Hearing the words of the man surnamed Gan, Mrs. Gan suddenly became dumb... She knew what her husband said was true... However, the reluctance in her heart made her burst into tears.

"Mother, don't cry anymore..." At this time, Ganmei Xiaoluoli, who had been listening to the conversation in the hall, also came in, hugged her mother, and burst into tears...

While crying, he said, "Mother, my father is also doing it for the good of the family...don't blame him...if the daughter gets married, it will bring wealth and happiness to the family forever. My daughter is willing to marry... my daughter is willing to marry... woo woo woo ..."

"Don't Mr. Lang think that Mr. Lang is committing crimes?" Zhen Mi couldn't help asking in a low voice when seeing the family parting ways.

"Hehe... If I don't show up, what do you think will happen to their family?" Zhou Ye asked back.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Zhen Mi was instantly dumbfounded...

Perhaps, how many will starve to death? Maybe they will sell their sons and daughters... These are all possible situations...

In fact, Zhou Ye didn't know what happened to the Gan family in the end...Three Kingdoms didn't say...

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be much better... because even if Mrs. Gan survived in the end, she didn't mention anything about her family. Thinking about it, she should be in this famine...

That's all, that's all... Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs? ? The world is in a severe drought... how many people starve to death? Who can count it? ?

"I'm sorry, it was Mi'er who made a mistake..." Zhen Mi's little loli apologized obediently.

With this advantage, she knows her mistakes, admits her mistakes and corrects her mistakes...

After the Gan family cried for a while... In the end, Gan Mei's mother helped her pack her bags... Although she knew that maybe after her daughter entered the high school, some clothes were better than these clothes. Wearability...but, after all, it's just a thought...

When Zhou Ye came to Xiaopei, he had a loli in his arms, but when he left, he had two loli in his arms...

Chapter 2000

Chapter 2000

Although a little loli suddenly appeared in the convoy, the girls of the Zhen family did not reject her.

After all, the sisters of the Zhen family are still kind-hearted...

Even Mrs. Zhang didn't say anything...

Unlike Xiao Zhen Mi, Mrs. Zhang has seen the suffering of the people after all.

She agrees with Zhou Ye's approach very much.

You must know that once a disaster year hits, the best way out for the poor people is to enter the mansion of a wealthy family.

If nothing else, at least you can have a full meal.

This is already a rare luxury for the starving people.

In the past, the Zhen family would occasionally send servants to Julu to buy servant girls...

In this famine year, what is the least valuable thing? ? It's human life...

What is the most valuable? ?

It's food...

Where there is food, there are soldiers, and where there is food, there are territories... This is the status quo of this era.

Therefore, Mrs. Zhang didn't care too much, she just secretly complained that Zhou Ye, a bad guy, took women too fast.

Regarding this, Zhou Ye just laughed and didn't comment...

The army marches on...

Along the way, Zhou Ye's army did not cross Yinping and enter Xuzhou... but stopped outside Xuzhou city...

This also scared Tao Qian, who was Xuzhou Mu at the time...

20,000 horses are all armored heavy cavalry, so how can he provoke him in a small Xuzhou? ?

If relying on the fortified city of Xuzhou, Tao Qian still has the confidence to fight a defensive battle with Zhou Ye, but—what if such an army plays field battles? ? That's pure courting.

Although Tao Qian was vilified as cowardly and incompetent in Romance of the Three Kingdoms...how can he be easy to occupy a place in the troubled times? ?

It's not enough to have no real talent...

At this time, Tao Qian stood at the top of the city, looking down...

I saw that the 20,000 warriors under the city stood there like clay sculptures... There was no sound... He couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Whose soldiers are these, they are so elite??" Tao Qian couldn't help muttering.

Joining the army next to him said in a low voice: "The sergeants also asked about it just now. It is said that they are soldiers from the Zhou family in Jiangdu!"

Hearing this, Tao Qian couldn't help wondering, "Is it Jiangdu under the rule of Guangling?"


"I've never heard of such a powerful person there!!" Tao Qian murmured.

One must know that Guangling was also under the rule of Tao Qian... But even so, I have never heard of such a powerful person appearing in Jiangdu.

"Why did the governor forget...there is a mysterious Zhou family in Jiangdu Mansion..." Jun Jun said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Hearing the words of joining the army, Tao Qian thought about it carefully, and suddenly said: "You are talking about the famous Jiangdu..."

"Exactly..." Can Jun bowed his head in response.

"That... that's a group of vicious spirits... It seems that this is the head of the Zhou family who came back from beyond the Great Wall!!" Tao Qian couldn't help but said, "But... but why is he surrounding my city of Xuzhou?? Jiangdu When that incident happened in the Zhou family, I hadn't been the governor of Xuzhou yet!"

Thirty years ago, a major event happened in the ancestral house of the Zhou family in Jiangdu, that is, the house that Zhou Ye bought in Jiangdu.

A local official once colluded with a wealthy businessman. Hearing that the owner of this mansion has been out of customs for many years, and there are only a few maidservants left in the house, he thought

I'm going to be greedy for Zhou Ye's house...

And of course the wind patrol envoy who was in charge of guarding the place would not do it...

They killed more than 500 officials and wealthy businessmen who beat up their master's house overnight...

Then, they used their heads to set up a Jingguan at the gate of Jiangdu Mansion, and erected a stone tablet next to the Jingguan, with a line inscribed on the tablet, [Those who plot my master's mansion, punish the nine clans]...

This big case shocked the entire Xuzhou area at that time...

The big shots in Luoyang City were busy fighting for power and profit, so of course they didn't have time to pay attention to such trivial matters. However, the officials who were then Xuzhou Mu did not do it.

Kill an official? ? What is the nature of this? ? This is to rebel...

Don't say it's just plotting your house, even if you kill your whole family, you can't kill officials...

So, that night, he sent a general to lead five thousand soldiers to Jiangdu overnight, vowing to catch the thief who killed the official.

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