"Don't hit my master!!"

"I'm going to fight, this is my husband..."

In the blink of an eye, the crowd became a mess, sometimes Leng Yue and Xiuqing squeaked Xiaomeng, and sometimes Xiaomeng and Leng Yue together bullied Xiuqing...

For a time, the three women's room became like the Three Kingdoms, you squeak, I come, and I squeak you...

And what about Zhou Ye? He acts as the referee between the three women, and he will help anyone who is bullied. In a word, it is to maintain the fragile balance between the three girls... In the end, the three girls also reacted. Well, in total, you are the boss behind the scenes... So, the three girls swarmed Zhou Ye together... vowed Overthrow the oppression of the Great Demon King.

How could Zhou Ye be controlled by the mere three girls? He was not afraid to face the difficulties and bow left and right, and unknowingly... the girls found that their clothes were getting smaller... Finally—a war between men and women started...

The ending of the war is of course in response to that sentence, [Victory will always be in the hands of a few people...]

Chapter 1818

Chapter 1818

The pavilion of the ancient road, the thin horse of the west wind...

None of the above, there are only a dozen or so big men in the armor of the capital, who are standing reluctantly outside Luntai City to see Zhou Ye off...

"Brother Zhou..." Huo An held Zhou Ye's hand with a reluctant expression and said, "It's a long way to go to Guannai... Be careful along the way... and..."

"...I understand!!" Zhou Ye said, pulling his hand back...with a look of helplessness: "Why don't I know, Boss Huo, when you still have girls chirping? …”

"..." Huo An was speechless for a while after Zhou Ye's words... Didn't he always say that when he said goodbye? ? Why are you babbling on your own...

And the brothers behind him gave him no face at all and laughed.

"Lang Jun is right... Brother Huo, you are indeed a little bitch..."

"Yeah, at this time, you should drink three bowls of farewell wine and let Lang Jun go on the road happily..."

"Bah, what a happy journey, if you don't understand or not, just talk nonsense..."

"I'm a big old man, and I don't know how to speak. If I say something wrong, don't be angry, Langjun!!"

Zhou Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard the words of these gangsters...

Did these guys say that on purpose? Just to get revenge for always bullying them? ?

Alas, forget it... Since it's parting, there's no need to worry about them... I'll take care of them when I come back next time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to the side...

Leng Yuezhi, who was standing beside Zhou Ye, picked up a box of 5x liquid and delivered it to Zhou Ye. "Ye Lang... wine!!"

"Hahaha... This is my farewell wine, no one can not drink it, come... Three bottles per person today, if anyone doesn't drink it, or drinks less, I'll squeeze whoever's nose and drink it!!"

"Come on, I'll do it first!" Zhou Ye said, took out a bottle of white wine, twisted the cap on the bottle, and drank it directly at the bottle... He threw the bottle aside and took out another one. bottle...and drink...

The group of reckless men saw Zhou Ye's actions, their faces turned blue...

Holy crap, is this wine again? ?

And they still drink it dry... This is a life-threatening rhythm. During the days they were with Zhou Ye, they were often tossed by this seemingly water-like white wine.

However, seeing Zhou Ye blowing bottle after bottle of baijiu...these guys didn't have the guts to say not to drink one...

In desperation, they all had to face bitterly and took the liquor from Leng Yue's hands... Then, following Zhou Ye's example, he unscrewed the bottle cap, raised his neck, and poured it into his stomach.

You can see which of these guys have an uncomfortable expression on their faces...

Each one of them looks like they are being injected with poison...

Especially Hoan...

As the boss, this guy actually took the lead in stealing and cheating. Looking at the acridine, he looks more like a scoop, and he hasn't leaked too much...

Of course Zhou Ye didn't want to...Is it easy for me to bring some good wine here from thousands of years later? Are you all wasting so much? ?

Without further ado, Zhou Ye took another bottle, then pinched Huo An's nose and started pouring it...

After all the wine is finished... You look at Huo An again, and the whole person starts to sway...

He is still good, the other guys are already lying on the ground, motionless...

But what about Zhou Ye? Three catties of white wine is the same as if you didn't drink it...

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Zhou Ye laughed and ignored them. He turned his head and led Lengyue, Xiuqing and Xiaomeng on the horse and ran towards Yumenguan...

Along the way, Zhou Ye sang a song with great interest.

"I fell and fell again, like the waves, there are a thousand kinds of grievances... I am low, I am high! I staggered and refused to fall..."

"Ye Lang... what song is this, why does it sound so weird??" Leng Yue asked curiously...

You know, ancient songs are completely different from modern ones... It's not surprising that Leng Yue felt strange, and Xiu Qing nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Zhou Lang... Why does this song sound like it's talking about Brother Huo and the others??"

"Hahaha...that's Boss Huo's song..." Zhou Ye said with a big laugh...

Having said that, he really didn't expect...to pour Huo An into such a way, he actually feels a little drunk...it's so interesting...

"Brother Huo's song?? He can still sing??" Xiuqing looked incredulous... If it was said that this song was composed by her husband, she still had some confidence that Huo An could write the lyrics? She was the first to not believe...

"Yes...hahaha..." Zhou Ye laughed again when he heard Xiuqing's words...

With the laughter, everyone walked towards the Yumen Pass.

Anyway, Zhou Ye wasn't in a hurry, so he simply took the girls all the way to Yumen Pass... The road that could have been reached in two days, but everyone walked for nearly four days.

After arriving at Yumen Pass, everyone made some supplies and then went to the pass...

What is the destination of Zhou Ye's trip? ?

Of course it is - Jiangdu.

Why go to Jiangdu? ?

Ahem, I have to say... Zhou Ye's collection habit.

After this guy brought misfortune to Xiaowei, of course he was thinking about other women in the painting, such as Peirong, such as the female guest played by Liu Yan, etc...

Family, the most important thing is to be neat and tidy. Since Xiao Wei has been taken down, there is no reason to let other women go? ?

Therefore, Zhou Ye's idea to go to Jiangdu is to... complete the task of collecting all painted skin beauties.

It's a very tough character - lol.

It's almost time to figure it out... Zhou Ye smiled, speeding up and heading towards Jiang Duxing...

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