"Lang Jun..."

All the girls were touched one by one, wishing they could achieve good things with Zhou Ye in this tent... However, their mother, Mrs. Zhang, was still here, so they couldn't get rid of this face after all.

Although, they are well aware of the shitty things about their mother and their husband...but they don't want to reveal this kind of thing, let alone reveal it...

After finding out, with the thickness of their husband's skin, he will definitely put them together and have fun together...

By then, would they not die of shame? ?

So... It's rare to be confused, it's better to be a little confused.

Just when all the girls were happy... Suddenly, An Doudou's voice came from outside the tent, "My lord, Tao Qian, governor of Xuzhou, is visiting..."

"I see, I'll go right away!!" Zhou Ye said, apologizing to the girls, "For my husband..."

"Husband, go ahead and get busy, the important thing is..." the eldest sister Zhen Jiang said softly.

"Then I'll go and see, what is Tao Qian looking for with me..." Zhou Ye said, stepping out of the tent...


After a while, Zhou Ye came to the handsome tent...

At this time, Tao Qian has been waiting here for a long time...

Seeing Zhou Ye approaching, Tao Qian stood up and greeted him with a smile, "I've heard that Zhou Lang in Jiangdu is unparalleled in appearance, and I saw him today, and it really is so... He is really a young man, a young man!!"

"Hehe... Master Tao Qian is a man of benevolence and righteousness!!" Zhou Ye said with a chuckle and cupped his fists.

To be honest, both of them are just bragging about each other for business...

Tao Qian had just served as governor of Xuzhou not long ago, and he hadn't made any achievements yet. Where did he get his reputation? ?

And what about Zhou Ye? Even more so...

A hundred years ago, it was still possible to say that Jiangdu Zhou Lang was unparalleled in talent and appearance, but in a hundred years? ? Who knows who Zhou Ye is? ?

He hasn't shown his face in the world for hundreds of years...

Either in the underworld, in Rome, or in Egypt... Where will it show up here? ?

Of course, everyone carries the sedan chair, and it’s okay for you and me. No one will take these words seriously.

"Hehe... I don't know why Mr. Tao is here today?" Zhou Ye was not polite and asked directly.

"Hahaha... that day in the city, I was scared out of my wits by your army, Boyang!" Tao Qian was also frank, and said directly: "If it wasn't for Boyang, you would follow what you say, and you can't say it. Still changing hands..."

"Where... my cavalry is not good at attacking the city... how can I fight Xuzhou's doctrine??" Zhou Ye smiled, full of nonsense.

"Hahaha... Boyang is humble!!" Tao Qian said with a smile: "The warrior under Boyang's command that day scared me enough. With just one blow, the gate of Xuzhou City was rendered useless... Great, great!!"

"Haha, it's just a bunch of rough guys, don't worry about them!!"

"Today, I specially brought a hundred altars of fine wine and ten thousand shi of food and grass to reward the army..." Tao Qian said with a smile, "I hope Boyang will not refuse!"

"Haha...then I'll have the cheek to accept it!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Is Zhou Ye short of food? ?

He has no shortage of...

The space bracelet on each soldier's body contains food and various supplies that are enough for them to feed for a hundred years... Are they short of food? ? Are you kidding me?

However, since it was delivered to your door, it would mean offending someone if you don't...why bother? ?

Besides, Zhou Ye also understands Tao Qian's idea very well, that is to make friends with himself and be cited as an Olympic aid... Then make friends, Zhou Ye also wants to have a fight with Cao Cao occasionally, try the tiger and leopard cavalry that was blown up by later generations How will you behave when facing your own warriors?

In this way, the two chatted...

As soon as the time was delayed, it was time for lunch.

Since he came as a gift, we can't even let him go without leaving food, right? ?

Therefore, Zhou Ye invited Tao Qian to a banquet and had lunch together...

How can you eat without drinking? ?

Unceremoniously, Zhou Ye used Erguotou again to get Tao Qian drunk...

Tao Qian really came in standing up, and went back lying down...

The army had been stationed outside Xuzhou City for more than two days, and Mi Zhu also left Xuzhou City with his whole family, young and old, and thousands of servants as promised.

"My lord, please forgive me, I delayed the army's time..." Mi Zhu hurriedly apologized as soon as he saw Zhou Ye.

You know, 20,000 people are not a small amount to eat and drink... How much food is enough to eat in two days? ?

"Haha, what is Zizhong guilty of??" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "With Zizhong as a wealthy businessman, are you afraid that you won't be able to earn back those things you don't have?"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Mi Zhu was proud...

What he is most proud of in his life is his way of doing business..."Of course...as long as my lord is willing to give me some time, let alone the money and food for an army of 20,000, even if it is for an army of one million, I, Mi Zhu, can earn it too!"

"Hahaha... Well, money is something outside of us...Talent is the most important thing!" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "With you, Zizhong, I have the world's granary!!"

Chapter 2006

Chapter 2006

The 20,000-strong army, carrying dozens of carriages from the Zhen family, dozens of carriages from the Mi family, and thousands of servants, marched towards Jingzhou.

Along the way, the team stretched for several miles...

...Needless to say.

And Mi Zhu himself, riding a war horse, walked with Zhou Ye.

The two chatted from astronomy to geography, from the general trend of the world to the way of merchants...

This conversation made Mi Zhu feel astonished by his lord.

No matter what it is, Zhou Ye can tell him clearly and logically, and the analysis is clear... Even the way of businessmen, Zhou Ye can make him feel ashamed.

This made Mi Zhu secretly happy in his heart, that he had to meet the Lord of the Ming Dynasty.

"My lord, there are still some things I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice..." Mi Zhu respectfully asked.

"Haha, Zizhong is too polite, but it's okay!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"It's just..." Mi Zhu was about to speak, when suddenly a boy in commoner clothes chased him up from behind and shouted, "Master, master...it's not good!!"

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