It's obviously not good to lose both sides... Who made the little guy - promise someone, can't hurt Leng Yue? ?

In this way, the two were at a stalemate for a while...

Leng Yue relied on her super-speed recovery ability, and she was ruthless and ruthless every time she made moves, and she had a posture of perishing with the enemy.

And the little one? Although both strength and ability are more than one notch above Leng Yue, there is nothing that can be done against Leng Yue for a while.


"Okay, Little Eight... Stop fighting!!" A voice came.

Both the little man and Leng Yue stopped and jumped back... While guarding against each other, they looked in the direction from which the voice came.

I saw a young girl in Hanfu walk in, and it was none other than Xiuqing who spoke.

After she walked into the courtyard, she didn't speak, she bowed to Leng Yueyingying and said, "Sister Zhang Xiuqing has seen Sister Leng Yue..."

"Who are you??" Leng Yue was a little stunned... Although the girl who claimed to be Zhang Xiuqing in front of her sounded like she was in the same group as the enemy in front of her, but - as the saying goes, don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face , Everyone has bowed their brows and salutes, what more do you want...?

However, Leng Yue can't blame Xiuqing, but she can't let go of this disciple who is wearing armor and molesting her... "Forget it, you'll get out of the way, and I'll talk to you after I kill this bastard who molested me. …”

Hearing Leng Yue's words, Xiu Qing couldn't help but chuckle, " misunderstood Xiaoba...she's actually just joking with you..."

As she spoke, Xiuqing turned her head to Bai Xiaomeng who was wearing armor and said, "Xiao Ba, don't hurry up and apologize to Sister Leng Yue... Be careful that Zhou Lang will come back to clean you up!!"

"Everyone said my name is Bai Xiaomeng!!" Xiaomeng complained as she opened the visor on her head, and then opened the mouth of her armor... Then she let out a long sigh of relief, and then He said to Leng Yue, "Hello, Sister Leng Yue, I am the owner's pet. My name is Bai Xiaomeng...not Xiaoba!!"

"......" Leng Yue looked at Bai Xiaomeng's actions speechlessly. For the first time in her life, she knew that the original armor would also be deformed... Moreover, why this guy has become a woman, her anger But it's getting more and more prosperous? ?

It's definitely not because I'm jealous of this guy who is a few taels more than her before, yes, definitely not...

Chapter 1816

Chapter one thousand eight hundred and sixteen,

"Who are you??" Although looking at Bai Xiaomeng's Xiongwei, who was a circle bigger than her, Leng Yue felt that she was not angry.

But she still suppressed her anger a little and asked, "Why are you calling my sister!!"

"Because my master is my sister's husband!!" Bai Xiaomeng hurriedly said, "Also, Sister Xiuqing is also the master's woman..."

Hearing this, it is impossible to say that Leng Yue is not angry... However, she did not have a seizure immediately, but instead asked: "You said that you are Ye Lang's women and servants, what about Ye Lang? He goes Where is it??"

"Zhou Lang and General Huo went to resettle the relocated people... He won't come back after a while!!" Xiu Qing didn't care about Leng Yue's cold face, or, since she dared to take Xiao Ba a step ahead, she returned to Here, I'm not afraid of Leng Yue's cold words...

As a woman who aims to be a good wife, Xiuqing believes that if she has to rely on her husband to reconcile with Leng Yue, how can she still call herself a good wife? ?

Therefore, she resolutely took Xiaoba one step ahead and rushed back... planning to have a good chat with Leng Yue. As for how she found Zhou Ye's residence, it was up to Bai Xiaomeng. Although she had already turned into a human body, she had to know that Xiaomeng's body was a wolf.

This guy's sense of smell is extremely sensitive. After Zhou Ye said a general place, she took Xiuqing to find this place first. Who told her that there was a familiar smell of her own master everywhere?

On Leng Yue's side, when she heard Xiuqing say [Zhou Lang], she almost knew that the two of them were definitely not lying.

You know, what she just kept talking about was Ye Lang, and she didn't mention her Langjun's surname... Since Xiuqing could name her own Langjun's surname, she was obviously not a liar.

However, this made her even more angry...

Good guy, at home, sewing cold clothes for him stitch by stitch, but he went out to mess with flowers, and he even came to the door... Is this okay? ?

"I'm going to find Ye Lang!!" After speaking, Leng Yue walked out the door without hesitation...

"Sister, wait a minute!!" Seeing Leng Yue's actions, Xiuqing hurriedly took two steps and stopped her... "Sister, Ye Lang is busy, we are women, don't bother him!! What's the matter, Just tell me to do it!!"

"You..." Leng Yue is the kind of straight-up Hu female character, even if she gets angry again, facing Xiu Qing's screaming from a sister, she can't put her anger on her.

This almost didn't suffocate her...

"Sister..." Seeing Leng Yue's expression, Xiuqing rolled her eyebrows and guessed why she was angry... She smiled slightly, hugged Leng Yue's arm affectionately, and said softly, "Sister is giving birth to Zhou Lang. angry?"

"Humph!" Although Leng Yue couldn't let out her anger at Xiu Qing, she could ignore her.

"Haha..." Facing Leng Yue's appearance, Xiuqing was not angry, but smiled slightly: "Sister don't be angry, elder sister also knows, Zhou Lang

He is very talented, and he is very handsome... A man like this is the focus of his daughter's family wherever he goes..."

"..." When she heard Xiuqing's words, Leng Yue's cheeks flushed slightly. She understood in a second what Xiuqing meant by "extraordinary talent". ], since she followed her husband, except when Tiankui came to take a break, did she fall asleep normally at other times? ?

Haven't you fainted every time? ?

She is a little scared sometimes...

Seeing Leng Yue's small appearance, Xiu Qing knew that she understood the meaning of her words.

While pulling Leng Yue into the house, Xiu Qing said: "Zhou Lang...he loves us very much, but we can only watch him force ourselves to endure it. This is not a kind of kind to us women. Sad, I can't even satisfy my own man..."

"Yeah..." Hearing Xiuqing's words, Leng Yue unconsciously nodded in agreement.

Why isn't she like that? ?

"So, sister... we should unite..." As Xiuqing spoke, she had already dragged Leng Yue into the room, and then pressed her down. "This way, it can make Zhou Lang feel a little more comfortable... Besides, elder sister... Jealousy is one of the seven..."

The Han Dynasty's "Rituals and Funeral Clothes" said: "Seven out of the world, no children, one; lust, two; not serving aunts, three; mouth and tongue, four; stealing, five; jealousy, six; evil disease. , Seven."

To put it bluntly, infertility and childlessness, red apricots out of the wall, unfilial parents, gossiping, stealing, jealous, and suffering from serious diseases. Whichever of these seven deadly sins is committed will be unconditionally abandoned by men, and the government does not care...

And the woman who committed the seven sins is called the abandoned woman, and no one wants it from now on...

Hearing Xiuqing's words, Leng Yue was frightened into a cold sweat... She didn't care about anything, but what she was most afraid of was that Zhou Ye didn't want her.

If Zhou Ye really didn't want her anymore, then she would have to die...

In fact, Xiuqing was just trying to scare Leng Yue... Leng Yue is far from being jealous...

However, if it wasn't like this, with Leng Yue's character, maybe she would really make trouble with her... that would be boring.

Seeing Leng Yue's terrified look, Xiu Qing hurriedly said: "Sister, don't be afraid, Zhou Lang is not that kind of person, but we can't be arrogant and make Zhou Lang angry... So, elder sister..."

Having said this, Xiuqing stood up, held a cup of tea on the table, put both hands in front of Leng Yue, then bowed and raised the tea bowl in her hands above her head... "Please drink this cup of tea, sister, in the future, we will be We're a family... If there is something that my sister can't do, she can beat her and scold her... I just ask my sister not to get angry with Langjun!"

"..." Looking at Xiuqing's actions, Leng Yue sighed deeply...

She was actually a very smart woman, and after the initial panic, she realized that Xiuqing was frightening herself.


Looking at Xiuqing's style, it's really hard for her to be mad at her... After all, everyone has a man, and strictly speaking, they are all a family... Besides, seeing Xiuqing's virtuous appearance, Leng Yue I know that if I go to find my husband to make trouble again, then I will look too low-level.

No comparison doesn't hurt.

If he was having trouble with his own husband, then under the gentle reflection of Xiuqing, he would appear even more embarrassed.

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