The little Angelina in Zhou Ye's arms looked An Doudou up and down, and then said something to her father that made An Doudou's face full of excitement.

"Daddy, he's so ugly..."

"..." An Doudou wants to cry but has no tears...

This is something that can't be helped. You know, little Angelina usually contacts with maids and Zhou Ye's women... and the man she often contacts is her father Zhou Ye.

After getting used to seeing her father's face, little Angelina finds any man ugly...

After laughing for a while, Zhou Ye looked An Doudou up and down, and looked at his bald head, Zhou Ye frowned... "Go, gather a batch of special-effect biological hair tonic, and give your hair to Wei Wei stay..."

"Yes, master..." An Doudou did not dare to refute his master's words...

"Also, look at the sets of armor on the computer now, which one do you think is the most powerful?" Zhou Ye said, pointing to the 3D model of the semi-finished armor that the researchers are designing...

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, An Doudou's eyes immediately lit up... It seems that his master is going to take them to play again... Let him see the armor, that is to say, the world he is about to go to is a The world of cold weapons...

For them, such a world is a world of playfulness... Thinking of this, An Doudou began to seriously look at the armor model on the computer screen. , he must choose a set of armor that looks the most powerful, to support the scene for his master.

Chapter 1982

Chapter 1982

In the pendulum world where time resumes to flow again——

At this time, on the official road four or five kilometers away from Wuji County...

Perhaps it was because of the troubles caused by the Yellow Turban Thieves, even if he was above the officialdom, he was extremely depressed, and he couldn't see a single person for a long time...

However, at this moment, a huge golden portal with a width of tens of meters and a height of more than ten meters suddenly opened on the official road...

As the portal opened, rows of heavy cavalry on tall horses stepped out from the portal...

Those knights in heavy armor were all wearing blood-red heavy armor, and the horses under their crotches were more than two meters high... Even when they were marching, the horses under their crotches moved a lot. They are all as if they have been trained for a long time, so neat and uniform...

On the visors of the knights, there is an image of a ghost with fangs, and between the eyebrows of the helmet is a red and white umbrella logo.

That's right, these heavy cavalry are the Eastern Legion that Zhou Ye brought back from the main world of Marvel.

The armor style on their bodies borrowed from the appearance of the Mingguang armor, and added some armor elements from the world of Azeroth.

As a steady stream of heavy cavalry came out of the portal, the last one to walk out of the portal was a huge carriage pulled by more than 20 horses...

Sitting on the shaft of the car was a burly man with his upper body eating fruit. He had a beard that exploded like a steel wire. His face was like the bottom of a pot, his eyes were like ringed leopards, and his long black hair was loose. Behind him... holding a five or six meter long - er - whip...

Well, this guy is An Doudou who was cheated by his master.

Who told him to keep complaining about the color of the armor chosen by his master? ?

And he also said——red looks like a girl, he said that he can't wear anything.

Zhou Ye, as a broad-minded boss, will of course fulfill his wish... He doesn't need to wear armor, just go shirtless and drive the car for himself.

Moreover, in order to show his might, Zhou Ye specially ordered him to apply the hair growth agent around the scorpion, and made a face with a steel beard... Isn't this majestic enough? Cosplay Li Kui doesn't even need makeup...

As 20,000 heavy cavalrymen and the vehicle drove out of the portal, a golden light flashed...the portal disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Zhou Ye's voice came from the car... "Go to Wuji County... I'm going to marry Wuji Zhen's five sisters!!"

"Yes, master... Uh, no, it's the lord!!" An Doudou, who was driving the car, began to tease again.

As the funny words fell, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells in the carriage... "Daddy, it's so fun to tease uncle..."

"What's so interesting? He's just a douchebag!" Zhou Ye said helplessly, "An Doudou, you idiot... If you make a mistake again, I'll let you clean all the horses..."

"Yes, my lord!!" An Doudou didn't dare to say the wrong thing this time...

He knows that his own ruler can definitely do what he says...

Once in the world of Wuxin mages, those wooden crosses he made are role models...

Following Zhou Ye's order, the army galloped towards Wuji County...

It is often said that ten thousand people are boundless... and this team of 20,000 heavy cavalry stretches for several miles. The sound of galloping together is like thunder, shaking the world.

The soldiers guarding the city at the head of Wuji County saw the heavy cavalry galloping like a cloud of blood from a distance... they were so frightened that they stood there dumbfounded.

But fortunately, there are still sensible people on the top of the city... At that moment, the alarm bell rang.

The alarm bell at the top of the city rang, and the city gate was quickly locked...

Wait until Zhou Ye's army arrives in Wuji County

When I was there, I was facing a group of brave soldiers holding weapons and standing shivering on the top of the city.

When the army came to the city, a vanguard and a sergeant rode out on horseback, came to the city, and shouted loudly: "Quickly open the city gate and welcome my lord to enter the city!!"

At this moment, the county magistrate and county lieutenant of Wuji County also received the report and came to the city... Hearing the shouts of the soldiers below... The county magistrate suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted: "I don't know which general is under the city? Is there a military order from the court??"

To be honest, looking at this strange army below the city, the county magistrate and county lieutenant above the city were all timid.

You must know that in ancient times, when marching, there must be a military flag in the army...

Through the military flag, you can tell who the army belongs to and who the leading general is...

However, the incomparably mighty cavalry in front of him has neither a military flag nor a commander's flag, so it is impossible for people to tell the legion it belongs to...

Moreover, the armor worn by these cavalry is not like the standard armor of the Han army at all...

As for... the Huns? ?

The county magistrate didn't think about that...

If the Xiongnu had such good equipment, they would have sent their troops south and occupied the great rivers and mountains of the Han Dynasty. Will they still wait at the border? ?

This must be the private army of that nobleman...

After all, the Yellow Turban Army is in trouble at Julu at this time... It is not uncommon for princes from all over the country to recruit local bravery and private troops to protect themselves.


This private army is too...

How should I say it? ?

This private army is a bit too powerful, right?

Looking at the thick steel armor on his body, and looking at the tattered clothes on Bingyong beside him, the county magistrate felt that he was more like a bandit than his attire.

Moreover, according to the order of the imperial court, the number of private troops recruited from various places shall not exceed a thousand...

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