But now, Tamina was able to tell everything she knew without hesitation, and handed the Blade of Time into his hands, which was almost equivalent to handing over everything to him...

As a woman, Tamina is doing well enough...

"I don't need such a thing...you know it!!" Zhou Ye smiled, and gently returned the dagger in Tamina's hand... "For me, you are the holy city of Alamut The most precious treasure..."

Tamina's heart was so sweet by Zhou Ye's love words...

And the best love words are undoubtedly the strongest pure medicine...

At this moment, she couldn't bear the turbulent emotion any longer, and leaned against Zhou Ye's ear, and whispered: "Honey... I want you to love me here... don't let outsiders find out... because... I will still love you." Shouting loudly..."

"I still want to be here...I want to scream loudly...without anyone noticing..." Zhou Ye said calmly, "Woman, you have a lot of demands!"

"I know you can do it... Am I right? My Majesty..." Tamina is already in a state of emotion... The spring in her eyes is almost overflowing...

"Of course, man, how can you say you can't do it??" Zhou Ye smiled and snapped his fingers lightly... The mirror world unfolded...

So, someone fulfilled his wish and screamed loudly in the upper temple, and completed a spiritual and physical union with his lover.

Chapter 1886

Chapter 1886

Happy times are always quite short...

Just a week after Zhou Ye came to the holy city of Alamut...

The army of the Persian Empire also arrived as promised...

Faced with this situation, Tamina didn't care at all... She had already heard the news from her husband... What's more...with Zhou Ye here, she didn't worry about anything...

Standing on the terrace in the palace, looking at the Persian army outside the city that was preparing to attack the city...

Zhou Ye smiled... "Lu Kuesh, are you afraid?"

There is a reason for Zhou Ye to ask this question. This time, the troops from the Persian Empire are at least a hundred thousand, which is more than twice the strength of the Roman Legion...

Although the advantage of defending the city is great, but-the holy city of Alamut is not considered a great city. When it was established, it did not consider the possibility of being attacked. Therefore, what kind of urn city and the like Defensive measures are completely useless...

I have to say that this adds a lot of difficulty to defending the city...

"Under the leadership of Your Majesty, we will surely achieve brilliant victories..." Facing Zhou Ye's inquiry, Lu Kuis said without hesitation: "I have fought against the Persian army. Although they can be called warriors, But... under our Roman phalanx, they can only crawl and tremble!!"

"No...we won't fight in the wild this time!!" Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hands, "I want you to defend the city...for at least one night..."

"Why??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuis was dumbfounded...

It would be foolish to defend the city without taking advantage of one's own advantages... Moreover, there are no tools for defending the city that he is familiar with in Alamut, although they have prepared a lot of tools because they firmly believe in Zhou Ye's words. Rolling logs and stones, but... Lucius understands better that the Persian catapults are so powerful...

What is the least missing in the Arabian Peninsula? ? Oil of course...

Although they don't know how to refine stones at this time, pouring oil on the stones, then igniting them and throwing them into the city has become their necessary engineering method...

That thing, if you smash it, it won't kill you, it can burn you to death...

Thinking of this, Lucius said: "Your Majesty, the Persian flame catapult..."

"Don't worry about their catapults..." Zhou Ye waved his hands with a smile, and said, "I guarantee that their catapults cannot be transported here..."

"Yes, I understand...Your Majesty..."

Now that Zhou Ye said so, then Lu Kuis doesn't have to worry about anything anymore... A siege without siege weapons? It was filled entirely by human life, and Lucius was confident that these Persians would shed their last drop of blood under the city.

With Lucius gone, Tamina walked to her man's side...

She heard Zhou Ye's words from behind the screen just now. She didn't want to interfere with her man's arrangement, but—she was very curious... "Honey, why must General Luquez guard the city?"

"Because I want to see a performance by a certain Persian monkey..." Zhou Ye said with a mysterious smile...

"Persian Monkey?? Show??"

Tamina asked in confusion...

"Don't worry, you will understand everything at night..."

While Zhou Ye was chatting with Tamina... In the army of the Persian Empire, the Persian prince Tusi who led the army was furious.

"What did you say?? The logistics force transporting the siege vehicles was attacked by wolves?? All the building vehicles and catapults used for the siege were destroyed by wolves??" Tus stared intently. Looking at the Persian soldiers who came to report, the expression on their faces seemed to be eating people...

"Yes, yes, Your Royal Highness!!" The soldier who came to report the news also had a look of grievance on his face, what the hell is it that I am not responsible for escorting the siege equipment, so what does it matter to me? ?

"Tus, don't take your anger out on others..." Nizam, the uncle of Tus and the younger brother of Salaman, the king of the Persian Empire, persuaded: "This is not a man who is destined to be a king.

What should be done..."

"I'm sorry, uncle... I was too excited!!" Tuss really listened to his uncle's words...

After taking a deep breath, he waved his hand and let the soldier who reported the message leave...

At this time, only he, his younger brother Gasif and his uncle Nizam were left in the army tent...

After Tusi sighed, he said, "Uncle...you know, without those siege equipment, how much damage our soldiers would have to suffer to take this city..."

"I know..." Nizam nodded, and said, "But——we have no time... If the Roman legions in the city are prepared for everything, then even if there are siege engines, we You have to pay a big price to win this city!!"

"Yes...yes...but..." While Tus was still hesitating, his own brother, Gasif, said loudly: "Don't worry, I will personally lead the charge of the most powerful warriors in our Persian Empire, I will let these betrayers know how serious the consequences of betraying the covenant are!!"

"Betray the covenant?? Who??" At this moment, a burly figure walked into the military tent...

He is none other than Tus and Gasif's younger brother, Prince Dastan.

Of course, he is not the younger brother of Tus and Gasif, but a child picked up by the old King Salaman from a market fifteen years ago...

At that time, Salaman was attracted by Dastan's heroic act of saving people in the market, so he adopted Dastan, who was already an orphan at that time.

Although Salaman was adopted by the old king, Tus and Gasif, who grew up together, treated Salaman like brothers. I have to say that this is really a wonderful thing.

"Alamut betrayed the covenant... They let a Roman legion enter their city..." Hearing Salaman's question, Tus explained: "That's why I led the army here..."

"But, my father said that we are not allowed to attack the holy city of Alamut!" Salaman said with a face of embarrassment.

"The covenant must be maintained..." Uncle Wang Nizam said unhurriedly: "If Alamut does not abide by the covenant today, but is not punished due to its status as a holy city, then... Tomorrow there may be a second Alamut, a third, or even a fourth...by then we will be exhausted..."

"Okay...uncle, I admit that your words are indeed correct, but...should we send someone to ask what father means first?" Salaman wanted to fight again.

"No need, every day of delay, we have to pay hundreds of thousands of soldiers' lives... This is not a wise choice!!" Speaking of this, Tus said loudly: "I ordered Gasif to be the forward. At dawn, Start the siege..."

Chapter 1887

Chapter 1887

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