Fuck it...how could it be this version of Diao Chan? ?

The girl who appeared outside the door had a face like peach blossoms, eyes like crescent moons, eyebrows like willow leaves, and lips like cherries. She was just like a childhood version of Hu Yifei.

However, I have to say that the loli version of the heartthrob also looks very cute.

Beauty is good, beauty is justice.

Seeing Zhou Ye staring straight at him, Ren Hongchang, who walked in cautiously, felt his heart skip a beat.

She didn't even dare to look at Zhou Ye directly, she only dared to lower her little head slightly, and said, "Little girl Hongchang, I have seen you!"

"Am I scary??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"No... no..."

"Then why don't you dare to look at me..." Having said this, Zhou Ye stood up without hesitation, walked up to the little Lolita, raised his hand, and hooked the little Lolita's chin, "Look at me say……"

"Yes..." At this time, Ren Hongchang really looked at Zhou Ye...

The first time she saw Zhou Ye, she felt that what her mother said was indeed true, and that her future husband in front of her was indeed handsome and dignified...

However, he is also too bullying, men and women who can't kiss each other, hooked his chin as soon as he came up... This made Ren Hongchang say a little shyly: "Young master...too close..."

"Not close...not close at all!" Seeing the shy look of little Lolita, Zhou Ye smiled even more happily. "You and I are going to be husband and wife soon, so how can we say that we are too close?"

While talking, Zhou Ye unceremoniously hugged little Lolita in his arms and sat down. "Don't call me son in the future..."

It was the first time that she had such close contact with the opposite sex, Ren Xiaoluoli was groggy all over...

But, just like what Zhou Ye said, after tonight, she will belong to him, what about resistance? she won't...

However, sitting in Zhou Ye's arms, her breath was filled with the masculine breath of Zhou Ye with the smell of sunshine. The smell was very pleasant, but it also made her heart agitated, and she had no time to care about Zhou Ye at all. What did he say, he could only passively nod his head and agree in a low voice. "Um!"

"I'm going to be called Husband from now on, you know?" Zhou Ye looked at the submissive little loli in front of him, his heart was full of care.


"Come on, tell me, my lord..." Zhou Ye teased.

"Husband, husband, husband... Your lord..." After saying these words, Ren Xiaoluoli was so shy that she could no longer look directly at Zhou Ye. She could only rely on her instinct to put her little head in someone's arms I don't dare to see people anymore...


Seeing Little Lolita's performance, Zhou Ye burst into laughter again.

How should I say it? Such a shy and lovely girl can only be seen in ancient times.

In modern times...

Hehe... Those girls, I'm afraid they are more proactive than men...

Sure enough, ancient Dafa is good... ancient Dafa is wonderful... ancient Dafa is croaking.

After teasing the little loli for a while, Zhou Ye temporarily let go of this lovely little cutie. After all, it is king to savor good things slowly, just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, then it would be boring.

After gently putting Ren Xiaoluoli beside him, Zhou Ye smiled and asked, "I don't know what the word Hongchang is for my husband!"

Ren Hongchang, who had left Zhou Ye's embrace suddenly, felt a little lost in his heart, suddenly heard Zhou Ye's question, and asked curiously: "Word?? What word?"

"Uh..." Seeing Little Lolita's actions, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... Well, he forgot that the Ren family has been farming for generations, and they don't know a single word, otherwise they wouldn't have named a girl Jiajia For Hongchang...

"A name, a name should have a character!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Since Hongchang has no characters, why don't you just choose a character for Hongchang?"

According to ancient rituals, women get things like characters when they are young, and men get them when they are weak, and they are all bestowed by the elders of the family, which also means that they have reached adulthood.

However, how could Ren Xiaoluoli understand this... When she heard that Zhou Ye was going to write for herself, a happy smile appeared on her face. "Hongchang is all under the orders of my lord..."

"Hehe... How about Ren Hongchang's nickname Diaochan?" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

In fact, the name Diao Chan is the official name of the female official in charge of the mink fur hat in the Han Palace...

However, Zhou Ye didn't care about that much...Since he took Ren Hongchang away in advance, the name Diaochan would never appear in history again, so...in this way, the name that should have belonged to her, It would be a good idea to give it back to her.

"Diao Chan... Diao Chan..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Ren Hongchang murmured the words given to him by his future husband, with a happy smile on his face. "Well, Hongchang will be named Diaochan from now on..."

Seeing the smile on Little Lolita's face, Zhou Ye was happier than her...

Ren Hongchang and so on really sounded bad, but Diao Chan was nice.

Taking this as an opportunity, the two gradually warmed up...

Although most of the time, it was Zhou Ye who was talking and Xiao Diaochan was listening, but—this did not delay Xiao Diaochan's growing admiration for her husband.

No matter what it is, it seems that my husband can't be troubled...

anything since

The husband of the family can speak clearly and logically, hitting the nail on the head...

Unknowingly, nearly an hour has passed...

Everything outside is almost ready.

At this time, Xiao Diaochan's mother, Mrs. Ren Zhang walked in...

She wants to bring her daughter to the inner room first... After all, it is a matter of urgency to let Xiao Diaochan come to talk with Zhou Ye...

The wedding is about to start, Xiao Diaochan naturally can't stay here anymore, what's the matter?

Zhou Ye thought he would agree to this...

Soon, the old man Ren also came back. Food, such a thing, has never been worried about selling, especially in the recent bad years, food has long been a sought-after commodity.

Under the auspices of the old man, the wedding officially began.

In a joyous atmosphere, Xiao Diaochan, who was wearing a wedding dress and a phoenix crown, was led out of the inner house by her mother...

After handing over her daughter's hand to Zhou Ye, Xiao Diaochan immediately burst into tears...the crying was miserable. Zhou Ye who was crying couldn't bear it anymore...

He couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Is it so sad for Diao Chan to marry me?"

"No,... no... woo woo woo... Mother... woo woo... Mother said... woo woo... I have to cry... woo woo..." Xiao Diaochan explained while crying.

"Uh..." Hearing this, Zhou Ye was dumbfounded for a while...Damn it, I forgot that this was in ancient times, and crying marriages were popular in ancient times...Hey...

Chapter 1974

Chapter 1974

"One bow to heaven and earth... Two bows to high hall... Husband and wife bow to each other..."

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