Zhou Ye's arm without any hesitation... "I , I, I am already Zhou Lang's person..."

"... grievances..." Hearing his daughter's confession, the last trace of luck in Old Man Zhang's heart was gone... He no longer knew what to say.

After saying this, the old man turned around and walked towards the center of the camp... His footsteps seemed a little staggered.

"Zhou Lang, I..." Although Xiuqing unswervingly insisted on her own thoughts on the issue with Zhou Ye, this did not mean that she was an unfilial daughter... Seeing her father's appearance, how could she have Can you be worried? ?

However, she was afraid that she would follow in her father's footsteps and make her men unhappy... After all, her father was against her being with Zhou Ye, and she also told Zhou Ye about it.

So, she looked at Zhou Ye with some expectant eyes... She wanted to ask her own man's opinion.

"Go...that's your father after all!!" Zhou Ye smiled and patted Xiuqing's dolphin lightly.

"Yeah!!" Xiuqing nodded vigorously... A smile leaked from her delicate little face... "Zhou Lang, you are so kind!!"

After saying this, Xiuqing trotted after her father...

Looking at Xiuqing's small appearance, Zhou Ye couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head...

Just when he was about to step into the camp, Huo An walked over to him and saw Zhou Ye's figure.

"Where did you go just now, you almost scared me to death, do you know that?? If something happened to you, how should I explain to Leng Yue??"

Facing Huo An's roar, Zhou Ye just smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I won't have an accident if you have an accident... Okay, how do you get in!!"

"Well!! Zhou Lang, you are so kind!!"

Chapter 1807

Chapter 1807

"You kid..." Huo An was both angry and funny when he heard Zhou Ye's generous words.

For this brother who was like a hob, all Huo An could do was to shake his head and smile bitterly.

"Forget it, get angry with you kid, I will die in your hands sooner or later!!" Huo An shook his head and walked towards the crowd in the camp with Zhou Ye.

What to say?

It is said that there are more than one thousand people, but in fact, the real adult men are only four or five hundred.

At this time, some men with hair in their hearts, holding various things that can be used as weapons in their forehands, look like they are waiting.

But in fact, they really have no bottom in their hearts.

After all, they are just peasants who dig food in the soil. They have the strength, but—haven't experienced such a thing.

"Big, big, big brother... What should we do when the wolves come in a while??" A middle-aged man with a sickle in his hand was already trembling with fright at this moment, and when he spoke, he was a little confused. Stuttering.

The object of his questioning was a military man in the Protectorate's mansion standing beside him.

After all, there are only a dozen people in the Duhufu, and it is really unrealistic to want to gather together to protect these relocated residents.

Therefore, Huo An can only spread them around these farmers. With them around, these farmers feel at least three more courageous.

Moreover, these military men in the Duhufu have some experience in dealing with wild wolves, that is, let them act as a temporary instructor and pass on their experience.

"When the wolves come, don't be afraid..." Hearing the middle-aged man's question, the military man beside him replied, "Don't turn your head and run, not only will the women and children behind you suffer, but you You can't outrun the wolf by yourself..."

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