If not a god, who could bring the proud Lucius to his knees? ?


Without seeing the true face of the god, the nobles will not place a bet lightly... After all, this is related to their wealth and life. No one wants to fight against a god when the situation is unknown. He was joking with the lives of everyone in his family.

Walking to the hooded woman standing still in the middle of the crowd, she said softly, "Everyone... why are you still hesitating? Are you willing to be ruled by alien gods?"

"That...can you please reveal your true face..." A senior nobleman said tremblingly: "After all, we can't confirm your identity if you are like this, Your Majesty!!"

"Stupid mortals... For you, what should a god look like?" Following the words, the hooded woman slowly took off her hat, revealing a beautiful face...

Although that face is beautiful, but it makes everyone not feel a trace of blasphemy...

On this incomparably beautiful face, they seemed to see a kind of motherly kindness...

This is the kindness that the goddess in charge of agriculture should have...

In the final analysis, the Goddess of Agriculture is the Mother Earth... It is not surprising to have such a maternal nature.

The first time they saw this face... almost all the nobles and elders knelt down devoutly. "Your Majesty!"

Chapter 1933

Chapter 1933

"I come with the wrath of the gods..."

Chris looked at the crowd kneeling on the ground, and said slowly: "The king of the gods——Jupiter has been furious..."

"He didn't expect that the alien gods had already begun to invade this pure land..."

"So, here I am... I will help you guys defeat that alien god!!"

Hearing Chris's words, the nobles and elders immediately expressed excitement... It was like a child without a mother finally met a mother.

One by one, they kept telling stories about being oppressed by alien gods...

Some people even praised the glory of the gods loudly, and shouted that they would die together with the gods of other races...

Of course, these are all products of brain fanaticism. In the final analysis, they cannot be taken seriously.

And Chris also understands, so... she was not bewitched by the sworn words of these guys, but said: "Mortals, don't be too optimistic, the power of this alien god is beyond your imagination." !"

"So, you need to outsmart..."

"Here, there is an artifact. You can choose the bravest warrior and use this weapon to insert into the chest of a foreign god... In this way, he will definitely die!"

As he said that, a dagger appeared out of nowhere in Chris’s hand. The dagger was not very long, about thirty or forty centimeters in length. When the time comes, you will feel the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves echoing in your ears.

Almost all the nobles and veterans who carefully looked at the dagger were so frightened that they couldn't help themselves.

Artifact - it really is an artifact.

If there were some nobles who doubted Chris's identity just now, then now, they have no doubts about Chris's identity.

"Gods to gods, mortals to mortals... After killing that alien god, Rome will still be your Rome!!"

Chris said softly.

Hearing her words, all the nobles were immediately overjoyed... Does this mean that after killing that person, they will regain their rights? ?

However, just as the smiles on the faces of the nobles disappeared, a figure frowned uncharacteristically.

That person is none other than Ian...

Although Chris's words were full of deception, Ian heard something wrong from it.

How should I say it? ?

Although in myths and stories, almost all the gods will not personally deal with the evil gods, but choose a warrior to kill the evil gods.


This time, Ian felt that Chris was afraid...

The gods of Rome are afraid...

They didn't dare to deal with the alien god standing behind Caesar by themselves, but wanted to use mortal hands to deal with him.

Why? ?

Moreover, why didn't they show up when the alien gods invaded Rome, but why did they show up when Caesar started to demolish their temples? ?

Does this mean that they have actually been driven to a dead end? ?

If it wasn't for the demolition of the temple and the loss of the source of belief, would they still not show up? Continue to be a shrinking turtle? ?

Does that mean that, in fact, that alien god is much stronger than them? So they dare not show up? ?

With this in mind... Ian wraps up the party...

He needs to go home and think about what choice he should make.

On the other side, in the Mediterranean Sea... Zhou Ye is enjoying the fun of drift fishing.

The so-called drift fishing means that when the boat is sailing on the sea, the fisherman releases the line at the stern of the boat...

This sea fishing method is generally used to catch more ferocious fish.

Of course, if Umbrella

At the same time at full speed, it is impossible to catch Zhou Ye in drifting.

But there was no way, because he had to act with the large fleet, so... Yamato Nadeko could only suppress his own speed, and swayed slowly.

You know, the speeds of those galleys are impressive... two knots per hour top speed galleys, find out.

This made Yamato Nadeko very uncomfortable...

At this time, she was acting coquettishly and complaining to her master...

"Why do we have to wait for those wooden turtles to come together, master..." Yamato Nadeko knelt beside his master, hugged his master's arm and said coquettishly: "We can reach Egypt first, it only takes one day, no, just It takes eighteen hours, and I can let you enjoy the sunshine in Alexandria to your heart's content!"

"Is it okay to say that about other people's ships?" Hearing Yamato Nadeko call the Roman warship behind him a wooden sea turtle, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing and said, "After all, you said yesterday proudly that you were going to change the ship's hull number to For 【The Seat of God】..."

"One yard is one yard..." Yamato Nadeko said, shaking his master's arm: "Although I think those Roman soldiers are very pleasing to the eye, but-their wooden warships are simply an insult to the word ship... Such a slow ship... The Black Pearl back then was countless times faster than them!! To say that they are wooden turtles is an insult to sea turtles, even sea turtles are faster than them..."


Hearing Yamato Nadeko's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

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