Under the slaughter of the wind patrollers, the remaining Persian heavy cavalry began to break up... However, at this moment, from behind the Persian army-there were waves of howling wolves...

Chapter 1899

Chapter 1899

"Wolf, a lot of giant wolves..."

With a loud cry coming from behind the army formation, Salaman could not help but straighten his back from his horse, and looked back...

It's just that there are too many soldiers, and all the soldiers wear pointed helmets. Looking around, they are all metal helmets...

In the past, this forest-like cavalry was the pride of Salaman, but now it has become an obstacle that hinders his sight.

He could only hear the commotion from the rear army, but he couldn't see what happened behind him at all...

When Salaman was sitting anxiously, suddenly a fast horse ran over, and the soldiers on the horse ran, shouting at the same time: "Your Majesty, there has appeared... the army of demon wolves has appeared!"

Hearing the soldier's shout, the cavalry of the former army couldn't help talking...

Seeing this situation, Salaman had the thought of killing this guy...

Madan, you are a spy for the Romans...

Actually at this time, shouting, are you trying to disturb my army's morale? ?

However, Salaman knew that this is not the time to pursue responsibility... He ordered loudly: "Don't mess up, don't mess up..."

However, at this time, he could no longer control the situation...

Because, the girls of the Wind Patrol Envoys have already been killed...

Have you ever seen dozens of people chasing tens of thousands of people? ?

This is such a scene that makes people spit...

The heavily armored cavalry who had been charging turned their horses around and ran towards their own formation... The ones who ran were so fast that they worked harder than when they charged...

No way, who told them that there are more than 20 gods of death behind them? ?

Behind these cavalry, the girls of the Patrolmen did not rush to catch up with these Persian heavy cavalry, but slowly followed behind them, speeding up from time to time to kill one or two slow runners...

If someone wants to change direction, they will be killed...

To put it bluntly, the girls are planning to drive these heavy cavalry to attack their own army formation...

On the battlefield, why are you most afraid of routs? ?

Because - once the camp is bombed, the soldiers behind who don't know what happened will also be surrounded by the rout and flee backwards, and finally - lead to failure.

Once dispersed, the soldiers don't know the generals, the generals don't know the soldiers... A small defeat will turn into a big defeat... This is why the generals are most afraid of the rout of the army and the reason why the camp will be bombed.

Zhou Ye didn't see the effect of the heavy cavalry attacking the army formation, but he saw it on the Persian legion instead of the Roman legion...

From the top of the hill, looking down, I saw—tens of thousands of Persian heavy cavalry, under the pursuit of more than twenty illusory black shadows, slammed into the neatly arranged Persian army formation , for a while... the cavalry in front of the Persian army, the people who were directly hit were turned on their backs...

The neat formation of Persian cavalry has also become a mess at this time...

It looks like a lump of paste...

"Using the fear barrier of fear demons on the battlefield really has an extraordinary effect!!" Seeing this situation, Zhou Ye couldn't help talking to himself and laughing.

Ordinarily, as the battle-tested Persian cavalry, their psychological quality should not be so low...

It collapsed so easily...

But, you can't stop someone from cheating...

When Zhou Ye sent his patrolmen to fight, he blessed each of them with a barrier of fear.

This skill comes from the feared demon king in the world of Azeroth, which can infinitely magnify the fear in people's hearts...


The Persian cavalry are out of luck... The barrier of fear is not indestructible... As long as you have a firm belief and a strong mental ability, it is possible to be exempt from the effects of this barrier of fear to a certain extent... …


The Persian cavalry are obviously not those paladins or priests in the world of Azeroth.

For this kind of power that directly acts on the mind, they... cannot be exempted.

"These unlucky guys..." Lu Kuis, who was standing behind Zhou Ye, looked at the chaotic Persian army formation under the hill, and murmured: "Your biggest original sin is to become the enemy of the crown... May you understand this truth in your next life..."

What do you understand? ? Got it - if you want to live a nourishing life, you must first choose a good thigh.

Lucquis thinks the thighs he chose are great...

But at this moment, on the horizon in the distance, a black-gray tide surged over like a wave...

In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the front of the Persian Legion, and in an instant—the entire Persian Legion was completely swallowed up...

"Everything is over..." Looking at the battlefield, it was no longer possible to tell which was the Persian cavalry and which was the mess of the wave, Lucius sighed...

He knew that the Persian cavalry was doomed... and the Persian king, Salaman, would never survive...

"Yeah, it's over!!" Zhou Ye sighed, then patted Lu Kuis on the shoulder and said, "Go

Now, let your soldiers help Xiaomeng's legion shell..."

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lu Kuisi's face turned into embarrassment...

He didn't expect that his own family would come here to know...

The so-called shelling is a way for Roman soldiers to live in harmony with the magic wolf army.

The Roman soldiers helped the wolves remove the armor and weapons from the corpse, and the wolves enjoyed the shelled food... This is a win-win situation.

Of course, as for those Persian soldiers? Who cares about their lives...

They were generous providers of spoils to Roman soldiers.

For the magic wolf army, it is a delicious ration...

Basically, that's what they do.

The daughters of the Wind Patrol Envoys, who had completed their tasks, turned around and came back the moment the Demon Wolf Army arrived...

"My lord, fortunately I did not disgrace my life!"

"Well, you did a good job..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded to the returning girls, then turned around and walked in the direction of his wolf carriage... "Lukuis, I'm tired... After cleaning the battlefield as soon as possible , let’s occupy the capital of the Persian Empire!!”

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