"Uh..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, everyone was silent for a while...

Well, the conditions here are indeed a bit poor... After all, this is a prison... You can't expect good meat and food in the prison...

"Oh..." Zhou Ye looked at the silent crowd, speechless for a while... "Well, I'm at a disadvantage, I'm right about the wine, I'm right about the food!!"

As Zhou Ye said, he stretched his hand into the bag that Dabai was carrying, and took out several large packages of things wrapped in oiled paper...

There are grilled hump, grilled lamb chops, grilled... and some fruits such as dates.

Seeing these things, all the brothers in the Protectorate immediately clamored...

"It's still righteousness... Thinking that the brothers have no meat to eat here..."

"Yeah, yeah...I haven't been smelly of oil these days..."

"As soon as Mr. Lang comes, I know that life will be easier for the brothers..."

At this time, Lu Kuis looked at the dishes Zhou Ye took out, and said hesitantly, "Can I cut some and send them to my little master?"

"Of course it's okay..." Of course Zhou Ye didn't care about such a request...Speaking of which, that child is also very cute, of course...It's just that Zhou Ye doesn't control Zhengtai, so he has no interest in that little Zhengtai ...

"Thank you, thank you so much..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis happily nodded to Zhou Ye to express his gratitude...

His hand was already injured, and he couldn't clean it up. He had to ask his soldiers to cut off some from every barbecue and send it to his little prince.

The next thing to do, of course, is to find a place to drink...

Drinking, of course, you have to climb high and look far away, so that you can enjoy yourself while drinking...

So, at the head of the city that has not yet been built, more than a dozen people gathered there, and began to eat and drink...

If you want to ask those soldiers in the Protectorate's Mansion, what is the most proud thing in their lives? ? ?

Then they will definitely answer you: "Of course I won money again, and I have some food and drink..."

Although, this is not necessarily the best food they have eaten, but—everything is most afraid of comparison... After you have eaten noodle cakes for more than ten days and drank bland vegetable soup for more than ten days, you also You will feel that your life at this moment is like heaven.

And those laborers who lost money and had to continue to eat dry noodles and drink mixed vegetable soup had to stuff their mouths while watching Zhou Ye and others eating and drinking delicious wine and meat. Dry noodles... Alas, life is so helpless...


The silver moon has risen into the sky...

And the dozen or so people on the top of the wall, including Lu Kuis, have been completely laid down by Zhou Ye...

After moving his hands casually and letting them lie down in a very philosophical position, Zhou Ye found an open space contentedly, took out a soft sleeping bag and slipped in... and Dabai obediently lay beside him ...be a quiet guardian.

Chapter 1862

Chapter 1861

Over the next few days...

Zhou Ye became an idler again...

When Huo An and the others were working on the construction site in full swing, this guy was sitting by the side, chatting with the little Zhengtai...

To be honest, sometimes Zhou Ye felt that this child was quite pitiful...to be poisoned and blinded by his own brother...and, in the end, he was forced to death by his own brother.

I have to say that there are indeed some tragedies...

Of course, Zhou Ye doesn't mind helping him get rid of his brother, and helping him to the throne of the Roman Empire by the way...

But, still that sentence...

What about the benefits? ?

Zhou Ye wouldn't bother to do things that are not beneficial...

However, that young lady liked Zhou Ye a lot, especially the stories he heard from Zhou Ye's mouth...it made him fantasize endlessly...

What is a ship that can dive into the bottom of the sea, what is a tool that can fly into the sky...

All of this is so interesting to Mrs. Zheng...Although his servant keeps telling him that Zhou Ye is a big liar...But he just likes to hear...children , always have no resistance to novel things.

And although Lucuis has been busy outside, but - he has actually been paying attention to the movements of his little master...

He was really afraid that Zhou Ye would be unfavorable to his little master...

However, after observing for a few days, he found that this young man with infinite strength got along very well with his little master... and they also talked and laughed with each other... This made him feel a little relieved ...

Time just passed by day by day...

And this city was built with everyone's concerted efforts...

On the day when the city was repaired, Yantou had a happy feast for everyone...Of course he was happy. He really managed to repair the city within fifteen days, so he would not be beheaded by the prefect. How could he not be happy? ?

Halfway through the banquet, Brother Long finally couldn't bear it anymore and came to the stage to sing a song of peace...

To be honest, Zhou Ye really wanted to complain when he heard Brother Long's song... You sang songs with modern melodies in the Han Dynasty, are you sure you didn't come here through time? ? This song completely ruins the atmosphere of the entire ancient scene...

Hey, you might as well sing - I'm upside down like a wave...

After Zhou Ye finished complaining about Brother Long

, and began to complain about the little prince of ancient Rome... Do you have a national anthem in this era? ? Damn, it's too advanced... You guys also came here through time travel, right? ?

Others were laughing and singing, but Zhou Ye kept complaining in his heart... After complaining, Brother Long complained about Brother Chopsticks, and after complaining about the position of the Roman Legion, he complained about the location of Yanmen Pass.


The whole banquet, when it came to Zhou Ye's side, turned into a complaint meeting...

The party has an end...

The people who celebrated the day gradually dispersed...

After all, they have been exhausted for more than ten days, and they can finally have a good rest tonight...

At this moment, Zhou Ye, Huo An, and Lukuis were sitting by the bonfire...drinking and chatting...

When people drink too much, they tend to have the desire to confide in them. When they were unfamiliar with each other before, Lu Kuis could bear it and not confide in front of Zhou Ye and Huo An, but—through getting along these days, he felt that the two People are friends who can make friends.

So——talkative Lucius is online.

"I am the general under the God of War Crassus..."

"He secretly dispatched all his troops to the country of Anxi, and formed an alliance with Queen Anxi..."

"Queen Rest in Peace is Mrs. Crassus' sister..."

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