When fighting on the plains, the infantry is most afraid of encountering cavalry...

You can't fight, you can't escape, there is no danger to rely on... This shit is simply a desperate situation...

That's why Lucuis was so helpless...

"You bastard..." Seeing Lukuis' hesitation, Zhou Ye scolded with a smile: "If you want my wolf army to help, just tell me, is it interesting to make these twists and turns?"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the sorrow on Lu Kuis's face disappeared instantly, and he said with a sneer, "Your Majesty is truly astute, thoughtful, resourceful..."

"Okay, okay!!" Zhou Ye waved his hand helplessly, "Did you use all the Chinese you learned to flatter you?? Don't worry, I will let the magic wolf army help you!!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Lu Kuis didn't care about Zhou Ye's sarcasm. To him, Zhou Ye's willingness to taunt him was also an expression of intimacy...he would only feel honored, not angry.

Others want to be ridiculed by the crown, but they can't do it...

"Okay, let's get ready..." Zhou Ye waved his hand and let Lukuis go down...

Now that his goal has been achieved, Lucuis will naturally not delay here anymore, he still has a lot to do...

The battle is imminent, although it is said that the city cannot be built overnight, but...it is not a problem to create some obstacles for the cavalry...

If the charge speed of the heavy cavalry cannot increase, they are a living target...

As Lucius leaves the wolf chariot...

Once again only Zhou Ye and his women were left in the wolf carriage...

"Master, why do we have to conquer Europe?" Qing Jiaoer asked curiously, "Obviously we have nothing to do with them..."

"Hehe..." Hearing Qing Jiaoer's words, Zhou Ye smiled...

"It's just a moment of boredom..."

Although Zhou Ye said so, in fact... this is the dream of many military nerds...

Why didn't there be a confrontation with Europe when the Great Qin Empire was at its strongest, or when the Great Han Dynasty was at its strongest? ?

In the eyes of many nerds, Europe in this period is far from being the opponent of my Great Hua Country... I am really unhappy that I didn't take advantage of your illness to kill you...

Although now, strictly speaking, Zhou Ye is not leading the Hua Kingdom's army to capture Europe...but, to some extent, it can be regarded as fulfilling a grudge from the otaku period.

As for those guys who kneel and lick the ancient Roman Empire in Europe, Zhou Ye can only say one thing about it...

Just when Zhou Ye fell into a state of boredom again...

Luckis has already begun to prepare the things needed for the on-the-spot defense...

On the plain, there are so few trees... so... what can be used to stop the cavalry's charge? ?

Of course it is - the manors of various big landowners...

no stones?

Demolition of the manor...

No wood?

Demolition of the manor...


In short, it is all kinds of demolition...

It is estimated that after the war is over, those big landlords will definitely cry when they return to their homes...

The 70,000 soldiers of the entire Roman Legion, except for the necessary precautions, began to work.

Soon, a horse-blocking wall with a height of about 1.5 meters and a length of about three kilometers was built...

And Lucius didn't let his soldiers form an array behind the horse barrier, but set up a square formation on a hill that was not too high about 30 meters behind the horse barrier...

Because, the 1.5-meter-high horse barrier can't stop too many heavy cavalry, but it is enough to slow down their speed...

However, heavy cavalry charges need distance to accelerate...

And the distance of 30 meters happened to be at the most embarrassing period for the heavy cavalry... Especially since it was a gentle slope, it was even more unfriendly to the heavy cavalry.

While Lucuis was waiting in full force, the Persian army arrived as scheduled under the leadership of the Persian King Salaman...

Salaman, who was wearing a helmet and armor, sat on his mount, looked at the crude horse barrier in front of him... couldn't help laughing and said: "These Romans are not too stupid. The idea of ​​wanting to compete directly with our cavalry on flat ground..."

Mimer beside him asked a little strangely: "Your Majesty, this is not a good thing for us, is it?"

"No...it's not a good thing for our army...but it's good news for me!!" There was a look of relief in Salaman's eyes..."This shows that this army, he— —Without the protection of the gods!!”

Chapter 1897

Chapter 1897

"How did Your Majesty find out?" Mimel asked curiously.

"An army protected by gods, does it still need these things to block my army?" Salaman said, pointing to the horse barrier, and said with a smile: "They only need to ask their gods Just pray, wouldn’t it be good to bring down the punishment of heaven on our army??”

"Or, they can also summon their god's immortal wolf army to deal with us..." Speaking of this, Salaman's heart became more at ease... In his tone, there was unconsciously A bit of sarcasm: "No matter what it is, it is much more useful than this barrier!!"

Hearing Salaman's words, he

The generals next to him all laughed jokingly...

In fact, this is really a big misunderstanding...

Lu Kuis had indeed asked Zhou Ye for help from the Demon Wolf Legion...

However, as a general, he still habitually does everything he can...

In Lucquis's view, if you ask for the help of your Crown Prince in everything, sooner or later, your Crown Prince will feel bored...

And, what does this prove other than that their Roman legion was a waste legion? ?

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, he will not ask his own majesty for help...

Just when Salaman was taunting the Roman legion...Luquese, standing on the low hill, naturally saw the Persian legion coming...

Hundreds of thousands of cavalry, when running together, the whole earth will be shaken by horseshoes...

That posture looks like a rainbow...

Looking at it, Lucuis involuntarily tightened the dagger in his hand, saying that he was not afraid would be nonsense...

The Persian legion on the opposite side is full of cavalry, and their strength is twice his...

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