And the winner of the Gods Game held every ten years can make a request to Zhou Ye that does not violate his heart.

It could be companionship, or something else...

For example, the last winner was Meng Qiniang...she made a very simple request...

That is to ask for a drop of my man's heart and soul...

When Zhou Ye curiously asked Meng Qiniang what he wanted his heart and soul to do, Meng Qiniang just smiled and didn't answer... She just said that Zhou Ye would know in the future.

Since Meng Qiniang said so, Zhou Ye could only wait for the good news.

However, what everyone didn't expect was——

Meng Qiniang, who got Zhou Ye's heart and soul, spread the good news within a few years...

What good news? ?

Of course - with Zhou Ye's flesh and blood.

This made all the girls feel envious and jealous while being happy for Meng Qiniang...

Therefore, this year's game of the gods is particularly intense...

They also want to have the flesh and blood of a man of their own...


The final winner is neither Chacha nor Juno... but—Jiuxiao Meihu Xiaowei.

"Congratulations, Xiao Wei!!" The pregnant Meng Qiniang smiled at this year's winner, and Xiao Wei congratulated her.

"Same joy, same joy..." Xiao Wei was so happy that she couldn't find Bei. She looked at the envious eyes of the girls around her, smiled triumphantly, and asked, "By the way, seven Mother, how on earth did you use Lang Jun's heart and soul to own his flesh and blood??"

"Hehe..." Meng Qiniang was not surprised that Xiao Wei would ask herself this question...

In fact, even if Xiao Wei didn't ask, she would tell.

Because, she also discovered that she seemed to have caused a lot of trouble for her husband invisibly...

"Xiao Wei, I'm afraid my method doesn't apply to you..."

"Why??" Hearing Meng Qiniang's words, Xiao Wei asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, just listen to me slowly..." Meng Qiniang comforted Xiao Wei softly, and said, "Sisters all know that my body is an ancient black jade snake, which was enlightened by the Queen Mother of the West and cultivated into a demon body. ... Moyu has a very peculiar characteristic, that is, it can absorb souls and grow itself!"

"Oh... no wonder Qiniang likes to eat evil ghosts..."

Hearing Qiniang's words, Xiao Wei suddenly said.

"But what does this have to do with Lang Jun's flesh and blood??"

"Our Meng Po, after devouring enough souls, will usher in the period of pregnancy... Split our souls that have reached the peak into new individuals..." Meng Qiniang said, stroking her face lovingly. My stomach... "I integrated my husband's heart and blood into the new Meng Po's body that I split, and she is the flesh and blood of my husband and I!!"



Hearing Meng Qiniang's words, all the girls sighed...

It's impossible to replicate this way...

Is this already a racial talent?

Not to mention ordinary girls, even gods can't copy Meng Po's method.

Unless the god is willing to abandon his divine body and ask the Queen Mother of the West to use black jade to help him reshape his physical body...

This is impossible...

Thinking of this, all the girls immediately felt a lot more balanced... In addition, even the eyes they looked at Xiao Wei, the winner of this time, became a lot more friendly.

After all, it’s not about lack of wealth but about inequality.

On the contrary, Xiao Wei, who won the championship, put a smile on his face again after experiencing a brief disappointment...

"It doesn't matter, even if you can't give birth to an heir for your husband, but—it's great to be accompanied by your husband..." After saying this, Xiao Wei walked to Zhou Ye's side generously and hugged her Husband's arm, smiled at the sisters: "You all are envious and jealous..."

Seeing Xiao Wei's actions, the girls laughed and laughed...

In fact, they are still a little envious...

However, it doesn't matter if you fail this time, just try harder next time, anyway, once in ten years, everyone has a chance.

And at this time, Juno also came over, looked at his man, and asked expectantly: "Ye, are you going to stay with us this year?"

"I'm afraid I can't... Baby Juno!!" Zhou Ye said apologetically, "I'm going back to the East this year..."

"Why??" Juno asked a little strangely, "Didn't you say that the East is at war now?"


"The East is already in such a mess, why do you want to go back, dear?"

The women in the West asked with some confusion.

After all, because of the union of Rome, Egypt and Persia, the entire West is currently singing and dancing...

No one is the opponent of these three huge empires, and no country can defeat these three giant empires.

After all, whether it is the Persian Empire or the Kingdom of Egypt, their queens are all sisters. As for the Roman Empire? Then it is already the Theocracy of the Gods, okay?

"Hehe... It's because the East is in chaos, so I have to go back..." Zhou Ye smiled and stretched...

At this time, the East was at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and natural disasters continued, and the people were in dire straits...

However, this is also a magnificent era

prologue to...

Heroes emerge in troubled times...

Of course, the appearance of heroes is often accompanied by beauties...

Cai Yan - Zhen Mi - Xiao Qiao - Diao Chan...

How could Zhou Ye let go of all these beauties handed down from generation to generation? ? Are you kidding me...

When the girls saw the inexplicable smile on their man's face, they immediately understood what their man was thinking.

Just kidding, after being together for so many years, it can be said that Zhou Ye raised his eyebrows, and they knew what their man wanted...

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