"...Huh..." Seeing Xiaoba's appearance, Zhou Ye sighed deeply... "I'm leaving...Xiaoba!!"

With that said, Zhou Ye took Xiuqing and turned around and walked towards the camp...

Xiuqing followed her husband towards the camp... At this moment, a long howl of a wolf came from behind... Xiuqing couldn't help but look back...

I saw-

Xiao Ba was still squatting on the small mound, screaming up to the sky, as if saying goodbye to them...

When the long wolf howls ended, Xiao Ba sat there, looking at their backs from a distance, motionless, like a statue... Even if she couldn't see what Xiao Ba's eyes were looking at, But she believes... Xiaoba must still be looking at the back of her husband at this time...

"Zhou Lang... Little Eight... it's still there..."

"I know..." Zhou Ye said in a low voice, "But we couldn't bring it into the camp..."

"Woohoo ..." When he heard his own words, Xiu Qing knew what he said was right, but ... her heart couldn't help but feel sour ... The most parting was parting, she did not expect that she was actually in a wolf experienced the pain of parting.

Although Xiao Ba ignored her at all, but——she was captured by Xiao Ba's cute skills... I have to say that women just like to be sentimental.

Along the way, the two returned to the camp like this...

Needless to say, at night, the food was Xiaoba's gift.

This night, it was extremely quiet, as if there were no more blind beasts coming to beat the autumn wind.

But in fact, Zhou Ye knew better than anyone why...because Xiaoba was standing guard for them.

Xiaoba's wolves hunted around the camp, and by the way, they helped them drive away the beasts that didn't have long eyes.

You must know that the wolves are the tyrants of the grasslands. Where there are wolves, the beasts are hiding...

The next day - continue on the road...

After a day of silence, when it was time to set up camp in the evening, Zhou Ye heard Xiaoba's wolf howling again... At this time, the soldiers were almost used to the wolf howling. They knew that there was a wolf howling. Zhou Ye.

Of course, Zhou Ye still brought Xiuqing to see Xiaoba...

It's just - this time, Xiao Ba suffered some injuries... This made Zhou Ye feel bad...

After using some abilities a little, Zhou Ye figured out the reason for Xiao Ba's injury.

In fact, the beasts all have their own territorial awareness. Under normal circumstances, if the well water does not violate the river water, the beasts will not cross the boundary unless it is a last resort. However, in order to chase Zhou Ye, Xiao Ba obviously doesn't care about those so-called similar territories. ...

Today it encountered a wave of more powerful wolves...

The number of this wolf pack is more than ten times the number of Xiaoba's wolf pack... The two sides naturally had a fierce conflict. Although Xiaoba easily won the victory by relying on his wolf body transformed by Zhou Ye, but— -It also suffered some injuries on its body.

The distressed Zhou Ye simply turned around and went back to the Marvel world. From his female slave Guanguan, he brought Xiaoba a demon cultivation method...

Some people say, isn't Xiao Wei the beautiful fox of Jiuxiao? Would it be better from her? ?

To be honest, Zhou Ye doesn't like Xiao Wei's demon cultivation skills... It's really too low-level, and he can't change shape...

So, Zhou Ye simply got a copy of the Heavenly Wolf Jue, which was the most suitable for wolf demon cultivation, from Guan Guan and gave it to Xiao Ba.

What should I do if Xiaoba doesn't know how to speak? ?

How simple is that? After Zhou Ye read it himself, he directly used his spiritual stand to forcibly instill it into Xiao Ba's mind...

After doing all this, Zhou Ye helped Xiao Ba treat the wounds on his body again... As soon as the injury healed, Xiao Ba began to pester Zhou Ye and wanted to play together... Zhou Ye could only laugh at Xiao Ba. Eighty-one [the scar is healed, forget the pain], and then continue with his own game of throwing sticks.

When it got dark, Xiaoba still gave Zhou Ye some prey... and Zhou Ye accepted it unceremoniously.

Time goes by day by day...

The migrating team also walked towards Luntai City step by step...

Every time they arrived at the camp, the wolf howled would sound, and Zhou Ye would take Xiuqing out to play with Xiao Ba. After a long time together, Xiao Ba no longer rejected Xiuqing as much as at the beginning, at least. ...willing to let her touch her head...

Of course, I still don't play with her...

Xiaoba played with Zhou Ye...

With the advance of the migration team, Xiaoba's wolf group has also grown stronger... No way, since the Sirius Jutsu, it has almost swept all the way... After defeating a wolf group, you can conquer a group of wolves. ...

In such a snowballing state, the wolves under Xiao Ba's hands have actually reached nearly tens of thousands... When I acted, I was just like an army... At this time, Xiao Ba didn't dare to follow too much. near.

Who made Zhou Ye scold it... You know, tens of thousands of wolves can scare people to death...

So, Xiao Ba left behind his own men for a long time, and brought a dozen wolves to find Zhou Ye to play with... However, there is always an end to the road... The moment of separation has come.

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Xiao Ba found that his master seemed to be very kind to him today...

Why? ?

Because in the past, whenever the silver moon rose, he would leave himself and go back to the camps where the humans gathered, and today... i.e.

Then the sky has darkened, the moon has risen, and his master still hasn't left, although he doesn't know why? But it's really happy today...

However, Zhou Ye and Xiuqing were not as happy as Little Eight...

Why did Zhou Ye stay here at Xiaoba for so long today? ?

Because—tomorrow we will arrive at Luntai City.

When you get to the place where the crowd gathers, you can't bring Xiaoba... No way, at this time Xiaoba still can't practice at home... But his body is getting bigger and bigger, from the size of a bull to the current size. The bull is two heads higher...

Why can't such a huge silver wolf be brought into the city...

Therefore, it can also be said that today is Zhou Ye's last day with Xiao Ba.

"Come on, Little Eight... pick this up!!" Zhou Ye said, took out a metal stick about half a meter long from the wristband, and threw it hard in the distance...

Xiao Ba also suspected him, and with a cheerful grunt in his throat, he opened his four claws and ran towards the distance as if flying.

"Zhou Lang, is this really good??" Xiuqing asked hesitantly.

"There's nothing wrong with it!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "If Xiaoba is willing to give up his subordinates, I will take him into Luntai City, if not...then let him be free on the grassland. Well...because that's its choice."

"This..." Xiuqing hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't say anything...

After all, she doesn't want to make her man unhappy...

While the two were talking, Xiao Ba had already found the metal stick that Zhou Ye had thrown into the distance. He gently sniffed the metal stick that had fallen on the grass... It was sure that there was the smell of his master on it. Afterwards, with a cheerful guise, he was about to pick up the metal stick.

However, when it just took the metal stick in its mouth... a mutation suddenly appeared.

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