"My lord, you're being polite..." Old man Ren hastily replied, "Please sit down... don't be polite!!"

"Thank you, old man!!" Zhou Ye nodded and said with a smile.

After the two sat down again as guest and host, Mrs. Ren brought tea and placed it in front of them.

Old man Ren looked Zhou Ye up and down for a long time before he nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Where is the young master from? Who is his name?"

"Hehe... Next week, Xiaye, who was originally from Jiangdu, has a small family..." Speaking of this, Zhou Ye changed his voice and said, "I have traveled so far today, and I heard that the Ren family has a daughter who looks like a fairy...so before Come and ask for it!"

Zhou Ye directly borrowed Jiangdu City, where he used to live, as his ancestral home... Anyway, his mansion is still there, and there are patrolmen stationed there, cleaning and tidying up, so he is not afraid of people's investigation.

In fact, what does the old man of the Ren family know? ?

How did he know who the rich and powerful clans were all named? ?

In this closed mountain village, he could only hear it for a hundred miles... How could he know about Jiangdu Zhou's family and Jiangdong Wang's family? ?

But even so, he still put on a clear look, nodded and said: "So it's Mr. Zhou... I don't know, did Mr. Zhou have a wife in his family?"

This is what the old man is most concerned about...

He didn't want his daughter to become a concubine like a maid after marrying into the Zhou family.

"How many wives and concubines are there in the family..." Zhou Ye laughed.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, old man Ren's expression changed immediately... "My son has wives and concubines in his family, why do you still come to ask for my daughter? Could it be that my Ren family is small and can be bullied?"

Zhou Ye was not flustered by Old Man Ren's sudden change of attitude...

In fact, when he said that he already had a wife and concubine in his family, he had already expected such a result.

"Hehe... Don't be angry, old man!" Zhou Ye said, picked up the package at hand, and put it on the short plane...

The heavy package collided with the short plane, making a muffled sound.

"This is my sincerity, please let me fulfill it!!"

While speaking, Zhou Ye opened the package...

As the package was opened, there was a burst of golden light, and the old man Ren felt dizzy for a while.

He has lived for decades since he was a child, and he has never seen so much gold.

"Here is a thousand taels of gold. I would like to express some of my heart, please accept it with a smile..."

Seeing the gold, Old Man Ren froze for a moment...

After a while, he took a deep breath, changed his tone, and said, "Master Zhou is so kind, the old man naturally dare not refuse... But, the old man also has a condition... If you don't agree, please take back the gold! !"

"Oh? I don't know what conditions the old man has?" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

"You need to be married to my daughter here...to set a name...if not..."

Old man Ren didn't say the rest... But the meaning in the words is already very obvious, that is - if you don't agree, then this matter will be over...

In fact, is old man Ren tempted by gold?

Of course I was moved...

If old man Ren really wasn't a philistine, he wouldn't let his daughter participate in the Han Palace draft and enter Yeting later.

However, at the same time as being a philistine, he also wanted to find a place for his daughter...With this name, as long as his daughter is not that kind of idiot, in the Zhou family, she will be a concubine at the very last...

This is already excellent for the Ren family.

Hearing the old man Ren's words, Zhou Ye understood his thoughts in seconds, laughed and said, "What's so difficult...?"

"Okay, okay..." Old man Ren was overjoyed when he heard that Zhou Ye agreed... This can be said to be the best of both worlds. It not only found a wealthy family for his daughter, but also made a deal for his daughter's future. A title... why would he not do it...


"The head of the house!!" Hearing the old man's call, Mrs. Ren Zhang hurried in.

Old man Ren picked up a gold ingot from the table, handed it to his wife, and said: "Go to the east of the village, buy a pig from Zhang Butcher's house, and prepare some banquets. Today——I want to entertain the whole village." Young and old..."

"Are you crazy?" Ren Zhang was surprised when he heard what his old man said.

"Women, what do you know... Today is the day my Ren family gets married... Of course, the whole village will be full of excitement!!" Old man Ren said with a big laugh.

In fact, according to common etiquette, it shouldn't have been so hasty...

But old man Ren is really afraid that Zhou Ye will suddenly go back on his word... Then he will be beaten... So, even if the marriage is done in a hurry, the name should be settled first... The rest is not important...

After all, these days, it's really not easy to meet a child from a family who doesn't care about etiquette.

Chapter 1971

Chapter 1971

Now that the head of the family has said so, Ren Zhang can only obey orders.

Although she knew that it was too hasty to marry a daughter like this, but... no way, who asked her poor daughter to have such a father?

However, even so, she still wanted to make her daughter's wedding look like a decent one.

The wedding dress and so on have already been done, so - the rest is to invite the master of ceremonies and so on.

Fortunately, in the village there are

People who specialize in this line of work, and... the neighbors can help a little bit.

As the Ren Zhang family walked out of the courtyard and announced that their Ren family was going to marry a daughter today, there was a burst of wailing.

In any case, it is impossible for a family of women to say that those young men in the village have no interest in Ren's daughter.

It's a pity that the old man looked at it strictly, they had no chance at all...

However, those who lament, naturally have happy ones, such as Zhang Tuhu...

For Butcher Zhang, this is a big deal... It will be a few months after finishing this deal.

Blocked, butcher Zhang didn't bother to watch the excitement anymore, he greeted a few of his buddies, and went back to slaughter pigs and meat...

The rest of the people also have their own things to do... The folk customs in the mountain village are simple and simple, and the family is busy with all kinds of affairs... It is also a happy event for the villagers to marry a daughter, and of course they have to help.

Not to mention the joys and sorrows of the villagers in the fungus village.

Let's just talk about Cai Yan at Wuji Zhen's house at this time.

Because Zhou Ye is coming to Bingzhou, Cai Yan is naturally not suitable to follow...

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