In front of him, who would dare to say that he is a pig's foot between heaven and earth? ?

Therefore, Zhou Ye slightly changed the trajectory of the crossbow arrow, and Dastan died...

In fact, Dastan in the movie is still a good person...


Will there be good rewards for good people? Well, in most of the movies, good people will be rewarded with good things... But, in Zhou Ye's case... the pig's feet will die.

Why? ?

Just because Zhou Ye felt that his hanging up made people uncomfortable...

With the death of Dastan, the East Gate is completely peaceful...

And Zhou Ye is also a little bored...

In the end, Zhou Ye didn't have a good opinion of Persia, but he didn't have any bad feelings either... But, who told them to attack their own woman's city? Whoever dies must die...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye picked up Tamina and walked towards the palace... "Let's go, baby, there's nothing to see!"

"Did that guy really get shot by his men?" Tamina asked curiously...

You know, Tamina doesn't have Zhou Ye's perverted dynamic vision. She only vaguely saw the black shadow hanging on the wall tremble for a while, then fell down, and then fell silent again.

"That's right, he should have been shot to death by his men!!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded.

"Then why did his men shoot him?" Tamina asked curiously.

"Maybe he robbed his women... who knows about this kind of thing!!" Zhou Ye said, pulling up Tamina who was like a curious baby and wanted to ask more questions, and walked quickly to the palace. "Okay, baby, don't you want to destroy these Persian armies??"

"Of course I did..." Tamina naturally didn't like the invaders.

"Then go ask Xiaomeng, let her help you... As long as she is willing to let her men take action, these Persian troops are a bunch of mobs!!"

Chapter 1889

Chapter 1889

"What's wrong with my brother?" Tusi, the eldest prince of Persia on the horse, looked at Dastan who was sent to him, his face was full of anger...

At this time, Dastan has no sound...

"Prince Dastan..."

"Who shot my brother to death?" At this time, Tusi also saw the crossbow bolts that were being inserted into his brother's mouth... and this kind of crossbow bolts is a standard Persian weapon...

This discovery made Tusi furious...

You know, although Dastan is not his own younger brother, Tus, who grew up with him, has long regarded him as a family member...

"It's... Ilam... He missed it for a while..." The soldier who sent Dastan over began to describe what happened to Tus...

After hearing what the soldiers said, Tus felt both sad and angry...

Sadly - he lost a brother.

The angry thing is—why did Dastan go to steal the city gate without his order? ?

The unsatisfactory battle at the main gate, coupled with the death of Dastan... made Tusi completely angry...

Just when he was about to order the whole army to attack the city madly...

Suddenly, a loud wolf howl came from the holy city of Alamut in the distance...

This made Tusi stunned... You know, the high ground he was standing at this time was more than a thousand meters away from Alamut... At such a long distance, the loud howling of wolves seemed to be resounding on him. like my ears...

What kind of weird thing is this? ?

Just when Tus wanted to say something...

Suddenly, a soldier beside him couldn't help shouting in horror: "Look... what is that??"

Tu Si looked in the direction the soldiers were pointing at, and with the light of the rising dawn, he could see...on the horizon in the distance, a layer of dark things, like the tide, was spreading toward them...

The black tide is extremely fast...

In the feeling of Tu Si, in less than a few breaths, he can already see the true face of those black tides... "That's?? Wolf??"

"On alert... the whole army is on alert..." Tuss shouted...

Although I don't know why there are so many wolves rushing towards them, but—Tus has an ominous omen in his heart...

He couldn't help but ordered loudly: "Blow the horn quickly, let Gasif withdraw..."


The soldiers hastily obeyed and went to deliver the order...

And at this time, the wave of wolves has already rushed to the front of the Persian army...

They rushed towards their big meal without hesitation...

Just kidding... They haven't had enough food for a few days, okay... Will they be polite when they see these walking delicacies? ?

"No... what is this..."

"My God...why are there so many wolves!!"

"Damn it, these wolves can't be killed...Ah!!!"

For a while, the entire Persian army was thrown into a panic by the sudden wave of wolves...

They used their own weapons to desperately resist the invasion of giant wolves... However, it was useless...

Even the well-equipped Roman soldiers would be a bit more chewy under Zhou Ye's giant wolf, not to mention that the Persian soldiers didn't have the armor of Roman soldiers at all? ?

On the Persian soldiers, there are more leather armors, and some don't even have leather armor...

For the giant wolves, this is simply a feast of seafood without shelling...

And at this time, Lucius, who was guarding the city on the top of the city, also saw the attack of the wolf wave...

Of course he knew who the owner of the wolf tide was, and he also knew that—the dispatch of the wolf tide meant—that he could finally end this suffocating defense of the city and go out to kill those Persians.

"Brothers, Your Majesty's pets have set off, and we are going to attack!!"

As he shouted, all the Roman soldiers became excited...

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