
Hearing the words of the two women, Leng Yue was enraged...

"Okay, there are still a lot of things to do today!!" Zhou Ye hurriedly interrupted: "When everything is settled, let's talk about it!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the three girls obediently went to wash up...

No way, in this family, Zhou Ye usually doesn't speak, but as long as he speaks, the matter is settled... There is no room for relaxation.

Moreover, the three girls just like to laugh and make fun, it's not that they really don't know the severity...

Soon, the three girls finished washing up... After Zhou Ye casually took some instant food for breakfast and ate it, the kuai found by the second shopkeeper also came to the inn.

After asking about Zhou Ye's request, the middle-aged man was really overjoyed.

Big deal, absolutely big deal...

Buying a house and land, and also buying some servants... Such a big customer must be satisfied.

Chapter 1820

Chapter 1820

"Lang Jun, please look, how is this courtyard??" Chanhui, with a flattering smile on his face, pointed to the large courtyard in front of him, and introduced: "This used to be the house of a big family in Jiangdu, their only son is now He is an official in Huaiyang, so the Jiang family relocated, and the courtyard here was entrusted to us to sell!!"

"Well..." Zhou Ye nodded and walked into the courtyard.

This is a set of courtyards with the first three and the last three. The so-called first three and last three are the first three and the last three.

There are more than 30 large and small rooms, and there is a large garden behind it. The lotus flowers in the pond are in full bloom... The surrounding flowers and trees are also very well taken care of. Obviously, the owner here has taken care... …

"Zhou Lang, I like it here..." Looking at the beautiful scenery in the garden, Xiuqing hugged her husband's arm and said, "Why don't we just buy this place!!"

"Yeah, master!" Bai Xiaomeng also likes it here. In the hot summer, enjoying the shade by the pond makes me feel comfortable just thinking about it...

"This place is really good, Ye Lang, why don't you just buy it!!" Leng Yue also whispered.

Hearing the words of the three women, Chan would be so happy that his eyes could barely see... Well, men rarely say no in front of women.

Moreover, this courtyard is too big, and the maintenance costs are quite a lot on weekdays. After this Chan Club took over, it has not been sold for a long time... He also lost a lot of money here and there.

Let's put it this way, isn't the cost of maintaining the courtyard and the cost of hiring someone to clean it all in money?

Every once in a while, this garden needs to be pruned, otherwise, if the plants are allowed to grow wildly, can we still see it? ? Maintaining the value of the goods in hand is a virtue that a businessman must have, but... this thing is too hard to sell.

It can be said that the owner of this courtyard requires no less than 500 taels of gold, and after Chan Club adds a layer of price to it, it becomes 700 taels... 700 taels is not a small amount. In this era, seven hundred taels of gold can make a family of three eat and drink without worries for a lifetime.

Who would sell a large yard for nothing? ?

Where you want to live, as long as it's not farmland outside the city, you can build it as you like, and no one will care about you... and no one will charge you any land occupation fees. This tax and that tax... It won't cost you a hundred to build an identical courtyard. two gold...

Therefore, the ancient real estate dealers are not easy to do...

Looking at Chan Hui's face that was about to freeze, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "We want it here... Go and get the deed, I'll wait for you at the inn..."

"Lang Jun is such a cheerful person!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the chariot smiled like a chrysanthemum, and turned around to go back to get the house deed.

However, at this moment, he was stopped by Zhou Ye.

"and many more……"

"Lang Jun, what other orders do you have?" Chan Hui hurriedly turned around and asked with a smile.

"By the way, find me 17 or 8 decent-looking maids...be honest...and still a virgin!" Zhou Ye said casually.

"No problem, everything is covered by me, Langjun!!" Chan Hui agreed with a smile, turned around and trotted outside... I don't care about the house... Anyway, there is an old man who is looking at the house. ...

Hearing that his man is still looking for seventeen or eight maids... After the three women glanced at each other, they silently acquiesced.

A maid is a maid, why do you still have to find a virgin?

This is obviously due to the wrongdoing of my own boss... But, so what? ? Just like what they said this morning... The three of them have already begun to complain, and they are eager for someone to help share the firepower... Why do they have to stop their men from being happy? ?

Facing the acquiescence of the girls, Zhou Ye smiled slightly...

It seems that the subtle effect of this period of time is very good... They finally know what it means to have more people and more power.

After being silent all the way, Zhou Ye took the three daughters back to the inn, took out the gold bars, and made them into gold coins that could be circulated in this era... and then waited for Chan to come to the door.

Chan Hui didn't make Zhou Ye wait too long, and after a cup of tea, he ran back out of breath... "Lang Jun... This... This is the land deed and the house deed, and the government office is still on it. The big seal..."

Zhou Ye took a look at the house deed and asked, "Where's the maid??"

"There are a lot of people here, and calling you a maid here will ruin your reputation? That's why I let them wait in the yard!!" At this time, Chan Hui also breathed a little and said. When he speaks, he no longer stutters. "you

After all, I want to live in this Jiangdu city in the future. This Jiangdu city is not big, only a few dozen miles in radius. I can't see you when I look down in the city. I see that you want so many beautiful maids... My opinion on you is also It's not good! "

Hearing Chan's words, Zhou Ye smiled... This guy is thoughtful, and he can be a man... as expected of Chan-chan.

"Okay, let's go to the yard now!!" Zhou Ye said, picked up the package containing the gold coins, and walked out of the inn with the girls...

Soon, everyone returned to the courtyard again... As expected, as soon as they entered the courtyard, they saw more than 40 girls in coarse clothes waiting there...

"I only need seventeen or eighteen, why are you calling so many???"

"I was afraid that the Langjun I picked would not look down on me, so I brought them all here!!"

"Yeah!!" Zhou Ye nodded, then looked up and down the group of timid girls...

I have to say that among these girls, there are still quite a few beautiful girls... It's just because of malnutrition that they look yellow and skinny, and they don't look so neat... They will come over after they are raised...

After all, in these years, who would sell a daughter in a good age?

As for why the quality of the girls here is so high? Zhou Ye wasn't surprised at all...why? ?

Where is this place? ? This is Jiangdu... Jiangdu is Yangzhou of later generations, and Yangzhou has produced beautiful women since ancient times... The water and soil here nourishes people.

"Just her, her, her... and her!!" Zhou Ye casually pointed at the girl he liked and said, "It's just them..."

"Okay, Langjun..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Chan would be happy to pick up the calculator and start calculating the money needed...

However, at this moment, a timid voice sounded in Zhou Ye's ear...

"Uncle... Uncle, buy me... I beg you... buy me!!"

Hearing this voice, Zhou Ye couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then he wanted to look at the owner of the voice... I saw a loli who looked only eleven or twelve years old and was wearing a rough cloth dress with patches on top of it. Looking at Zhou Ye expectantly, he kept begging...

"Okay, go to the side, didn't you see that this uncle has already selected??" A burly man came over and shouted in a rough voice... While talking, he was about to take that loli Push it aside, don't let her get close to Zhou Ye...

Chapter 1821

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