Whether it was the Roman soldiers, or the Caesar father and daughter standing behind Zhou Ye...all of them looked at him coldly, not moved by the passion in his words...

Especially one of the strong men standing at the entrance of the main hall, more than two meters tall, looked at him with his arms folded, just like looking at a clown.

How is this going? ? Why didn't these Roman soldiers applaud his speech... did they guess wrong? ? They weren't actually Roman soldiers? ?

Just when the old man was hesitating...


Zhou Ye patted his hands vigorously, and said with a smile on his face, "Very good speech...I'll answer your questions for these warriors..."

"Well—you just asked if they were Romans, yes, they are Romans!! There is no doubt about it..."

"You also said that Rome will not be ruled by foreigners... I deeply regret this, I have no interest in ruling you..." Zhou Ye smiled brighter when he said this. "I just want to transform this country according to my ideas... By the way, by the way, the future consuls will be served by Caesar, Lucius, and Marcus... The rest is up to you." Is there anything to say??"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, no matter whether it was Caesar standing behind Zhou Ye, or Lucius and Marcus who were quietly listening at the door... all had expressions of excitement on their faces.

"You are not a Roman, let alone the emperor of the Roman Empire. What right do you have to appoint the consul of Rome?" The old man grabbed a point in Zhou Ye's mouth that he thought was a loophole, and asked loudly.

As soon as the old man said these words, Zhou Ye burst into laughter...

"Hahaha... yes, I am neither the emperor of Rome, nor even a Roman. What right do I have to appoint the consul of Rome?" Zhou Ye said, looking at the nobles standing behind the elders The soldier said loudly: "Tell him, what right do I have to appoint the consul of Rome!!"

"Your Majesty, you are the only one, and your will is the destiny..."

"You walk on the earth, and all the land you walk on is your country..."


Hearing the uniform prayers reverberating in the hall, the old man's expression became very exciting...

Sometimes red, sometimes white, sometimes purple, sometimes blue...

"Cult... you are a cult..."

The old man pointed at Zhou Ye and shouted loudly...

His actions obviously annoyed the Roman soldiers who were praying devoutly. Just when a group of soldiers were terrified and planned to come up and push the old guy to the ground and beat him violently...

Zhou Ye waved his hand to stop their actions...

"Is it a cult??" Zhou Ye asked back: "Then, where are the twelve main gods you believe in?"

"..." The old man didn't speak, but stared at Zhou Ye stubbornly, like an enemy.

"Your Majesty, he is the High Priest of the Temple of Jupiter..." Caesar behind Zhou Ye whispered.

"Oh? So you serve that fellow Jupiter!!" Zhou Ye said indifferently.

"Shut up, the name of the king of the gods is something you, a guy who pretends to be a god, can call it??" The old man cursed loudly.

"Hehe... When you return to the embrace of the gods you believe in, remember to say something for me..." Zhou Ye said here, with a smile on his face: "I am waiting for them here, and I look forward to them saying goodbye to you." I launched a battle of gods... that's it..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye waved his hand casually...

What happened next made a group of noble veterans widen their eyes in horror.

I saw, following Zhou Ye's seemingly random movements...

The eloquent old man just now disappeared inch by inch from his feet...

And the old man also seemed to be suffering from great torture, shouting loudly...

"Cthulhu, one day you will be begging under the power of my god... ah!"

"I, I will never give in..."

"Kill me, quickly... kill me quickly..."

At the beginning, the old man who looked mighty and unyielding, started screaming and begging after his calf completely disappeared... However, Zhou Ye ignored him and watched him slowly die happily... …

Chapter 1927

Chapter 1927

In the entire hall of the Senate, apart from the old man's screams, there was no other sound.

Those aristocratic veterans who were excited under the old man's speech just now shrank into a ball, looking at Zhou Ye with horror...

The unimaginable scene in front of them has completely extinguished their thoughts of making enemies with Zhou Ye.

God, there is no doubt that Zhou Ye is a god...

And gods can only be killed by gods... mortals cannot punish gods...

After Zhou Ye quietly watched the old man disappear bit by bit, he smiled and clapped his hands... and said to the elders and nobles: "Now... I say I want to transform Rome, who agrees? Who agrees? be opposed to??"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, all the nobles and veterans were shocked, and no one was willing to jump out...

Regardless of whether Zhou Ye is an evil god or a righteous god, he is a god after all...

Then—gods have natural dominion over mortals, this

It is something recognized by all the nobles.

In this harmonious and friendly atmosphere, Zhou Ye easily passed all his proposals...

That is—the three consuls are separated.

Possession of legislative power, law enforcement power, and administrative power... As for the management authority of the military, it belongs to three people... If anyone wants to use the military, he needs the consent of the other two...

Of course, it is easy to cause gossip like this, but... right now, among the three, two are fanatics of Zhou Ye, and one of them shows signs of turning to Zhou Ye, so for the time being, such an incident will not happen...

As for the future? ?

Who cares what will happen in the future? Zhou Ye didn't have that much time to worry about the future... He just came here to play, so what will happen to Rome in the future is none of his business? ?

The next step is to issue an announcement to inform the whole country.

Zhou Ye doesn't care about these things...

At this time, he was in Caesar's mansion, living his life leisurely...

"Honey... Didn't you say you want to disband the Council of Elders?" Little Yulia snuggled into her man's arms obediently, and asked curiously, "Why didn't you bring it up at the Council of Elders?"

"Honey, the Council of Elders is not so easy to disband. Those nobles control every aspect of the empire, and they need to find out the context bit by bit before disbanding the Council of Elders..." Zhou Ye said here, smiling freely, " Besides, you can’t overturn a boatload of people with one shot, right? We have to give them time, if they are willing to use it for me, use it, if they don’t want to use it for me, then throw it away!!”

"Oh..." Yulia nodded half-understood...

Caesar's mansion has now become Zhou Ye's temporary residence, and Caesar himself has moved out...

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