Fortunately, he realized where this is... so he didn't take out his Umbrella phone...

After another burst of laughter, everyone walked towards the city...

I have to say that Bai Da's figure is indeed a bit scary. Many guys saw Bai Da behind Zhou Ye and couldn't help but take a few steps back...

While everyone was talking and chatting...

It just so happened that Lucius also came over with a group of his own soldiers...

Huo An hurriedly said to Zhou Ye: "Come on, Brother Zhou, let me introduce you... This is General Lucius of the Roman Empire..."

Speaking of this, he said to Lucius in Latin: "This is my brother, Zhou Ye...he is what I said, someone who is more powerful than me..."

"Hello..." Hearing Huo An's words, Lucius' expression suddenly became serious...

Through getting along these days, he knows that Huo An is not a person who can talk big, so Lu Kuis is also very interested in Zhou Ye now...

Soldiers are more or less competitive...

Especially when facing a strong enemy, Lucui's fighting spirit became even higher... "Are you interested in a competition with me?"

"Of course it's okay..." Zhou Ye smiled... Do you think I'm incompetent in Huaxia if you go up to the pole and look for abuse?

"You speak Latin really well, much better than General Huo??"

"Hehe..." Facing Lu Kuis' words, Zhou Ye could only hehe...

Huo An, on the other hand, rolled his eyes with a speechless face... He didn't bring such a shame...he was still by his side...

Well, well, he admits that his Latin is not as good as Zhou Ye... Anyway, he is a pervert... You can hardly find anything he doesn't know, compare with him? Just take it easy...

At this time, the surrounding laborers also gathered around... They are most interested in this kind of thing, there is no way - this is a labor camp, there are no entertainment programs, and only this little fun is left...

"I pressed General Lucius..."

"I also press General Lucius..."

"Me too……"

A group of laborers scrambled towards the Yantou who bet at the opening... To them, who is Zhou Ye? They don't know each other... But they have seen Lukuis's force value... Moreover, based on the figures of the two of them, they don't think that Zhou Ye, who looks a little thin, can beat the burly Fierce Lucius, so - chasing ups and downs...

Chapter 1860

Chapter 1860

Just when all the laborers were scrambling to bet on Lucuis, the clever guy suddenly discovered something...

I saw that the soldiers of the Protectorate's Mansion who were sent here with Huo An actually had mysterious smiles on their faces, secretly buying Zhou Yesheng's bet.

This made these guys secretly wonder...

Could it be that that man who looks a little frail in stature is actually a master? ?

Some guy who usually has a good relationship with the Protectorate's Mansion sneaked up to them...and asked, "Why did you buy that man to win? Could it be that he is very powerful?"

"Hahaha... how is it possible??"

As soon as a guy wanted to speak, the brother beside him grabbed his clothes, and laughed loudly: "Look at Mr. Lang's weak appearance, he doesn't look like someone who can, we It's just buying friendship bets... After all, everyone is so familiar, if you don't buy Langjun's bets, you will be really sorry for Langjun!"

"That's right, that's right..."

"Oh, friendship kills people..."

"No way, Mr. Lang treated us kindly before, but if we don't support him now, who should we support?"

"That's right, it's my brother who wants to buy Lang Jun Shengli..." At this point, the big man from the Duhufu grabbed the shoulder of the buddy who came to inquire about the news, and threatened: "Since you asked, we will tell you too." Go... go, buy two bets on your husband's victory, or else... hum..."

As he said that, the big man clenched his fist, looking impolite...

Friendly note? ?

You have friendship with him, but I have no friendship with him, why should I buy his friendship note? ?

Thinking of this, the buddy forcefully pushed away the strong man's big hand grabbing his shoulder, "The game of gambling is the game of gambling, friendship is friendship..."

While talking, the buddy ran to the betting point where Yantou opened... and shouted: "I beat General Lucius to win..."

The other people who were still on the sidelines, when they saw the inquiring news, they all pressured Lucquis, don't ask, that young man is absolutely useless... So they all ran forward one after another, pressing General Lucquis' attention ...

"Hehe..." Seeing this situation, several big men from the Protectorate's Mansion looked at each other and smiled...everything was kept silent.

And at this moment......

In the middle of the crowd... Zhou Ye and Lu Kuisi were already standing facing each other.

Lu Kuis held his Roman dagger and looked at Zhou Ye... "Where's your weapon?"

"Uh——I didn't bring a weapon..." Zhou Ye realized at this time that he seemed to have forgotten to take out the weapon earlier... This damn is embarrassing. Now that everyone is watching, you suddenly take out a weapon from your bracelet. Come on with a long knife, what is that? ?

"Use mine!!" Huo An walked over with a smile, and handed over his sword...

For a warrior, the weapon in his hand is equivalent to his second life

, would not lend it to others easily...

And Huo Anken lent his weapon to Zhou Ye, obviously - he regarded Zhou Ye as the kind of brother who could depend on each other for life and death.

"Um... Boss Huo, do you want me to hit you like that..." Zhou Ye asked in a low voice as he took the sword.

"Use all your strength, let him feel the true strength of our great master..." Huo An was also sluggish... Anyway, it's a competition, and no one will die, so he doesn't mind letting Lukuis feel what he once felt. despair…….

"No problem..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded.

full strength? ? Of course it's impossible to use all my strength...

If Zhou Ye really used all his strength, the entire universe would not be able to bear it...

"Please..." Zhou Ye picked up Huo An's long sword, lifted the weight, then held the hilt, and made a gesture of please to Lu Kuis...

"Please..." Lucius didn't stay here in vain these days, at least, he learned a lot of Chinese vocabulary, including the word please.

I saw Zhou Ye, holding a sword hilt, standing there casually, with uneven feet, and it seemed that his whole body was full of flaws.

But Lu Kuis didn't dare to be careless... He believed that Huo An would not lie to him. Since Huo An said that Zhou Ye was very strong, then Zhou Ye must have something special...

I saw him holding a sword in one hand, and leaning forward with the other hand, his waist slightly arched, and his feet leaned towards Zhou Ye bit by bit...

This kind of footwork is the safest, advancing, attacking, retreating and defending...

Moreover, the iron gauntlet on his left wrist can also protect him from damage at critical moments. In fact, this method of warfare is more suitable for shield soldiers... However, it is automatic for Lucius to become the general of the Black Hawk Legion. After that, it has been a long time since I used the shield...

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