This waited from noon to evening...

When the sun started to set, many girls could no longer stand... Many of them just sat on the ground, waiting for their fate...

At this time, a Roman man with the appearance of a general, accompanied by five or six women, walked to the playground...

It was none other than Luquez who came...

He invited Qing Jiaoer over for his plan of flattering a horse... in order to be able to pick out a girl who is enough to satisfy his family.

For such a thing, Qing Jiaoer is naturally obliged.

You know, the wind patrols themselves have the duty to help their master search for beauties... This is like saying that it is their old profession.

As soon as Qing Jiaoer walked to the playground of the Roman military camp, she couldn't help being stunned. It seemed that Lucuis had indeed made a fortune... There are almost a thousand girls here.

"I'll leave everything to God Servant!"

"General Lukuis is polite!" After Qing Jiaoer finished speaking to Lucuis with a smile, she turned to look at her sisters and said, "Let's start working..."

"Yes, sister!" xn

After Qingjiaoer's patrolling sisters responded with a smile, they walked into the middle of the girls...

They first passed in front of the girls one by one, and they knew what they knew...

Then, they asked the girls to stand up and walk around in front of them, or ask some small questions...

For example, whether you are good at dancing, for example... what hobbies do you usually have... etc., it varies...

In the end, the patrolmen selected twelve girls from the nearly thousand girls...

Those twelve Persian girls, the patrol envoys brought behind Qing Jiaoer...

Lucius looked at the girls selected by the twelve god attendants and couldn't help admiring, the eyes of the god attendants are really vicious...

These girls are all beautiful and charming, and their curvy figures can definitely arouse the most primitive impulses of men... The most important thing is, in the words of the wind patrollers, that is—they all She is the purest girl...

"I will take these girls away..." Qing Jiaoer smiled at Lu Kuisi and said, "I will explain the origin of these girls to the Lord..."

"Then I will trouble you, Lord Godservant!"

Chapter 1901

Chapter 1901

Roxana is fifteen years old, the daughter of a small craftsman...

Her father, in Nasaf, supported the family by selling some homemade clay pots and bowls.

Roxana originally thought that her life would be just like her mother's, and it would always be flat.

Find a husband who is not very rich but can afford the dowry, and then, like my own mother, bear children for her husband...and then raise them to grow up...

However, the sudden war shattered her fantasy...

The war happened suddenly, and ended even more suddenly...

It was as if, overnight, the entire Nasaf had changed its ruler.

The original Persian soldiers wearing pointed hats were no longer visible, replaced by Roman soldiers wearing armor, holding weapons and shields...

Although a little uneasy, Roxana felt that these Roman soldiers were not bad...

Because at least they didn't buy or sell by force, and they didn't burn, kill or loot...

This made her uneasy, much less...


Just today, a group of Roman soldiers rushed into her home, pointed swords at her parents' necks, and told her in broken and ridiculous Persian... If she didn't go with them, her parents would will die...

Facing the pleading and desperate gazes of her parents, Roxana succumbed...

She followed the Roman soldiers towards their barracks...

Originally, she thought she was about to usher in a tragic fate...

A woman was brought into the camp of the conquerors, what would happen in this camp full of men, guess what? ?

However, the result surprised her...

She was taken to a playground by the soldiers... On the playground, she saw many girls who were about her size already standing there...

Each of them had a look of despair and uneasiness on their faces...

After sending her here, those soldiers left in a hurry...

She stood among these girls a little uneasy, and they didn't speak to each other...

Because they don't know each other... And, I don't know, if they whisper, it will cause the punishment of the Roman soldiers standing outside watching them...

As she stood there, waiting for her unknown fate...

A deep voice came over... "Hello, my name is Madota... How about you?"

Roxana followed the voice, and it turned out to be a girl standing beside her... Seeing Roxana looking at her, she deliberately blinked at Roxana, looking familiar...

Maybe it's because people always want to rely on something to distract themselves when they are uneasy. Roxana, who didn't like talking to strangers, said for the first time, "My name is Roxana..."

"Nice name, I guess your parents must have seen you as a kid when you were little."

Beautiful! ! "Madota's character is obviously more cheerful...

"Maybe, but I don't think your parents would have expected that you are not as quiet as the moon at all!!" Roxana made a rare joke...

Madota means moon girl in Persian...

And Roxana means bright, beautiful...

Taking the name as an opportunity, the two chatted in a low voice...

The Roman soldiers who were standing outside and guarding them ignored their chatting... This made many other girls follow suit...

Everyone knows that if you talk too much, you will get thirsty, especially when they are standing on the unsheltered playground under the sun, and soon... the girls fell silent again, because they were thirsty...

Same goes for Roxana...

Although everyone felt thirsty, they didn't ask the Roman soldiers for clean water... because they didn't know what they were brought here for...

But, to be honest, every girl's heart is not so peaceful...

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