"Drink money... haven't you given the drink money yet??" Seeing this situation, the tavern owner shouted loudly.

"Here's your drink money!!" A Roman soldier dressed as an officer walked up to the tavern owner, took out five guores from his pocket, and threw them on the counter... "Are these enough?"

"Enough, enough... My lord, your generosity is really admirable!!" Seeing these cute little golden things, the tavern owner's face was filled with a smile... These Jinorei are enough to equal He's had a turnover for a few days.

The Roman officer didn't pay attention to the flattery of the tavern owner, but turned his face and rushed out quickly... ran towards the port avenue...

That anxious look stunned the tavern owner...

The tavern owner was very curious about what made the soldiers so excited... You know, he had served in the military before, and he was no stranger to this kind of army rallying horn.

In his cognition, if the rallying horn was sounded when the soldiers were having fun, although the soldiers would not disobey the military order, they would definitely not act so quickly, after all, the leisure time was interrupted. People are not in a good mood.

At that time, it was normal for legionnaires to assemble while cursing... The tavern owner had never seen such a frenzied rushing out.

The behavior of the legionnaires aroused the curiosity of the boss, anyway, the tavern was already empty at this time... He simply followed the soldiers out, wanting to see what made them so fanatical.

When he walked out of his tavern, he was stunned by the scene in front of him...

I saw tens of thousands of soldiers standing on both sides of the avenue leading directly to the pier, watching with fanaticism a black carriage that had just entered the port.

The carriage looks so luxurious, even the four horses pulling the carriage look so tall.

As the carriage drove into the port avenue, the Roman soldiers standing on both sides of the road knelt down one by one with fanaticism and shouted in unison—【Praise you, Your Majesty, may your glory shine on us forever! 】

Seeing this kind of power, the tavern owner was taken aback. He couldn't help but said to himself: "This is... is the consul of Rome coming??"

Facing his self-talk, none of the soldiers kneeling in front of him responded to him, they just watched the carriage parked on the pier with fanaticism...

As the carriage stopped, a handsome young man in strange black clothes stepped out of the carriage...

Although the tavern owner felt that the boy's clothes looked so strange, it didn't look like the white robes that Romans usually like to wear, but—he had to admit that this black suit looked really majestic...

The moment the handsome young man stepped off the carriage, all the Roman soldiers went wild... They shouted again in unison: "All glory to you, Your Majesty!"

Facing the enthusiasm of the soldiers, Zhou Ye, who got off the carriage, had to stop his figure for a while, then stood on the step of the carriage, and said with a smile: "Bless you, my warriors, now... Let us spread the glory to Egypt, so that the people of Egypt can also bathe in my glory!"

"Your will is our mission, Your Majesty!!" xn

Chapter 1929

Chapter 1929

"Crazy... These soldiers are crazy!!"

The tavern owner looked at the tens of thousands of fanatical soldiers in front of him stupidly...

Even if he has served in the legion, even if he has been on the battlefield and killed people...

However, he had never seen such a fanatical performance from that legion. This could no longer be called morale, it was already a group of fanatics.

Following the figure of Zhou Ye boarding the warship, the soldiers kneeling on both sides of the road got up and began to board the ship according to their regiment numbers.

And at this time, the tavern owner saw sharply that the soldier standing up in front of him was the officer who had just given him the money for the drink. He couldn't help being curious, and grabbed the officer, "My lord, can you May I ask you something??"

"Oh?? Please hurry up, I don't want to miss the boarding time!!" The officer had a good temper, so he didn't care about the tavern owner's faux pas.

"That... the adult who just got off the carriage... who is he? Why do you respect him so much??"

"Shut up!!" Hearing the tavern owner's words, the officer's eyes immediately glared, and he shouted loudly: "Irreverent, you have to call me Your Majesty... Do you understand?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm not very clear about that, please forgive me..." Hearing the officer's scolding, the tavern owner hurriedly apologized: "Who is your Majesty?"

"The great majesty is the god who walks on the earth, he is..."

Hearing the officer's fanatical description, the tavern owner already regretted asking him... This is simply preaching, and the preacher is still a fanatic... He believes that if he dares to interrupt his fanatical preaching, he will wait for him Yes, it was definitely a beating...

What did you say? ? Why is a veteran ruffian who retired from the army still afraid of fighting? ?

Just kidding... Now the port is almost full of fanatics like military officers. If one fails, he will be killed...

Therefore, the tavern owner can only smile, as if I am listening carefully, listening to the officer's preaching...

This missionary has been passed on for almost ten minutes.

Zhong, if the boarding horn hadn't sounded for the second urging, it is estimated that he would continue to be preached...

"Okay, time is running out. When I come back from Egypt, I will describe to you the greatness of Your Majesty!!" The officer clicked his mouth, and then waved his hand at the tavern owner. He quickly ran towards the pier...

It wasn't until the officer's back disappeared on the pier that the tavern owner rubbed his slightly numb cheeks... and sighed, "Oh, what a bad luck..."

The tavern owner swore that when the Legion came back, he would hide away...so as not to be preached again.

And at this time——

Zhou Ye, who had already boarded the ship, looked at the cabin on the ship and frowned...

Could it be that Zhou Ye's cabin is very simple...

Strictly speaking, in order to make his family live happily, Marcus still put his heart into it...

The entire cabin is furnished extremely luxuriously, with Persian carpets on the floor, various extravagant wall-mounted statues hanging around the walls, and even the small objects placed on the cabin table are all from the hands of famous masters...

The whole cabin looks beautiful and has a touch of luxury.

It's just... no matter how hard Marcus tried, he couldn't get rid of the limitations of this era. The moisture in the cabin was very high, although Marcus had already used dry charcoal to absorb the moisture in the cabin... However, the effect Not very big.

Marcus, who was following Zhou Ye, had been paying careful attention to his mian's expression. When he saw Zhou Ye frowning, he immediately said: "Your Majesty... if you are not very satisfied with this room If so, I can order them to clean up another room and come out immediately..."

"No, I don't plan to live here anyway!!" Zhou Ye shook his head and refused.

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Of course, Marcus knew that his Majesty would spend the night somewhere, maybe in the Persian palace, or in little Yulia's room. Who knows about this kind of thing? Woolen cloth? ?

However, Marcus obviously misunderstood what Zhou Ye meant...

When Zhou Ye said that he would not live here, he meant that he would not stay on this ship for a long time. When the fleet sailed into the open sea, he would release the super battleship Umbrella that he had already prepared and go live there. go……

As for why the super battleship Umbrella was not simply released when it was in the port? ? That's because...the water in the port is too shallow, and the waterline of the Umbrella is too high, so it will run aground.

Since he didn't plan to live here anymore, Zhou Ye simply took Marcus onto the deck...

How should I say it? In fact, there are not many places where the Mediterranean galleys of this era can load cargo, because the bottom of the cabin is reserved for slaves to paddle, and on the deck above the cabin, there are various naval battles similar to catapult ballistas. equipment……

The place is really limited...

Fortunately, there are very few fighters on this flagship, so it seems that there is a lot of space left.

"Your Majesty..." Marcus, who followed Zhou Ye to the bow, said hesitantly, "Is there something wrong with us leaving Rome in such a hurry?"

"Oh? Why do you say that??" Zhou Ye asked interestingly.

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