At this moment, on board the Umbrella...

Zhou Ye hugged Yamato Nadeko, nestled in the sofa on the bow deck, admiring the beautiful sunset...

"It's so beautiful..." Yamato Nadeko, who was nestled in the arms of her master, couldn't help muttering as she watched the sunset gradually sinking into the sea level: "I really want to stop time at this moment, so that the sunset will never sink." into the sea..."

"...then the earth will stop spinning, and the Lord of the Earth will cry..." Zhou Ye joked...

"What—Master is really..." Yamato Nadeko cast a coquettish look at his master... "Men who don't know how to look at the air don't please women, master!"

"Hey hey... I don't need to please women, as long as Nadeko likes her!"

Zhou Ye's words hit the bull's-eye in an instant, making Yamato Nadeko's resentment for the destruction of the atmosphere disappear...

Although, she knew that her master was just talking about love...

But so what? ?

It doesn't matter whether it's about love or lies... how many people like to listen to the truth, but not to listen to lies? ?

When in love, both men and women like to say that the universe lasts forever, but—there is no one in a million that truly lasts forever...

However, women just like to listen to such love words, what can you do? ? Don't you want to tell her—in fact, we may not necessarily get married, and even if we get married, we may not be able to go to the end...

Those who can say these words are definitely brave among straight men.

Keke, pull away...

Yamato Nadeko, who was softened by Zhou Ye's words, swayed in his master's arms for a while... obediently stood up from his master's arms. "Master, you should go to appease your little cutie..."

"Ugh!" Hearing these words, even with Zhou Ye's thick skin, he felt a little embarrassed...

A woman who just got out of your arms and told you that it's time to comfort other women...wouldn't you be embarrassed? ?

In fact, Zhou Ye's original plan was to leave Yamato Nadeko after she fell into a coma, and then leave when she fell asleep... However, now that Yamato Nadeko has raised it uprightly, how could Zhou Ye not be allowed to leave? Awkward? ?

"Hee hee..." Seeing his master's embarrassing appearance, Yamato Nadeko hid his face and chuckled, "Master, don't worry that Nadeko will be uncomfortable... You can come out this time and be alone with your master for so long, Nadeko I'm already very happy... If I'm too happy, I'll spoil Nadeko..."

"... Nadeko..." Zhou Ye couldn't help but gently hugged this understanding electronic elf into his arms, and said softly, "I'm sorry..."

"No...Master...don't say sorry to Nadeshiko..." Yamato Nadeko quietly lay in his master's arms, listening to the strong heartbeat in his ear, murmured: "Father Nadeko is very happy, Master... If you have to say sorry, it is Nadeko who should say sorry to the other sisters... Nadeko has been too happy these days..."



The two embraced each other and stood at the bow of the boat until the sun had completely sunk into the sea. Then Yamato Nadeko gently pushed his master away, and said softly, "Go quickly, master... don't let your little cuties... Wait in a hurry..."

"Well, then I'll go..." Zhou Ye nodded...

"I wish you prosperous martial arts, master!!" Yamato Nadeko bowed his head gently, saying goodbye to his master.

After a while, she slowly lifted up...

In front of her, Zhou Ye's figure had disappeared.

"It's really lonely..." Looking at the empty deck in front of him, Yamato Nadeko couldn't help but sighed faintly...

However, soon, a gentle smile appeared on her face again... "Just as the master is away, let me think about some things I can do with the master..."

While talking, Yamato Nadeko took out a small and cute notebook from her twelve lists... On the cover of the notebook, the five characters [Nadeoko's Happiness] were written.

Opening the notebook, it was densely filled with delicate handwriting...

【Dinner alone with the host...】

【Wake up the sleeping master with love...】

【Watch the sunset with the owner...】

【Watching the sunrise with the master...】



In the notebook, almost all the contents are like this...

And behind the clauses recorded in the notebook, there are many clauses that have been written [Completed] in delicate handwriting... But more often, there are no clauses that have been completed...

"I'm going to Egypt soon... The last time the master went to visit the tombs in Egypt, he didn't take me with him... Then this time, do you want to add—to see the pyramids with the master??" Yamato Nadeko held the notebook in his hand, Said to himself...

Not to mention Nadeshiko who is thinking about how to create more happy memories with her master here...

Just talking about Zhou Ye who left the Umbrella...

At this moment, he has appeared in Caesar's mansion in Rome...

Little Yulia is in a daze in the hall at the moment...

The little girl who fell into the abyss of love, once she left her lover, she became idle...

This is how Yulia is at the moment...

Just when Yulia was in a daze, she suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes... Then, a longing figure appeared in front of her eyes...


Yulia couldn't care less... She jumped up from her seat, and threw herself into Zhou Ye's arms like a tired bird returning to its nest... "I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too..." Zhou Ye said with a smile...

Of course, he wouldn't say anything that would spoil the scenery [We didn't meet the other day before yesterday]. You know, a girl's heart is very easy to break.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Yulia smiled involuntarily on her small face.

She stepped on her feet slightly... To her lover, she offered her thoughts...

The two of them are just like the hall...

Five or six minutes later...the two separated...

It wasn't that Zhou Ye wanted to separate, but Yulia pushed away the man who was about to shoot himself away... "Wait a minute, dear..."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ye asked a little strangely.

"Father and Lucius both sent someone today to say that they have something important to see you tonight..." Speaking of this, Yulia said pleadingly: "Honey, can you get the business done first? I don’t want to be a bad woman who delays my man’s business!!”

"Hahahaha..." Hearing Yulia's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing out loud..."Okay, since my little Yulia said so, let's get down to business first..."

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