And the words in her mouth are often repeated over and over again...

【Wow, that's amazing...】

【Really? The master is awesome...]

【At that time, it would be great if I was by Master's side...】

In this regard, Zhou Ye felt very comfortable...

To be honest, with his status in the multiverse, no matter which world he is in, there are too many people who flatter him... However, for Zhou Ye, Xiaomeng's unpretentious words that are completely from the heart, That's what makes him feel the most comfortable...

Xiaomeng really thinks that her master is amazing...not the kind of hypocritical flattery...

This makes people feel very cool... Although the maids do this occasionally, but--they know Zhou Ye too well after all... If they understand, they won't be surprised by what Zhou Ye does... So, as expected, Xiaomeng is the best...

With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Ye chatted a lot, and talked with Xiaomeng about things in World of Warcraft...

At this moment... a horse neighed suddenly, and then, a mottled old horse... rushed towards Zhou Ye from the side...

"Master, be careful!!" Xiaomeng didn't care too much at this time, and appeared directly in front of Zhou Ye in a flash, and then raised her hands in front of her, intending to kill this startled horse in her hands...

"..." Zhou Ye sighed speechlessly... He gently pressed Xiaomeng's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's okay, don't worry, it's just frightened...

As the words fell, the old horse stopped abruptly in front of Zhou Ye... like an iron stake, standing there... motionless.

Of course, this is not because of the knight on the old horse's superb riding skills...but because Zhou Ye used telekinetic power to hold the horse...

To put it bluntly, he didn't want to show any extraordinary ability on the street with people coming and going... Without him, it's just troublesome.

"I'm sorry, I'm horse is startled..." At this time, the knight on the horse also jumped off the horse...

As soon as she jumped, a puff of dust rushed to her face...

Fuck - what is Fengchenpushou, this is the real Fengchenpushou...

While pretending to be good at fanning the dust in front of his eyes, Zhou Ye looked up at the female knight who jumped off the horse.

I saw this woman—wearing a riding outfit, a Jianghu person's attire...and a long sword on her back...the originally delicate face was covered with dust...Obviously, after a long journey coming from...

Seeing this female knight...Zhou Ye couldn't help but his eyes lit up...Yo—mother?

"Hey—are you okay?" Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, he didn't speak, and he didn't scold himself... Instead, he kept looking at himself, Xia Bing asked a little speechlessly: "Have you been scared to death? right??"

"Are you the one who was scared stupid? Your whole family was scared stupid..."

Before Zhou Ye could speak, Xiaomeng snapped back immediately... Her cuteness and obedience can only be shown in front of her master, and in front of outsiders, she is a quirky little witch. "Don't you know how to get off your horse in a busy city?? Is it amazing to have a broken horse??"

"...Uh..." Xia Bing was at a loss for words when he yelled at a little girl.

In any case, it was indeed her fault...but——her old horse shouldn't be shocked...

You know, this old horse was left to her by her grandfather, and it is extremely docile on weekdays...

However, perhaps because she spent a long time accompanying her grandfather to defeat demons, this horse actually has a bit of spirituality. Come on the grumpy side...

However, in this bustling city, where are there demons? ?

Thinking of this, Xia Bing couldn't help but look up and down Zhou Ye and Xiaomeng...

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, she immediately felt... maybe——she really met a demon...

Why? ?

Because demons can draw skins, and they like to make their skins so beautiful...

And the young man in front of him is so handsome that he doesn't look like a person... In fact, to put it bluntly, he has already broken through the limit of human imagination... There is nothing bad about him, and everything is attractive The gaze of the opposite sex... She, this is a demon...

Chapter 1844

Chapter 1844

Why does Xia Bing think so? ?

Obviously at this time, Zhou Ye looked as if he was frightened and stupid...

[Actually, Zhou Ye was sighing in his heart, people are so careless, they were still talking about Xia Bing when they were at home, but they ran into her when they went out...]

In Xia Bing's view, monsters are extremely cunning...

They will deliberately make all kinds of human-like behaviors, so that you can't tell the truth from the fake...

Obviously it was just a little frightened. A young man might be frightened at the beginning, but——it’s been a long time, and he hasn’t realized it, so it’s a little too much...

Xia Bing has always believed that the more pretentious, the more demon... That's why there is such a saying, "the demon is the demon."

As for why she decided that Xiaomeng was not a demon?

Because in Xia Bing's opinion, Xiaomeng's long silver-white hair may be caused by certain diseases. She has seen such young white-haired people before, and this little girl has to deal

The unforgiving appearance... It seems that there is no guilt at all...

How could such a person be a demon? ?

To sum up - Xia Bing thinks Zhou Ye is a monster, so he didn't run away...

At this time, Zhou Ye smiled and said: "Since everyone is fine, that's the best...Okay, let's leave now...Xiaomeng, let's go, if we don't go to Huiyanzhai, Pei Rong and the others will go Saying that my words don't count..."

"Just let her go like this??" Xiaomeng felt that her master seemed a little different today...

Usually, my master doesn't cause trouble, but——if anyone provokes him, that person will be considered unlucky...

If he doesn't play, his life is worse than death, so it's not over.

But today, my master is so easy to talk... This is really not my master's behavior style...

"I don't let it go... No one did it on purpose..." Zhou Ye smiled and patted Xiaomeng's head lightly, then cupped his hands at Xia Bing, "Miss, let's just leave now ..."

While talking, Zhou Ye couldn't help but pull up Xiaomeng and walk towards Huiyanzhai...

Xia Bing was stunned on the spot... What's going on? ? Why did that boy leave in such a hurry? He is hiding from himself? ? Why hide from yourself? Does he know what he does? ?

Thinking of this, Xia Bing jerked her back and pulled out the long sword behind her... It was the long sword passed to her by her grandfather... There was also a seal character engraved on the hilt——Xia.

"It turns out that this thing has exposed my identity... It seems that this monster knows my grandfather... and must have suffered in my grandfather's hands..." Xia Bing said to himself, while holding the long sword again. I took it back... "Interesting, it seems——I have gained a lot this time..."

Saying that, Xia Bing planned to lead his old horse to the inn...

However, at this moment, Xia Bing discovered...the people around her were pointing and whispering to her...

With her extraordinary hearing... she heard some words that almost didn't blow her away...

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