"So that's the case, no wonder their relationship looks so good!!" Xiao Wei cheered.

"Of course, you know, they are [intimate] comrades in arms..."

When Xiaomeng emphasized the word "intimate", the faces of all the girls couldn't help but blushed slightly, and there was a burst of light laughter from their mouths...

What is intimacy? ? Does indirect negative distance contact count as intimacy? ? Although the medium is Zhou Ye...

The first half of the journey in the maze went smoothly...

They didn't even come across any mechanism...

But - in the second half... the painting style suddenly changed.

"According to this secret map I got from an authoritative person...Tamina and Zhaojun are going to be unlucky..." Xiaomeng said gloatingly.

"Oh? What kind of map is it??" Xiao Wei asked.

"This is a map obtained from our master of the underworld, Chacha... On this map, all the traps in the maze are marked..." Xiaomeng said mysteriously: "Of course... these traps will not be harmful to the players. It is very guaranteed that they will cause any harm!"

Hearing Xiao Wei's words, the girls who were watching the other screens all focused their attention on the No. 3 screen, because the image projected on the No. 3 screen was exactly the images of Zhaojun and Tamina... …

I saw that at this time, Tamina and Zhaojun had come to a fork in the road.

The fork in front of you is divided into three...

Only one is true, while the other two, are dead ends.

As Tamina, who had participated in the pre-match training camp, there was no choice at the fork in front of her. She walked directly to the leftmost intersection...

Of course Zhaojun followed closely...

To be honest, the game has been going on for almost an hour at this time... Zhaojun's physical strength is almost reaching its limit.

In fact, if it is a normal walk, it will not make people feel tired for an hour.

But—don't forget, this is a labyrinth.

In the maze, there are walls everywhere and forks everywhere. When you are in a relatively closed environment, you will feel that time passes very slowly, and it is very easy to get tired...

But Zhaojun is like this, her forehead is already covered with fine beads of sweat...

"Zhaojun, are you still holding on?" Tamina asked seemingly unintentionally.

"It's okay, I'm still holding on..." Zhaojun gasped slightly and said.

"That's good..." Tamina smiled and nodded...

She knew that although Zhaojun said so, in fact, she had almost reached her limit.

However, this was exactly the result she wanted, and soon—the final finals were about to begin... It was time for a showdown.

While thinking this way, Tamina walked forward without losing her composure...

Perhaps because of the smooth first half of the relationship, Tamina completely forgot that there are traps in the maze...

When she passed a bend, suddenly there was a rumbling sound of the mechanism starting...

Tamina hastily and cautiously leaned against the wall, looking ahead vigilantly...

However, none of the backstabbing and traps she had imagined appeared, but what appeared—a very spoofing picture.

I saw, on the wall in front of her, a dynamic projection suddenly appeared... The person in the projection was also very familiar to her...

It was none other than her man Zhou Ye.

It's just that Zhou Ye's behavior at this time is a bit... er, how should I put it? very funny...

I saw that Zhou Ye, who was only wearing a pair of floral underpants, was doing Uncle Psy's horse-riding dance...

That dancing style, that movement...

It looks like a mouthful...

As someone who knows Zhou Ye well, Tamina has never seen her man let himself go so freely... At that time, she couldn't straighten up laughing...

However, following her laughter, Zhou Ye on the screen in front of him suddenly stopped dancing... Pointing at Tamina, he shouted, "Anyone who makes fun of me will be out!"

As the sound fell, Tamina felt the scene in front of her eyes change... She was teleported to the starting point again. "Ah------!!! Ye, I am at odds with you!"

Chapter 1963

Chapter 1963

At the moment Tamina was teleported to the starting point, all the girls outside the maze were already trembling with laughter.

"Hahahaha... I can't, I really can't..." Wanjin lay in Zhou Ye's arms, and said out of breath with a smile: "Ye Lang, I didn't expect you to have such an interesting side. ah……"

At this time, Zhou Ye's face was filled with embarrassment...

Fuck, when did Chacha record her funny behavior? ?

When exactly? ?

"Cha Cha -----!!!"

"Pfft...that, Chacha said, she suddenly remembered that there are still some things that haven't been dealt with in the underworld, so..." Meng Qiniang, who was sitting next to Zhou Ye, suppressed a smile at this moment, and said.

Hearing Meng Qiniang's words, Zhou Ye suddenly had a bad feeling.

Isn't the trap in the back all videos of my funny moments? ?

The more he thought about it, the more likely Zhou Ye felt that such a thing,

Chacha can really do it.

Thinking of this, he stood up abruptly... and said, "No, this match can't go on..."

However, at this moment, Wanjin hugged him tightly... "No... haha... no, Yelang... this competition must not stop..."

"That's right, my dear..." At this time, Azshara, who was serving as the referee, also laughed and walked over.

"That's right, my dear... this game must not end!!"

It's not just Azshara who is objecting... All the girls who heard Zhou Ye said that the competition should be terminated gathered around and said in a frenzy.

For them...

I've seen too much majestic appearance of my man...

It's not uncommon for a man of his own family to look like he's winning...

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