"Hmph..." Tamina also felt something was wrong at this time... She didn't care too much, picked up her skirt, and ran towards the inner hall of the palace...

And what about Zhou Ye? ? He followed her unhurriedly...

"Come here..." Tamina shouted loudly while running...

However, no matter the maids or guards she saw, they were indifferent to her coming and shouting... It was as if the world had really been frozen by an inexplicable force...

Unknowingly, Tamina found out that she actually ran to her bedroom? ?

And at this time, Zhou Ye had already caught up...

"Run, keep running..." He looked at Tamina slyly, and said the villain's classic quotes... "In this world, no one will come to rescue you even if you scream!!"

"..." Tamina was speechless for a while...

She stared at Zhou Ye firmly. At this moment, what else did she not understand? All these abnormalities should be caused by the young man in front of her...

At this point, she has to admit that this young man does have god-like abilities... But—even if he is a god, he is also an evil god... Thinking of this, Tamina shouted loudly: "Evil God, I am absolutely not will bow to you..."

"I didn't want you to give in..." Zhou Ye pushed Tamina to the wall step by step, and raised her chin with his hand with an evil smile, "The more you struggle, the happier I am!!"

Chapter 1883

Chapter 1882

Just after Zhou Ye finished saying this...

Tamina's face revealed the despairing look of an ordinary woman when she encounters this kind of thing... Her eyes were closed tightly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and there seemed to be tears at the corners of her eyes—as if at this moment, she really I've already resigned to my fate.

Zhou Ye smiled evilly, and was about to bow his head and say no to her...

However, at this moment...

Zhou Ye suddenly felt his chest itch, like being bitten by a mosquito...

He looked down speechlessly...

Sure enough, a dagger was stabbing his heart... Obviously, Tamina's resigned appearance just now was completely acting...

This girl, at this moment, there is no trace of cuteness on her face... Instead, there is a look of incomparable horror... "You...you..."

"Aren't you surprised?? Are you happy??" Zhou Ye smiled even happier...

How could Tamina's appearance just now be hidden from his spiritual position?

It's just that sometimes Zhou Ye has to cooperate with the interpretation, otherwise - how can he see the expression of this little wild cat? ?

Faced with Zhou Ye's ridicule, Tamina quickly stabbed a few more times... There is no doubt... all of them had no effect...

No, it still has some effect, at least—the Hanfu on Zhou Ye's body has been pierced into a hole-in-the-wall costume...

"Okay, Your Royal Highness, you ruined my clothes, and as a reward, I will ruin yours too..." Zhou Ye stretched out his hand without hesitation... and heard a stabbing sound , the long skirt on Tamina's body has been turned into pieces...

From top to bottom, there is only one piece of clothing and a tamina similar to a nail box left. Even at this time, she is still stubborn and refuses to give up...

She gritted her teeth tightly, stared at Zhou Ye... and said, "That's right, I can't kill you... But, I can kill myself... All you get is a corpse!!"

As the words fell, the dagger in Tamina's hand turned around and stabbed towards her own mouth...

And Zhou Ye didn't stop him, just watched Tamina commit suicide...

As the dagger pierced her heart... Tamina had a smug expression on her face, she trembled her lips, and said with difficulty: "...now...you can't get me..."

"Do you think so?" Zhou Ye smiled, and the smile became happier...

He gently put his hand on Tamina's shoulder, and then...Tamina felt as if her soul was pulled out of her body by a huge force, and she watched her body as if The camera was reversed, and he pulled the dagger out of his heart, and then pressed it against Zhou Ye's heart again...

Then, a huge pulling force came out from her body, and she returned to her body again...

Tamina looked at the dagger in her palm in disbelief... touched her heart that was just pierced by the dagger...

It was indeed as smooth as ever, without a trace of a knife edge...

"You...you actually have the power of time??" Tamina asked Zhou Ye in disbelief.

"Guess..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "I won't stop you now, you can continue to do what you just didn't finish..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye made a gesture of invitation, which seems to be quite a gentleman...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Tamina couldn't help rolling her beautiful eyes...

"Do you think I'm a fool?? Since I can't die...why do I stab myself again and again? Do you really think it won't hurt??"

"Haha..." Hearing Tamina's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing out loud...Little Wildcat is just funny..."So——what are you going to do now??"

"..." Tamina fell silent...

escape? Can't escape... die? Can't die...it seems...in the end she still dies

Escape from the palm of this evil god in front of you...

Facing Zhou Ye's unrestrained gaze, Tamina gritted her teeth, stretched out her hands, closed her eyes and said loudly, "Come on, whoever gets me, you won't get my heart..."

Seeing Tamina's actions, Zhou Ye burst out laughing...

The girl in front of her is a clever princess, she knows—that she cannot escape, and—in her opinion, she is like an ant in front of this evil god who is like a demon king descending into the world...

So——she planned to save the country with a curve...

What is the curve to save the country? ?

That is of course—to give up his life to feed the demon, and then let the demon king fall in love with her completely, and let her lead the demon king to the right path...

And this seemingly refusing posture is actually just a way to play hard to get...

Tamina thinks that this wicked guy in front of him must have a lot of women, so—how can he make this guy fall in love with her? Of course it's going to be different...

How is it different? ?

When everyone flatters him, she has to resist, and when everyone else resists him, she has to comfort him... strive to achieve the unique position in the heart of this devil...

I have to say that Tamina is indeed a very smart girl...

It's a pity that she still knows too little about Zhou Ye...

If she really knew Zhou Ye's ability, she would probably choose to be honest with each other, and persuaded him gently...

Facing this extremely careful and thoughtful beauty, of course Zhou Ye would not be polite... Aren't you scheming? Then expose all your scheming, in the back house of the Zhou family, it's not that girls with scheming are not allowed...

There are too many scheming girls... Lady Hydra, Red Queen, White Queen... Wait, which one of them is not scheming? Which of them is not smart...

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