"Get up..." Zhou Ye waved his hand, he was too lazy to say anything about not liking this kind of kneeling and prostration. He said it countless times, but they didn't hear it once.

"It's Your Majesty!!" Caesar and Lucius stood up and respectfully stood under Zhou Ye.

"How is the matter of the Senate handled?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Following your order, we gave them three days... In the end, there were less than fifty people who came to inform us and join us..." Caesar said a little depressed.

"Hehe..." Hearing Caesar's words, Zhou Ye chuckled and didn't care... "It's normal... After enjoying the taste of power, many people will not be willing to give up the power in their hands, even if they know it... ...If you don't let go of the power in your hands, you will die, and they also want to fight to the death..."

"Besides... they may still have some unrealistic fantasies about the Goddess of Agriculture, fantasizing that maybe their gods can defeat me, and then they will regain power... People, there will be some luck! "

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Caesar echoed: "Those guys are really too stupid... They were blinded by the fishing net of power..."

"Your Majesty... what should we do now?" Lucius asked respectfully.

"Of course—the pawns that these Goddesses of Agriculture sold to us were all eaten up..." Zhou Ye said with a smile: "Since they gave gifts to these unsightly guys, why don't we give them face... Besides... don't you have a ready-made reason? Colluding with false gods, believing in a cult... just kill it..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Caesar couldn't help but tremble...

However, at the same time, he also had a feeling that he couldn't laugh or cry...

Believe in false gods? Believe in a cult? ?

Before you came, they were the gods of Rome, okay? ?

However, these words Caesar was just complaining in his heart...

He didn't dare to say it...

Whether it is a god or a common man... the law of the jungle is the iron law of natural selection.

If you are strong, you can naturally gain faith and become the righteous god of a country...

But you are weak? Then there is no way... Falling is the only result.

As Caesar and Lucius walked out of Zhou Ye's palace... the entire city of Rome soon erupted in a bloody storm.

Tens of thousands of legionnaires poured into the city, and they rushed towards the mansion that had already been targeted...

Those aristocratic lords who were still aloof a few days ago were dragged out by the legionnaires who were like wolves and tigers...

They were escorted by soldiers and came to the Senate Square...

At this time, hundreds of wooden crosses have already stood in the square...

Around the huge square, there were crowds of Roman citizens watching...

These citizens looked anxiously at the heavily armed soldiers, and dragged those noble lords who used to be high above the cross to the side of the cross, and then stood there...

Soon, Caesar, wearing the consul's costume, walked over...

He stood on the steps of the Senate, looked down at the citizens in the square, and said slowly: "Manius, Titus... and others, believe in evil gods, organize Yin sacrifices...according to the Amendment Act of the Roman Republic , Article 73, I sentence them to death, execute immediately!"

As Caesar's words fell, all the soldiers standing beside the nobles crucified the nobles with copper nails without hesitation.

Immediately, there was a wailing sound in the whole square...

From time to time, there are also some curses...

"Caesar...you colluded with the evil god...you will die badly..."

"Hahaha... Caesar... I'm waiting for you in hell..."

"Long live the gods of Rome...the evil gods will surely fall..."

Of course, such an individual voice seemed so insignificant amidst the wailing...

Looking at these aristocratic nobles in the past, they now look like this... All the Roman citizens who were watching couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

What did they see from this event? ?

Seeing the firmness of the three consuls in Rome for the reform of faith...

You know, in the past, Rome never cared about the beliefs of its people... But now, it's obviously not going to work...

Do they really want to believe in the god of gods——Augustus?

By the way, Augustus means supreme in Latin...

And Zhou Ye shamelessly used it as his Roman name...

After all, he is a native of China, so it seems a little too outrageous to use his real name as the name of a god... We love you, God of Gods—Zhou Ye? ?

No matter how you look at it, it's against harmony... So Zhou Ye took Augustus as his Roman name.

Chapter 1948

Chapter 1948

At this time, among the crowd watching in the square...

A slender figure in a hood is looking at the nobles and elders who are suffering on the cross.

The slender hands under her sleeves were already clenched together, obviously—her heart could no longer be calm.

"Your sacrifices will not be meaningless..." She murmured, "Believers, just wait... When the evil god falls

God, your names will be engraved on the monument and erected in this square..."

After muttering these words to herself, she turned around and walked out of the crowd...

At a corner, her figure disappeared into the street...

Outside the city of Rome ————— Lucius’ manor.

"Your Majesty... the city is very dangerous right now... why are you still..." Lucius looked worriedly at the goddess of agriculture, Chris, who had just returned.

"Are you questioning the power of the gods??" Chris said unkindly.

"No no, Your Majesty, I'm just worried about your safety..." Lucius hurriedly explained.

Looking at the fearful believer in front of him, Chris suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Sorry, I lost my temper today..."

"It's no shame... I can understand your anger..." Lucius said empathetically, "Although I know their final fate, but... when I think about them being..."

"Stop talking..." Chris shouted...

Lucius' words made her feel like she was being blamed.

After all, it's really not honorable to say something like betraying one's followers...

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