"Yes... yes..." The maid raised her head cautiously with a trembling voice...

"Tell me, where is Cleopatra??"

"I...I..." The maid didn't even dare to look at Zhou Ye's face, she was so frightened that she could hardly speak.

"Am I scary??" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

"No, Your Majesty, it's just that these mortals dare not look at your sacred face... Please give me some time, I promise to ask you everything you want to know!!" Marcus said doggy.

Chapter 1942

Chapter 1942

Hearing what Marcus said, the maid was frightened...

Give him some time? ?

Can he get all the information this nobleman wants to know? ?

how to get it ?

Torture? ?

Or even suffer the worst thing a woman can do? ?

Deep in the royal palace, a place full of intrigue and scheming, of course, this female official will not naively think that these Roman invaders are good gentlemen, and will ask herself politely...

Then, maybe this noble person in front of her is the only thing she can rely on to save her life...

Thinking of this, the female officer did not know where the courage came from, and shouted loudly: "My lord, I know where Cleopatra is..."

"Oh??" Zhou Ye looked at the maid amusedly... "Where is she??"

"She was kicked out of Alexandria by her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII... she should be in the desert now..." the female officer said loudly.

"Hehe... Interesting..." Seeing the panicked look of the female officer, Zhou Ye smiled...

How should I say it?

This female officer is quite pretty, and, most importantly - she has an extraordinary aura...

What temperament? ?

Uh-how should I put it? ?

It's that kind of weak temperament...

That kind of temperament that seems to be saying—come and bully me...I'm easy to bully...such a temperament.

"Tell me your name..." Zhou Ye asked slowly.

"Haitai Felice... my lord!!" The female officer seemed to be confused by Zhou Ye's appearance, and gradually forgot her nervousness and fear.

"Your position..."

"I am the priest of Tefnut... my lord!!" Haitai Felice replied respectfully.

"Okay, from now on, you will be my maid..." Zhou Ye said bluntly.

"But, my lord, I am a priest..." Haitai Felice wanted to argue again...

"I said, you will be my maid from now on... Do you have any questions?" Zhou Ye bent slightly, looked at Haitai Felice, and asked.

Looking at the pair of black hole-like eyes in front of her, Haitai Felice couldn't help but nervously tapped her chin... She actually forgot that the man standing in front of her was the Roman consul. Be careful my lord...

It is conceivable what kind of fate he will usher in if he refuses his order.

"I'm sorry... my lord, I understand!!" Haitai Felice said respectfully.

"Very good..." Zhou Ye nodded in satisfaction... Bullying the weak really makes people happy... "Now, your first task is to show me the palace here..."

"Yes, my lord!!" Haitai Felice nodded respectfully again, then stood up... "Please come with me..."

Just when Zhou Ye was about to step up to keep up... Marcus said in a bit of embarrassment: "Your Majesty... what about these maids??"

"Those who are willing to stay in the palace, let them continue to stay here...their positions and responsibilities remain unchanged..." Zhou Ye waved his hand and said: "If you don't want to stay here, let them leave ...Don't embarrass them, let alone bully them..."

"Yes, Your Majesty!!" Marcus nodded respectfully...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, all the maids kneeling on the ground thanked Zhou Ye loudly one by one...

Following Zhou Ye's departure, Marcus began to count the names of the maids who were willing to continue living in the palace...

fight? command? ?

Now the entire city of Alexandria is dominated by Roman soldiers, and there is no need for command at all...

Only some tedious post-war statistics are left...

As for Ptolemy XIII? ?

In the rebellious army, no one saw him, maybe he had seen things badly and fled away?

Who cares... Anyway, Alexandria is currently under Roman occupation.

Regardless of those, the most important thing for Marcus right now is to count how many maids plan to leave and how many maids plan to stay in the palace.

However, what he didn't expect was that most of the maids wanted to stay in the palace.

This made Marcus stunned for a while...

In fact, think about it, this is also a very normal thing...

For these maids, it may not be safe to go out... Especially in this city occupied by the Roman Empire... What is the by-product of the war? It is the collapse of order and the destruction of humanity. In this case, the palace that has been occupied by Roman soldiers is the safest place.

Moreover, since the Romans allow them to continue serving in the palace, all their supplies will be provided by the Romans


This virtually solves many problems...Wars are often accompanied by famine...It is very rare to find a safe shelter during a war.

Only a fool would choose to leave the palace...

At this time, Zhou Ye was visiting the entire palace under the leadership of Haitai Felice...

How should I put it... Although the palace of the Ptolemaic Dynasty is far inferior to the Afang Palace in the Qin Dynasty, the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty, etc., these world-like miracles...

However, this is, after all, a palace operated by the Ptolemaic dynasty for hundreds of years...

Overall, it's still worth watching...

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