"That Easterner??" Caesar asked hesitantly, "I just heard Lucius calling him to be crowned... Is he a priest??"

"No...Father, he is a god!!" Little Yulia said proudly.

"God???" Caesar looked at Zhou Ye suspiciously...

Although he did see the abnormality of Lu Kuis, but——he had never seen Zhou Ye display any supernatural ability, so he was skeptical about his daughter's statement that Zhou Ye was a god...

However, at this moment, Zhou Ye's actions made Caesar shudder...

The impenetrable legion that originally surrounded the entire street has been emptied following the defeat...

The ground is full of wailing injuries and dead soldiers, as well as various weapons and armor...

Now that the streets are vacant, Zhou Ye will of course summon his army in Asia Minor... After all, the remnants still have to be cleared out, and... the order in Rome must not be disordered...

"Come out, my loyal legion!!"

Following Zhou Ye's voice, a golden portal with a width of five or six meters and a height of seven or eight meters opened...

The moment the portal stabilized...

Teams of neatly lined up Roman soldiers walked out with their heads held high...

After they walked out of the portal with fanaticism, they stood still at the end of the street, leaving space for Pao Ze behind them to walk out of the portal...

"This... this... how is this possible??" Caesar was completely dumbfounded...

The scene in front of him has completely overturned his three views...

Although those soldiers were wearing the standard armor of the Roman legion, their energy and enthusiasm in their eyes were several times stronger than the most elite legion Caesar had ever seen.

In particular, the entire legion, except for the sound of footsteps coming out, has no noise at all... This is simply unimaginable in this era.

You must know that the orders of the legion need to be conveyed by officers at a level...

However, in this legion, Caesar did not hear a single officer's scolding...

The entire legion only walked out less than one-tenth, and the entire street was already blocked...

And at this time, Marcus, who led the legion out of the portal first, had already come to Zhou Ye, knelt down respectfully... "Your Majesty..."

"Get up...Marcus...you know I don't like this kind of politeness!!" Zhou Ye waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" Marcus stood up and automatically stood behind Zhou Ye...

He looked around from left to right, as if he was looking for something...

"What are you looking for??" a husky voice asked.

"I'm looking for Lucius..." After Marcus answered habitually, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the question...

It doesn’t matter at all, it almost scared Marcus… “Who are you??”

"I am whoever you are looking for!" Lucius couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said.

"Don't be kidding, it's not funny at all...I'm looking for Lucius...and he..."

"He still owes you a good bottle of wine, doesn't he?"

"how do you know??"

Lucquis couldn't help complaining: "Because I'm Lucquis... idiot!!"

"Huh?" Hearing what Lucius said, Marcus looked up and down the two-meter-tall man in front of him. On his face, he could vaguely see a trace of Lucquis's previous appearance... This made him He couldn't help hesitating: "Are you really Lucius??"


"How did you become like this??"

"This is a gift from the crown... Don't you think this is very manly?" Lucius said, picking up a metal shield, and with a little force, he tore the shield into pieces... "This It's a feeling of strength..."

Looking at the fragments of the shield on the ground...Marcus's eyes lit up..."It's amazing...Luquez...you are really powerful now..."

"Hahaha... of course!!"

"I want to be like you too..."

"Then I'm afraid you're going to ask Your Majesty... However, I think you'd better finish the things His Majesty entrusted to you before talking about other things... After all, this is Your Majesty's reward for my piousness!" Lu Kuis As he said that, there was a smug look on his face...

He is very satisfied with his current body... This sense of strength, this is a man...

Chapter 1925

Chapter 1925

Today is really not a good day for the nobles and elders in Rome.

First, in the Senate, Pompey almost peed his pants...

Finally, that guy showed mercy and let them go...

They had just returned home and hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls of food when they picked up their rice bowls. As a result, a group of wolf-like Roman soldiers rushed into their home again, ignored their yelling and arguing, and forcibly took them to the Senate again. ...

Many nobles on the road couldn't help cursing Pompey loudly...

In their view, in the city of Rome, except for Pompey, those who can mobilize the legion on a large scale will not do what he wants...

As for the emblems of the Asia Minor Legion and the Black Eagle Legion held up in the hands of the Roman soldiers who captured them, they automatically ignored them.

No one thought that there would be a legion that could come to Rome from Asia Minor in an instant, and before that, they had not received news that any legion had left their station.

These soldiers holding up the emblems of other legions must be the illusion made by Pompey to deceive people.

I have to say, Pompey is really unlucky...he will be blamed for his death.

Just when these aristocratic elders, who were once high above the top and extravagant, were walking towards the Senate under the escort of the soldiers...

Zhou Ye was taking Yulia and Caesar to visit the meeting room of the Senate.

Maybe he was shocked by Zhou Ye's miraculous ability, or maybe he suffered too many blows today. In front of Zhou Ye, Caesar put away all his pride and revealed a respectful look...

"Your Majesty... this is where the elders discuss matters and formulate laws!!" Caesar said respectfully, bending slightly.

"What a nice place!!" Zhou Ye looked at the hall in front of him and nodded with a smile.

The meeting hall of the entire noble senate is nearly a thousand square meters in size, and the height of the dome is more than ten meters. The whole hall looks grand and luxurious. On the Roman pillars supporting the dome, there are various reliefs praising the gods. ...It is a metaphor that the rights of the nobles and elders are bestowed by the gods.

Around the meeting hall, there are still twelve statues standing, namely the king of the gods - Jupiter, the queen of the gods - Juno, the god of water - Neptune, the goddess of the moon - Minerva, God of War—Mars, God of Love and Beauty—Venus, God of Light and Art—Apollo, God of Craftsman—Vulcan, God of Fertility—Vesta, God of Sports God - Mercury, goddess of agriculture - Chris.

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