Following the call, a group of people ran towards him...

Just when Zhou Ye turned to look, a slender figure rushed into his arms with a fragrant wind, "Zhou Lang...Are you all right??"

It was Xiuqing who rushed into his arms. Although she knew what her husband was capable of, how could she not worry about him when she loved someone?

Zhou Ye smiled and looked down at Xiuqing... He said softly, "I'm fine!!"

At this time, Huo An also came over with his group of brothers...

After they saw the wolves retreat, they left and rushed over... and Xiuqing had to go with him no matter what, so in desperation, he could only agree.

I just didn't expect that this weak looking woman could run so fast, leaving them behind from a distance... This is really unbelievable.

"Brother, are you alright!!" Huo An came over and looked up and down Zhou Ye's body. When he saw that Zhou Ye's clothes were neat and there was no trace of blood, he was relieved.

Zhou Ye smiled and nodded to Huo An. "Don't worry... I'm fine!"

Huo An, who was relieved, became curious again at this time. "How did you drive away those wolves?? Did you kill the alpha wolf?"

"It's not...the dog is so cute, why did you kill it??" Zhou Ye teased with a smile, "You are so cruel..."

"………………" xn

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, everyone was speechless for a while...

Head wolf? ?

dog? ?

Maybe only Zhou Ye would treat the Alpha Wolf as a dog? ? Moreover, the cunning and ferocious alpha wolf was actually called cute by him...? Is there any reason for this? ? This guy can kill meat-eating people with cute rabbits... Now he actually says the wolf is cute? ?

Seeing everyone looking like hell... Zhou Ye smiled and said, "Okay, let's go back and rest! The wolves won't be coming back tonight!!"

"Yeah, let's go back to rest!!"

"Yeah, I'm already tired!!"

"I'm exhausted!!"

All the soldiers in the Protectorate's Mansion yawned and walked towards the camp while pretending to talk.

Are they curious?

Curious, of course curious, they are dying of curiosity... In the end, how did Zhou Ye retreat the wolves, you know, they didn't see any signs of fighting around, let alone the corpse of the alpha wolf...

However, they also know that this guy Zhou Ye looks carefree on weekdays, but he is a tight-lipped guy. If he doesn't want to say anything, anyone who asks will give it for nothing. It's better to go to sleep honestly...

Besides, as long as the wolves retreat, everyone will be safe, so why ask so many questions? ?

Misfortune comes from the mouth, the old saying is not just talk.

Maybe someone has a secret?

As the crowd dispersed, Zhou Ye was left with only Xiuqing...

"Zhou Lang, how did you retreat from those wolves??" Xiu Qing blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhou Ye expectantly.

Women are always very curious, especially when it comes to their own men, they are eager to get to the bottom and dig to the bottom.

"I said I tamed that alpha wolf, do you believe it??" Zhou Ye smiled, grabbed Xiuqing's slender waist, and walked towards the camp.

"Trust!!" Xiu Qing nodded.

In her opinion, her man has great powers, even if he told her that the wolf was actually a wolf demon, and he wiped her out, she would believe it... A woman who is deeply in love curse always has an IQ. is negative.

"The letter also asked, hurry up and go back to sleep!!" Zhou Ye smiled and patted Xiuqing's dolphin...

These two slaps slapped Xiuqing for a while.

The night was silent, and the next day, everyone set off again...

This time, Xiuqing simply rode with her husband, and didn't care about everyone's eyes...

Xiuqing's actions caused all the soldiers in the Protectorate's Mansion to beat their chests and feet and wailed.

"Why do good women like bad men??" A military man with five or three rough men couldn't help but complain.

Another soldier laughed and said, "Because you are so ugly!! You scared all the good women!!"

"Hahaha... That's right, that's right...!!" All the soldiers laughed together.

"Oh, I'm ugly, but I...I..." [I] for a long time, the military man who was mocked didn't think of what [I] was... However, when he saw Zhou Ye in front of him, he immediately In a flash, he said, "But I have connotations...and I'm also very gentle!!!"

These novel words were all he occasionally heard from Zhou Ye's mouth... At this time, he actually used it on himself.

"You only have connotation and tenderness left!" At this time, Zhou Ye turned his head, and a god-made sword came.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers burst into laughter...

One of them almost fell off his horse with a smile.

In this way, all the military men of the Duhufu escorted the relocated people and rushed towards Luntai City, chatting and laughing.

A day without incident...

However, when it was time to set up camp again in the evening... things happened again.

I only heard a wolf howl as if it was calling for something...

"These guys, aren't they over yet??" A soldier who was camping couldn't help but put his hand in his hand.

He threw his tools on the ground, pulled out his long knife, and was about to rush out to find trouble for those wild wolves... However, Zhou Ye stopped him. "Just leave it to me!!"

With that said, Zhou Ye handed the tools in his hand to Huo An, and then walked towards the outside of the camp...

Huo An and the others looked at each other, but in the end, no one stopped Zhou Ye.

After having the first experience of driving away the wolves, they were very relieved about Zhou Ye's actions...

At this moment, Xiuqing, who had been paying attention to her husband's actions, also chased behind Zhou Ye and ran outside the camp. "Zhou Lang, wait for me..."

Chapter 1810

Chapter 1810

"Why did you come out??" Hearing Xiuqing's voice, Zhou Ye certainly couldn't ignore it.

He turned his head to look at Xiuqing who was running towards him, and asked curiously, "I'm going to drive away the wolves, why are you following??"

"I want to see my husband show off his skills!!" Xiuqing hugged Zhou Ye's arm and said naively.

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