The soldiers who received the order quickly brought half a roasted lamb...

Lu Kuis took the half of lamb that had already been sliced ​​and put it on a plate, holding it with both hands, and walked towards Zhou Ye's position...

Zhou Ye's location was originally Tibes' residence, located in a large hall in the royal palace of the ancient city of Loulan...

Although the hall was already a bit dilapidated, but—after a little repair, it was still barely inhabitable.

Carrying the mutton, Lucius walked quickly towards the main hall. He didn't notice the strange expressions on the faces of the Roman soldiers guarding the main hall...

"Your Majesty, I brought you some food..." As soon as Lucuis entered the hall, he saw a scene that left him dumbfounded...

I saw that the originally messy hall had become like another place at this moment.

The dilapidated walls were blocked by fine silks of various colors... and the somewhat dilapidated wooden throne that Tibes had once sat on was gone at this moment, replaced by a seemingly extremely comfortable throne large seat...

The bumpy ground has also been covered by high-quality cashmere carpets... The entire room has instantly changed from a dilapidated hall to an extremely luxurious bedroom.

That's not the most important thing...

the most important is----

Originally, Zhou Ye should be the only one in the hall...

However, at this time, besides Zhou Ye, there were hundreds of beautiful women in armor in the hall...

These women, with faces as cold as frost, stood on both sides with swords in both hands... They seemed to be loyal.

"This... this... Your Majesty??" Lucius was a little confused...

Although he was busy outside, but——he was sure that there would never be so many women here today... If there were any, his subordinates would definitely report them to him.

These women who appeared out of thin air... who are they? Could it be this divine attendant under the crown? ?

"Don't be surprised... Lukuis!!" At this time, Zhou Ye was half-lying on the sofa, holding Zhaojun in one hand and Xiaomeng in the other, and said helplessly, "They are my daughters. Maids, of course...they are only responsible for serving me, other things, they will not participate..."

"Yes, I understand..." Although Lucius still didn't understand how these women suddenly appeared in the army, since His Majesty said that they were his maids, then there is no problem...

As for how it happened...

Is this kind of thing important? ?

For the gods, can mortals still see things that they don't want mortals to see? ?

However, at this moment, Lu Kuis looked at Zhou Ye with a somewhat awkward expression...

Why? ?

Looking at the exquisite delicacies placed in front of Zhou Ye, and looking at the scorched mutton in his hand, Lu Kuis really felt a little overwhelmed...

Zhou Ye saw Lu Kuis' embarrassment, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry about these things, since you are here to deliver food to me... let's eat together!!"

As he said that, Zhou Ye motioned to the maid beside him to take the mutton in Lukuis's hand, and then added a stool for Lukuis to sit in front of him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lucius hurriedly thanked him respectfully before sitting down.

"Now, tell me your plan..." Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's question, Lu Kuis hurriedly stood up and said, "I plan to stay here in Loulan for ten days, and after I have prepared all the supplies, I will go to the Anxi Empire. , back to Rome the same way..."

"Huh?" Zhou Ye heard what Lu Kuis said, thought for a while, and asked, "Will the Queen of Rest agree with you to return home?"

"Yes..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis nodded hastily and said, "I will take Pulis to rest together, where I will leave Pulis behind and let the Queen of Rest take care of him... ...I think the Queen of Rest, for her sister's sake, should let me pass..."

"I hope so!!"

Chapter 1877

Chapter 1877

Hearing Lu Kuis' words, Zhou Ye sighed speechlessly: "I hope so!"

Zhou Ye has never been afraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice...

You know, Rome and Rest have always been at war...

It is also difficult to say how effective the peace agreement signed by Crassus is.

Between countries, has there ever been morality? ?

If he is the Queen of Rest, then he doesn't mind taking advantage of the heavy losses of the Roman legion to completely wipe out the remnant army of Lucius, so as to avoid future troubles...

Of course, or is the Queen in Rest a moral monarch? ?

After the two discussed again, Lucuis bid farewell...

Maids, also remove the leftover seats...and start preparing hot water for their masters, tidying up the beds...

In the final analysis, Zhou Ye would bring these patrolling envoys back, which is also a helpless thing...

After appeasing the patrolling envoy, Xiaomeng and other girls, he rushed back to the underworld without stopping...

All the girls in the underworld were overjoyed to see their own men...

I can't wait to drag my man tightly, not letting him take half a step away...

In desperation, Zhou

Ye could only open the time barrier and accompany the girls in the underworld for a whole year... and then he gave up.

However, when leaving, the underworld girls headed by Acha, Azshara, and Hu Po strongly demanded that their men must bring the Kanzi Department of the Wind Patroller as a maid...

Why? ?

It was obvious that he was worried that Zhou Ye would not be able to eat or sleep well because there was no one around him to serve him... But in the dark, the girls in the Kanzi Department also had the important task of supervising their master and letting him bring as few women home as possible... …

Although, Ah Cha and the others know that it is completely useless to entrust such an important task to the wind patroller, like a meat bun beating a dog...but-they feed their own men with hugs, and their own men can be less or less. Stealing a bit of a fishy idea, let Zhou Ye bring all the girls from the Kanzi Department with him...

In desperation, Zhou Ye could only obey his orders...

Of course, he also made a trip back to Jiangdu City along the way, and calmed down the girls whom he hadn't seen for a long time...By the way, he mentioned that he was going on a long trip...

Travel far away? ? where to go ?

To Rome of course...

Someone asked, why is Zhou Ye so boring, why did he go to Rome? ?

This is what I have to say about this time...

BC, forty-eight years...

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