Luquez and Marcus, who hadn't slept all night, really looked like pandas at this time... Each of them had dark circles under their eyes, as if they had been beaten out of a pair of sunglasses.

"What happened?" Zhou Ye asked curiously...

"Your Majesty, this was brought back by a carrier pigeon last night, an order from the Senate..." Marcus said, and presented the note in his hand to Zhou Ye respectfully...

"Oh?" Zhou Ye took the note, glanced at it, and said, "Come in and talk about it!!"

With that said, Zhou Ye turned around and returned to his room...

Lucius and Marcus obediently followed in...

"The Senate is going to escort Lucius back to Rome?" Although it was just a glimpse just now, Zhou Ye had already read all the words on the note...

At the end of the note, there is also the seal of the Senate, which is unmistakable...

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lucius and Marcus looked at each other, and Marcus said: "The Senate is suppressing heroes... They want to bring a The heroes who have traveled thousands of miles across the entire Persian Empire to be labeled as rebels..."

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye laughed... He didn't follow what Marcus said, but asked instead: "Do you know why triangle is the strongest form??"

"Ugh!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lucius and Marcus looked at each other... They were soldiers, not scholars or mathematicians. How could they know why triangle is the strongest shape? ?

"Because... a triangle has three points, and the three points rely on each other and restrict each other... Therefore, a triangle is the strongest form..." Zhou Ye said here, looking at Lucius and Marcus..." The original ruling model of the three giants, because of the death of Crassus, has become a struggle between the two giants..."

"Caesar and Pompey, when Crassus was alive, did not dare to act rashly with each other... because Crassus' attitude determines their success or failure..."

"That's why there was a wonderful time for the three of them to live in harmony..."

"And now, Crassus is dead...and his successor Pris is still young...then—the Black Eagle Legion, this legion that once belonged to Crassus, has become one in the eyes of Caesar and Pompey Big fat..."

Hearing Zhou Ye say this... Lucius and Marcus both suddenly said: "Your Majesty, you mean... this is actually Caesar and Pompey attacking the Black Eagle Legion??"

"No... Such a clumsy method is not at all like the method of Caesar and Pompey..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "Since those two people can become the giants of Rome, then--they obviously won't use such methods. Stupid means..."

"I'm more inclined...these two people led the ruling of the Council of Elders..." Zhou Ye said here, and smiled: "Lu Kuis..."

"Your Majesty!!" Lu Kuis hurriedly lowered his head and said.

"If, I mean if... If I hadn't appeared, wouldn't you have been dismissed from all duties and sent to Rome??"

"This... yes!!" Lu Kuis did not deny Zhou Ye's words.

"So——if you are in Rome, when you accept the ruling of the Senate, there is a big man who resists all opinions and defends you... Then, will you be grateful to that big man??"

"Yes...Your Majesty, I will be very grateful to that person..."

"Then... when you are reinstated with the help of that big shot, will you become that person's loyal subordinate??"

"..." No matter how stupid Lukuis is, he has already heard what Zhou Ye said... That is, someone is deliberately designing him...

"70,000 elite soldiers who can cross the Persian Empire, and soldiers who have lost their masters... To some people, this is a big piece of fat..." Zhou Ye smiled happily... "How about, Let's go to Rome to see who... did all of this!!"

These Roman fools are playing tricks with Zhou Ye? ? hehe……

Chapter 1910

Chapter 1910

And just when Zhou Ye was planning to take Lukuis away from Angela and head for Rome...

Far away in Rome...something is going on too.

In Caesar's residence, he is entertaining an uninvited guest.

"Haha... Pompey, my friend... what made you come to me?" Caesar smiled, and opened his arms to Pompey in front of him, as if he was going to hug him.

"It's the news of Crassus' death!!" After hugging Caesar with a smile, Pompey said, "At the meeting of the Senate, why did you vote for the trial of Lucius??"

"And why are you proposing to try Lucquis??"

Hearing Pompey's words, Caesar shrugged his shoulders and asked back: "You and I both know that Lucius is a hero... a hero who traversed the Persian Empire and brought the soldiers back...then why do you still To propose to judge him??"

Pompey looked at Caesar, but didn't speak for a long time...

After a while...he said slowly: "Yes, Lucius is a hero... But neither you nor I hope that there will be another shit-stirring stick like Crassus in the Council of Elders..."

"How can you say that about Crassus...he is our friend..." Although Caesar was accusing, there was a hint of a smile on his face.


"That's right, he is very generous... Whenever I was short of money, he was always very generous to lend me money..."

" that so?" Pompey laughed mockingly when he heard Caesar's words: "Then, on the stipulated repayment day, he came to your house with great fanfare to demand the debt, which made you lose all face... This is you So-called friends??"

"Okay, okay...Although he is a bit stingy sometimes...But, when he was alive, we all got along very happily!!" Caesar shrugged and said.

"You also said... that was when he was alive!!" Pompey caught a word from Caesar's mouth... "You and I both know that in the eastern province of the empire, Crassus still has 200,000 troops... And these 200,000 troops are the biggest legacy he left behind..."

"This is wrong..." Caesar spread his hands and said with a saintly look: "We shouldn't seek the assets of our own seniors... You know, Crassus' youngest son, Pulis is still alive...he is Crassus' rightful successor..."

"Then let him die..." Pompey said unceremoniously: "Rome doesn't need three consuls... let alone a blind child to be the commander of an army of hundreds of thousands. would make Rome the laughing stock of other nations..."

"Have you made up your mind? Pompey... are you serious??" The smile on Caesar's face gradually faded. "are you serious??"

"That's right, I'm serious..." Pompey nodded vigorously...and said.

"So, what can I get??" Caesar asked back.

"Crasu's inheritance, we are half, and - I will marry your daughter, Yulia..."

Pompey's next words almost made Caesar spray his face with salt soda...

Not to mention the collection of Crassus's inheritance, but also to marry his daughter, know, his daughter Yulia is only fourteen...

If it wasn't for this time, Pompey was more powerful than him, and Caesar would have turned his back on him long ago...

You know, Pompey is six years older than marry his daughter shamelessly...Is this revenge for him playing with his wife? ? ?

"Are you serious??" Caesar asked again.

"Of course...I'm serious!!" There was a smile on Pompey's face, but his eyes were fixed on Caesar... as if he wanted to see through everything about him. "In this way, we can become close allies... Do you have any objections to this?"

"..." A smile gradually appeared on Caesar's expressionless face... "Of course, Pompey, my friend... How could I have any objections to this good thing??"

"That's good..." The smile on Pompey's face gradually spread... "How about just these few days?? I can't wait to call your father-in-law..."

"No, I think... Crassus is our friend after all, and it's better for us not to do such a thing when the affairs behind him have not been properly resolved!!" Caesar said: "It's easy to be rejected by the Council of Elders." Those nobles who question our character..."

"Well——" Pompey thought about it, and after thinking about it, it seemed that Caesar was right. Once Crassus, one of the original three giants, died, the two would marry, which seemed a bit too eager... Besides, He also understood what Caesar meant... He wanted to marry his daughter to Crassus only after he obtained the ownership of half of Crassus's corps... This is a typical example.

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