That's right, he agreed to Pompey's proposal to try Luces in the Senate, in order to be kind to Luces at a critical moment, and then take Luces for his own use... However, he didn't expect Pompey also saw through his thoughts...

Actually went to the house in person and forced him...

And in order to fear that he would go back on his word, he even made a marriage contract with his daughter...

This way of blocking both ends made all his calculations come to nothing...


Maybe there is no other way...

Thinking of this, Caesar ordered his servants to bring over the map of Rome...

He carefully studied the positions of the various provinces marked on the Roman map... After a while, he clenched his fist... "Just do it!!"

As he spoke, Caesar asked his servant to bring a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and ordered him to deliver it to his daughter, Yulia...

Ask, why didn't Caesar send it himself? ?

Because—he knew that his daughter would never see him at this time... No way, who told him to betray his daughter? ?

Chapter 1912

Chapter 1912

At this moment, Yulia was in her own room, covering her face and crying bitterly...

A girl who is only fourteen years old is going to marry an old man in his fifties. How can she accept it? ?

In other words... let a 14-year-old boy marry an old woman who is almost 60 years old, probably this boy has a lot of mmp in his heart at this time, right? ?

At this moment, Caesar's dumb servant brought over a piece of paper...

And gesticulating, telling Yulia that this is what her father asked him to send...

Yulia originally wanted to throw the paper her father gave her on the ground, and then stepped on it hard to vent her anger, but in the end, she opened the paper.

I saw something was written on it in ugly Latin...

[My daughter, if you want to change your destiny, then... go and stop Luquez from coming to Rome, and, at least in Macedonia, stop Lucques and tell him that if you don’t want to die , don’t come to Rome... It’s better to let him go to Crassus’s fief and summon the old ministries... Tell him that it’s Pompey who is planning on his master’s inheritance, and he will know what to do! ! 】

【I wrote a letter to the Governor of the Balkan Province. You can get some help there... I wish you a pleasant journey, my daughter! 】

Yulia looked at the content on the letter paper, and after a long silence...

Asked my maid to bring a map of Rome...

After researching for a while...

She said without hesitation: "Lukia, help me prepare my clothes and luggage..."

"Miss, what are you doing preparing those things?" The maid asked a little strangely.

"We need to take an unexpected trip!" Speaking of this, Yulia hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Don't prepare skirts for clothes, make them all men's clothes, and take my armor Come here...I want to wear it!!"

"Yes, Miss!!" Although Lukia was surprised, since her lady gave her orders, she could only follow them.


The maid prepared all the things Yulia asked for...

Yulia didn't change into men's clothes right here, but still wore her skirt...then summoned a carriage, claiming to go to the temple outside the city to pray...and left Caesar's mansion.

The news of her going to the temple soon reached Pompey's ears...

"Hehe... little girl, it's understandable that I'm always a little uneasy when I hear the news that I'm going to get married!!" Speaking of this, Pompey ordered: "Don't disturb Miss Yulia's prayers, let her enjoy the last Time to be single!!”

Those in charge of monitoring Caesar's mansion naturally obeyed Pompey's order...

In Pompeo's view, this may be the rebellious thing a little girl did when she heard that she was going to get married...

He didn't think at all that Caesar would let his fourteen-year-old daughter go on the road alone to find Lucius...

After all, in this era, the road is not very peaceful... You must know—although Rome has laid down such a large territory, but—there are still many aborigines who are unwilling to submit to the control of the Roman Empire and are still entrenched in the barren mountains...

Let alone a little girl... Even a grown man might not dare to walk alone.

Let’s not mention it, let’s talk about Caesar when he was young... He used to travel and study in various countries alone... What happened? Kidnapped by pirates...

Of course, the final ending of those pirates was also very tragic... they were captured by Caesar and all the navy members, and then they were crucified.

Keke...too far...

After leaving the city of Rome, Yulia found that she was not being followed... put on the armor she brought out on the carriage... and then took the maid who also put on the armor and untied the horses on the carriage. Drive, and then... ride on the horse and gallop towards the port of Brindisi.

According to the itinerary written by her father, she will look for a man named Quintus there. He used to be Caesar's lieutenant, but he retired after being injured on the battlefield. Quintus is currently in the The Port of Brindisi operates several merchant ships...

You know, Caesar's power is still not small in the Roman navy... With such an advantage, that Quintus was also in a hurry.

She is going to find Quintus, and ask him to help her prepare a route across the Adriatic Sea, take a shortcut to the Balkan Peninsula, fight for Macedonia, and block Lucquis...

All hope of her freedom rests on Luckis...




Not to mention how this runaway girl fought for her own freedom, but Zhou Ye, Lu Kuis and others at this time...

Now that Zhou Ye has made the decision to go to Rome, of course Lucuis must obey his orders...


A detachment team of more than a hundred Roman soldiers led by one of Marcus's lieutenants went on the road just like that...

Of course, it was said to be escort... In fact, no one cared about Lu Kuis...

He was still leisurely riding his own horse and wearing his own armor. He didn't look like a prisoner under escort at all...

In fact, these more than 100 meters of Roman soldiers were all carefully selected fanatics of Zhou Ye, including the adjutant who led the team, who was also a fanatic of Zhou Ye.

They were endowed with stronger and more agile bodies by Zhou Ye...

Coupled with the experience they gained from fighting on the battlefield, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are one against one hundred...

And what about Zhou Ye? ?

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